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15 Cards in this Set

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Aptly - apt - aptness / Sy; appropriately

Having a tendency to do something

It was an aptly timed remark. Emotional problems are apt to damage personal relationships.

Demonstration -demonstrate - demonstrably - demonstrative - demonstrable /Sy; display

Show or exhibit

The demonstration clarified the procedure for everyone. The lawyer was demonstrative in making his impassioned plea before the jury.

Ingredients/ Sy; elements

Thing s combined to make something; the contents of something

The Ingredients of the product are kept secret. Good style, punctuation and grammar are important ingredients of a good essay.

Involuntarily - involuntary/ Sy; automatically

In an unthinking manner ; not chosen

He involuntarily agreed to work overtime. Reflexes are involuntary reactions to external stimuli.

Marvel - marvelously - marvelous / Sy; wonder

Something that surprises or impresses

The Great Wall of chine is one of the world's marvels. The weather was marvelous for an afternoon get-together in the park.

Measurable - measurably - measure - measurement / Sy; assessable

Able to determine how much or how many

Some personal characteristics , such as good teaching, are hardly measurable. A yardstick is used to measure the lengths up to three feet.

Moderate - moderately - moderate V - moderation

Not too much, not too little

* to reduce V

She made the best of her moderate dancing ability. The Broadway play was moderately successful.

Odd - oddly - oddity / Sy; strange


It is odd to find a person who speaks many languages. The moon rock is an oddity available at the museum for all to view.

Reflection - reflected - reflect / St; image

A picture or element cast back

His bright smile was a reflection of his satisfaction. In order to perceive something visually, light must be reflected from the objects surface.

Supposedly - supposed - suppose - supposition/ Sy; presumably

According to reports or hearsay; widely believed or accepted

The new train can supposedly reach speeds of 150 miles per hour. The stockbrokers supposition is that the economy will improve.

Sustained - sustain - sustenance/ Sy; consistent

Continuing in a constant way; remaining strong

Sustained rainfall is the only hope they have for relief from drought. The trees could not sustain the attack of the locusts.

Symbols- symbolically- symbolic- symbolize / Sy; marks

A sign or object that represents something or somebody marks

The strange symbols found that in Egyptian tombs have intrigued historians for centuries. I think this painting symbolize la the universal themes of humanity

Synthesis N- synthetically - synthetic Adj - synthesize / Sy; combination

The mixing of separate things to form a whole

The language of $$ is a synthesis of the Dutch and native America languages. Vitamins are synthetically produced.

Tangible - tangibly - tangibility / Sy; concrete

Real ; that which can be felt

The work of a teacher seldom produces tangible results until years after a student has graduated. The solution to this problem can be tangibly demonstrated.

Tightly - tight - tighten - tightness / Sy; firmly

Being fixed in place; close ; leaving no freedom

The shirt fits too tightly. The government is tightening the regulations on the use of seat belt.