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24 Cards in this Set

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Where did early Russian civilization begin?
It's now in the Ukraine.
What is the name for the Viking groups that settled and mingled with the Russian Slavs?
Sounds like Star Trek Farengis
What Prince adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantines?
Prince Vladimir.
Prince Vladimir's grandmother and regent of Kiev, who converted to Christianity in Constantinople.
The alphabet of Russia, based on Greek letters designed by Orthodox monks Cyril and Methodius.
Shapes of the tops of Russian cathedrals like St. Sophia's
Onion domes.
Name for the Orthodox Church's split with the Catholic Church in 1054.
the Schism.
arguments over images and icons, the pope's authority, etc. led to this.
Who wrote down Kievan Rus' first laws?
Yaroslav the Wise.
This group, known as the Tatars or Golden Horde, destroyed Kiev Rus and ruled Russians as part of their huge Asian Empire.
The Mongols.
Gehghis Khan was one.
The Russian Orthodox Church reestablished their church's power in this Russian city where the princes rose after the destruction of Kiev.
This leader annexed Novgorod and extended Russian territory northward.
Ivan the Great.
This leader was known for his cruelty, annexation of Siberia, enslaving of peasants and use of oprichnina to terrorize his people.
Ivan the Terrible.
Killed his own son.
Ivan the Terrible confiscated the lands of these nobles.
Who are the boyars?
Chef Boy R Dee
The council consulted in times of trouble.
Zemskii Sobor.
The Zemskii Sobor elects him as the first Romonov czar.
Michael Romanov (1613-1645)
This man created a modern Russian army and navy, brought back experts from the West, and subjugated the Church and those who opposed him. He built a city with access to the Baltic Sea after war with Sweden.
Czar Peter the Great.
This German born czarina was a reader of Enlightenment works. She wrote to some of the greatest minds in Western Europe, including Voltaire. She expanded Russian territory southward to the Black Sea.
Catherine the Great.
She tried to westernize but was too autocratic.
This Czar began as a liberal but ended autocratically.
Alexander I.
19th century.
This czar behaved autocratically and despotically and crushed the Decembrist Revolution of 1825.
Nicholas I.
This czar abolished serfdom but failed to grant them any serious rights. He was assassinated by extremists.
1855-1881 Alexander II.
This czar was harsh after his father's assassination but led early industrial and capitalist enterprises. (1881-94)
Alexander III
He lived away from St. Petersburg in a fortress like home for he feared assassination.
The last czar was a good family man, but ruled autocratically, reversing reforms he granted in 1905 and 1917. He led Russia into World War I. He was executed with his family in 1918.
Nicholas II.
Overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
The meaning of "Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationalism", the Romanov motto.
Orthodoxy: czar is head of church and state.
Autocracy: czar is an absolute monarch.
Nationalism: repress minorities, promote Russian culture, language, traditions.
The word for persecution of the Jews living in Russia in the 1880s.
sounds like programs and is anti-semitic. why many Russian Jews moved to America.