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10 Cards in this Set

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Common fibular nerve wraps around what structure, making it vulnerable to injury
the head of the fibula
The lateral compartment of the leg receives its blood supply from the perforating branches of the ___ proximally, and by perforating branches of the ___ distally.
Fibular a. branches from the tibial a.
-posterior tibial artery
-fibular (peroneal) artery
Common Fibular Nerve Injury:
Injury to the common fibular nerve causes ___. There is an inability to ___and ___ the foot

It is the most common nerve injury of the lower limb

Causes ___ drag in the affected limb
To compensate for this, the person may
*flex hip and knee joint greater than normal while walking “steppage gait” (bc cannot dorsiflex)
“Waddling gait”
Circumduction gait “swing out gait”
-foot drop
strongest dorsiflexor and inverter of the foot
tibialis anterior
-anterior compartment
-deep fibular n.
-superficial fibular n.
-tibial n.
The 3 muscles that attach to the posterior surface of the calcaneus via the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon and they plantar flex the foot at the ankle.
Gastrocneimeus (lat and medial), soleus & plantaris
Muscle whose most important action is to "unlock" the knee
popliteus m.
the order of structures passing into the foot from anterior to posterior
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
Posterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial vein
Tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis longus
Atherosclerotic disease of the leg:
Arterial occlusive disease caused by atherosclerosis can cause ___ pain in the calves during exertion (walking and running)
This pain is relieved by ___ and is termed ___
-aching and cramping
-*intermittent claudication
Varicose veins:
___ can lead to varicose veins
They put more pressure on distal valves and can cause them to fail. This leads to the superficial veins becoming ___
This condition is more common in ___ and is often made worse during __
-Incompetent valves
-dilated and tortuous
-women than men