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15 Cards in this Set

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Chaotic - chaos / Sy; disorganized

Being in complete disorder and confusion

The traffic in Riyadh is often chaotic. There was complete chaos when the world champions arrived at the airport

Characteristic - characteristically. - characterize - characteristic - characterization / Sy; typical

An easily recognized quality of something

The markings on the butterfly are characteristic of the monarch butterfly. I would characterize his as a diligent professional.

Controversial - controversy - controversially / Sy; debatable

Something that causes disagreement or arguments

The governor made a controversial decision to raise taxes. The controversy was caused by the proposal to build an airport in the area.

Exemplify - exemplary/ Sy; symbolize

To give an example

The recent downturn in the housing industry exemplifies the poor economic conditions. Her exemplary academic achievement is representative of most students at this institution.

Gratifying- gratefully - grateful - gratify - gratification - gratefulness / Sy; satisfying

Giving pleasure or a feeling of accomplishment; showing thanks

Studying abroad can be a very gratifying experience. She was grateful for all the work he had done for me.

Interpret - interpreter - interpretation- interpreting \ Sy; clearify

To understand the meaning of something

The ambiguous speech was difficult to interpret. Their interpretation of the story generated some interesting discussions.

Lunch - lunch - lunching /Sy; initiate

to cause something to begin

The company launched a new program to attract more client. The lunching of the first soviet satellite, created concern among the American public.

Legitimate - legitimately - legitimacy/ Sy; authentic

Reasonable ; lawful

The engineer had a legitimate reason for changing the design of the building. The legitimacy of the theory has yet to be determined.

Particular- particularly / Sy; specific

A certain way or thing ; unusual; hard to please

The speaker has a particular way of persuading his audience. That group of worker is particularly difficult to satisfy.

Radiant - radiantly - radiance - radiation - radiator / Sy; bright

Sending out in all directions, specially heat or light

The actor's radiant captivate the audience. The radiance of the fire prevented the firefighters from entering he house.

Ridge - / Sy; crest

The top of mountain range; a raised part of any surface

A bald eagle stood on the ridge of the tall office building. The mountain ridge was heavily forested.

Span - Span / Sy; cover

The length of time or distance from one limit to the other ; to cross

The old man'S life spanned two centuries. The span of the bridge is three miles.

Spontaneous- spontaneously - spontaneity/ Sy; instinctive

Unplanned / uncontrolled

The spontaneous combustion inside the cylinder creates the power of motor. The crowed reacted spontaneously to the danger.

Stream - stream / Sy; river

A natural flow of something: a pouring out

There was a constant stream of information coming from the White House. Water steamed from the dam as workers attempted to make the repairs.

Striking- stinkingly / Sy; remarkable

Drawing special attention to

His striking proposal saved the company from bankruptcy. That was a strikingly convincing argument that the speaker delivered.