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41 Cards in this Set

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What is Marasmus?
1. Absence of calories
2. Starvation
What is kwarshiorkor?(3)
1. Eating plenty of carbs but no protien
2. No protein means no albumin, means osmotic pressure is reversed
3. Severe edema
What is a goiter?
1. Iodine deficiency
What is xeropthalmia?
1. Vit A makes sure keratin doesn't grow on the eye
Conciousness in kwarshiorkor vs Marasmus
1. Marasmus people are totally aware of their surroundings
2. Kwarshiorkor victims are in a daze because of the NH4 breakdown to glutamate
HIV Progression(2) + stages
1. CD4 cell apoptosis
2. Leaves no TNF or other TH1 products
Stage 1 - Flu lik symptoms
Stage 2 - Progressive lymphadenopathy
Stage 3 - AIDS
Signs of Esophageal cancer
1. String sign XR
2. Lost 10% body weight in short time
1. Loass of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and appetite
Malabsorption syndromes caused by 3 main areas(3)
1. SI Dz
2. Pancreatic Dz
3. BIliary tract Dz
3 main problems in defective absorption
1. No bile salts
2. No lipase
3. Lost mucous membrane
Malabsorption syndrome(3), stops what from absorption,causes what symptoms and what vitamins involved?
EC what are the common names for the vitamins
1. ADEK, B12, iron and folate
2. No fats = no ADEK
2, Steatorrhea, weight loss
3. A = carotene
4. D = calcium
5. K = clotting ability
6. Iron, folate and B12
1. Decreased A
2. Metaplasia of the corneal cells(not cancerous)
3. Keratization of exposed cells
Vit D enzymes come from where?(4)
1. Sun gives Vit D
2. Liver gives 25-OHase
3. Kidney gives 1-OHase
4. All needed for Ca absorption in ileum
1. Problem with protein formation, not mineralization
2. Type 1 collagen is not synthesized to repair the natural turnover
3. Bones become porous
Osteomalcia(4) symptoms and causes, and EC what is elevated?
1. No Mineralization of Type 1 collagen is laid
3. Bone is soft
4. Caused by decreased Vit D or malabsorption
5. Increased PTH and decreased serum Phosphate are found
Actions of 1-25OH D(2)(activated Vit D), what absorption and what hormonal effects?
1. Increase Ca and P absorption from DuoD and JJ
2. Decrease PTH
Extra credit; Excess is seen in sarcoidosis
Vitamin D deficient at epiphyseal plate(4)
1. No mineralization
2. Type 1(cartilage) still laid down
3. Overgrowth at costochondral junction
4. Bowed legs and pointy ribs
Looser's Lines(2)
1. Look like stress fractures
2. typical of Vit D deficiency
Inflammatory Bowel Dz(2)decreases what vitamins and what structure?
1. Decrease in ADEK
2. Decrease bone mass and density
Brown tumor(3)
1. Osteoclast Overactivity
2. Hyper PTH
3. Fibrous tissue, woven bone, vasculature, no matrix
1. B3 deficient
2. 3D's = Diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia
Thiamine Deficiency(B1)
1. Neurodegeneration(Wernike-korsakoff)
2. High output CHF
Celiac Dz General(2)
1. Commonly misdiagnosed
2. Child form more severe
Celiac Sprue(4)
1. Antigliadin antibodies
2. Steatorrhea and blunting of intestinal villi
3. Malabsorption in JJ
Extra credit (Dermatitis herpatiformis and T-cell lymphoma associated)
Homology of antibodies(3)
1. The body makes one viral antibody
2. Structure of that viral antibody is similar to another benign structure
3. New antibody now recognizes that structure as foreign
How to test for Celiac Dz(3) the 3 antibodies?
1. IgA antigliadin
2. IgA antiendomysial
3. IgG transglutaminase
Diagnose Celiac Dz(3)
1. Check mucosal abnormalities
2. Check for antibodies
3. Antibodies must go away after one month of Gluten free diet
Classic Pediatric Celiac Dz have characteristic symptoms at what age?(4)
1. 2yrs
2. Abdominal Distension
3. Chronic diarrhea
4. Impaired growth

Chronic Pooping Combined with ab Distension in 2yr olds
Classic Adult Celiac(4)
1.Unexplainable Fe deficient, or macrocytic Anemia
2. Chronic Diarrhea
3. Dermatitis herpetiformis
4. Osteopenia
1. Lots of gas
Xylose test(2)
1. Checks for malabsorption in the small intestine
2. Xylose should be absorped into the intestinal lumen blood and excreted in the urine
Schilling absorption test(3), which vitamin and what is it testing for?
1. Radioactive B12
2. Goes to the urine
3. No absorption means no Intrinsic factor(necessary for B12 absorption)
CF mechanism(4)
1. Delta F508 mutation of x7 CFTR
2. Cl excreted with sweat
3. Cl retained in duct cells, not secreted
4. Thick dry mucous obstructs ducts and airways
Classic CF(5)
1. Airway infection(pseudomonas) with decreased FEV1 ...like emphysema
2. Hepatobiliary Dz
3. Meconium Ileus at birth
4. Increased chloride in sweat
5. Obstructive azoospermia
Whipple's Dz(4)
1. Topheyma Whippeli
2. PAS + macrophages in intestine
3. Inflammation causes malabsorption
4. Arthralgia, Cardiac, and neurologic symptoms
Mesenteric Vascular occlusion(2), presents with and caused by what?
1. Extreme pain with minimal symptoms
2. Caused by emboli, acute
Polyarteritis Nodosa(3)
1. Necrotizing immune complex
2. Inflammation of medium sized arteries (renal and visceral)
4. Hepatitis B linkage
Acute Pancreatitis(4 + test)
1. Gall Stones or Alcohol
2. A binge will Increase Enzymatic output
3. Obstruction causes pressure build up and rupture
4. Enzymatic Fat necrosis and Shock
5. Test Serum Amylase
Chronic Pancreatitis(3), causes, what the patients presents like, and symptoms?
1. Chronic Alcohol or Calculi in ducts
3. stabbing pains
4. Hyperglycemia, Asciites(exudate), Anemia
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis(4+test), who gets it, what do they look like, causes what and test for two things?
1. Autoimmune in older women
2. No jaundice
3. Puritis(itchy skin)
4. Destruction of small bile ducts within liver, damages the tissue = cirrhosis
5. Test increased Alkaline phosphatase(bone Dz) and (GGT)
No bile flow from the liver to the duodenum