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96 Cards in this Set

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in patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries, ... can assess for urinary retention and prevent acute bladder distension and damage
urinary catheter placement
... is acomplication of neuropathy and repeated joint trauma; affects weight bearing joints and manifests with functional limitation, and degenerative joint disease and loose bodies on joint imaging
neurogenic arthropathy (Charcot joint)
... has been shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of patients with measles
Vit A
Leukopenia nd thrombocytopenia can be seen with ... infection
.... is grequently associated with other psychotic illnesses,including agoraphobia, major depression, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse. It is also linked to a higher rate of suicide attempts or suicidal ideations
panic disorder
... involves recurrent and unexpected panic attacks; a panic attack involves a rush of intense fear or discomfort that peaks within minutes accompanied >=4 cognitive or physical symptoms
panic disorder
immediate trt of panic disorder
long-term trt for panic disorder
SSRI; SNRI; cognitive behavioral trt
women should generally be advised to avoid live vaccines immediately before and during ...
aare HPV, MMR. Varicella, Smallpox, live attenuated intranasal influenza vacine recomended during pregnancy?
a tea and toast type of diet is associated with .... deficiency
folic acid
... is typically found in foods like fresh green leafy vegetables and liver
strict vegeterians may become dificient in vit ...
perifollicular hemorrhage, swollen gums, and poorwound healing
scurvy (vit C deficiency)
vit ... deficiency can cause RBC fragility, hyporeflexia, muscle weakness and blindness
trt for WPW associated atrial fibrilation with rapid ventricular rate
cardioversion/procainamide(1A AA)
... is the earliest renal abnormality seen in diabetic nephropathy
glomerular hyperfiltration
major pathophysiologic mechanism of glomerular injury in patients with diabetes
glomerular hyperinflation
.... is the first change that can be quantitated in diabetic patients
thickening of the glomerular basement membrane
.... presents early on with hepatosplenomegaly, cutaneous lesions, jaundice, anemia, and rhinorrhea; metaphyseal dystrophy and periostitis may be seen on radiography
congenital syphilis
the initial screening for syphilis
nontreponemal test: venereal disease research lab(VDRL) test, rapid plasma reagin test(RPR), enzyme immunoassay test(EIA)
confirmatory tests for syphilis
fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbtion(FTA-ABS) test; treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay(TPPA)
trt for syphilis
IM penicillin G
major cinical findings of .... include hepatosplenomegaly, hydrocephalus, shorioretinitis, and intracranial calcifications
congenital toxoplasmosis
... presents with sonsorineural hearing loss, cataracts, heart defects, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly, and thrombocytic purpura
congenital rubella
.... is characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae or purpura, microcephaly, chorioretinitis, sensorineural hearing loss and periventricular calcifications
ongenital CMV
every case of leukocoria is considered a ..., until proven otherwise;
most common intraocular tumor of childhood
underlying pathology of ... involves inactivation of the Rb supressor gene, which may be familial or sporadic
initial trt for strabismusin children
covering the normaleye
AR condition characterized by an excessive number of trinucleotide repeat sequneces, resulting in an abnormality of a tocopherol transfer potein
friedreich ataxia
differential for .... on EKG: MI, myocarditis, old pericarditis, myocardial contusion and digoxin tox
t-wave inversion
ability to copy a triangle develops after the age of ...
5 years
ability to copy a cross or circle develops after the age of ...
3 years
ability to copy a diamond develops after the age of ...
6 years
ability to copy a square or rectangle develops after the age of ...
4 years
the presence of succussion splash can indicate ...
gastric outlet obstruction
.. is a clinical syndrome of hemolytic anemia, thrombosytopenia, and acue ranl failure
hemolytic-uremic syndrome
.... is most often caused by Shiga-toin-mediated endothelial cell damge, after infection with E. coli O157:H7or Shigella
hemolytic-uremic syndrome
... characterized by low to noraml IQ with learning disabilities, generalized language disability, sort attention span, autism, large head, prominent jaw, large low set ears and mocroorchdism
fragile X syndrome
... results from a full mutation in the FMR1 gene caused by an increased number of CGG trinucleotide repeats accompanied by aberrant methylation of the FMR1 gene
fragile X syndrome
... is characterized by mild to moderate mental retardation, hypo-plastic mailla, long philtrum and microcephaly
fetal alcohol syndrome
the typical patient with ... is a male infant with recurrent pneumonia and otitis media after 6 to 9 months of age; level of all the serum Igs and circulating B-cells are decreased
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
... characterized by a defect in tyrosine kinase in B cells
Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
the typical patient with .... is a neonate with hypocalciemic seizures
DiGeorge syndrome
defect in the development of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches; leading to hypoplastic or aplastic thymus and aprathyroid glands
DiGeorge syndrome
the greatest risk factor for future suicide attempts is a past history of ...
suicide attempts
... is a glutamate inhibitor that is currently approved for use in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
... cholinesterase inhibitor that is used to improve cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer's d.
hard and radioopaque kidney stones; hexagonal crystals
qualitive screening test for cystinuria
urinary cyanide nitroprusside test
most common leukemia in children
>25% lymphoblasts on bone marrow biopsy
incresed beta-hCG and inhibin A and decreased maternal serum alpha-detoprotein and estriol us suggestive of ...
Down syndrome
normal inhibinA level and low MSAFP, estriol, and beta-hCG
trisomy 18
elevated MSAFP; normal beta-hCG, estriol, inhibin A
open neural tube defects; abdominal wall defects
peritoneum-covered sac at the umbilicus
paraumbilical evsceration with no covering membrane
decreased strength and diminished pain and temperature sensation affecting the arms/hands or having a cape-like disribution, with preservation of dorsal column function(light touch, vibration, position sense)
painful knee; age>50; bony enlargement; bony tenderness; lack of warmth/morning stifness
hypertension; impaired fasting glucose; dyslipidemia
metabolic syndrome
... is recomended in patients with acute ischemic stroke if it can be initiated within 3-4.5 hous of symptom onset
IV recombinant tissue plasminogen activator(alteplase)
... has been shown to improve outcome in the management of subarachnoid hemorrhage
.... and ... are the recomended trt options for stress incontinence
pelvic muscle exercises; urethropexy
loss of small amounts of urine with increased intra-abdominal pressure, as occurs with laughin, coughing, or sneezing
stress incontinence
trt of urge incontinence
detrusor hyperactivity; sudden urge to urinate that may ocur at any time
urge incontinence
... and ... are used in the management of overflow incontinence
bethanechol and alpa-blockers
subcutaneous neurofibromas; hyperpigmented cafe-au-lait spots;deafness; bilateral acoustic neuromas
neurofibromatosis tpe 2
loop diuretics can cause reversible or permanent ....
hearing loss
epigastric pain and + Murphy's sign
acute cholecystitis
pain with palpation of the gallbladder fossa beneath the liver edge during inspiration
Murphy's sign
erythematous eruption that rapidly evolves into exfoliation of the skin; involves less than 10% of the body area
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
erythematous eruption that rapidly evolves into exfoliation of the skin; involves more than 30% of the body area
toxic epidermal necrolisis
warm and tender skin with a sandpaper-loke, diffuse erythematous rash; bullae; pos. Nikolsky's sign; facial edema; perioral crustng; dehydration
staph. scaled skin syndrome
.... overdose leads to drwosiness, confusion, dry mouth, dilated pupils, blurred vision, reduced bowel sounds, urinary retention
trt for salicylate intoxication
sodium bicarbonate (alkalinization of the urine)
... branch of .... nerve controls corneal sensation
ophtalmic branch of trigeminal n.
... responsible for taste in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
facial nerve
abrupt cessation of .... is associated with significant withdrawal symptoms such as generalized seizures and confusion
... is an anticonvulsant used in trt of bipolar disroder
quetiapine -?
atypical antipsychotic
HLA-B27 associated spondylarthropathy
ankylosing spondylitis
trt and prophylaxis of AA amyloidosis
flank pain; renal failure; hypertension; large palpable kidneys
polycystic kidney syndrome
elevated jugular venous pressure; right ventricular 3rd heart sound; tricuspid regurgitation murmur; hepatomegaly with pulsatile liver; lower-extremity edema, ascites, pleural effusions
RV failure
p-ANCA(+); bloody diarrhea; lower abdominal pain; tenesmus; erythema nodosum; pyoderma gangrenisum; episcleritis; arthritis' cholangitis
ulcerative colitis
chronic malabsorptive diarrhea; weight loss; migratory non-deforming arthritis; lymphadenopathy; low-grade fever
whipple disease
anti-endomysial and anti-translutaminase antibodies; dermatitis herpetiformis
celiac disease; celiac sprue
anovulation/oligo-ovulation;androgen excess; ovarian cysts
fllowing ovulation, ... is produced in increased amount by the cirpus luteum
muddy brown granular casts -?
acute tubular necrosis
RBC casts -?
WBC casts -?
interstitial nephritis/pyelonephritis
fatty casts-?
nephrotic syndrome
broad and waxy casts-?
chronic renal failure