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250 Cards in this Set

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001. あいます/あう[会う/合う/遭う]
to meet (someone) / to match, to fit, to meet / to be right, to be correct / to meet with (an accident), to be involved (in accident)
002. あがります/あがる[上がる]
to go up, to rise / to enter (a house) / to get nervous
003. あきます/あきる[飽きる]
to be tired of, to be fed up with
004. あきます/あく[開く/空く]
to open / to become empty, to be vacant / to be free
005. あけます/あける[開ける/空ける]
to open / to empty
006. あげます/あげる[あげる/上げる/挙げる]
to give, to present / to raise, to increase / to lift up, to bring up, to raise / to list, to mention, to raise
007. あずけます/あずける[預ける]
to leave thing under someone's care / to deposit
008. あそびます/あそぶ[遊ぶ]
to play, to spend one's time pleasurably, to enjoy
009. あたためます/あたためる[温める/暖める]
to warm up, to heat up
010. あたります/あたる[当たる]
to hit on, to shine on / to guess right, to prove right / to win a prize
011. あつまります/あつまる[集まる]
to get together, to gather, to assemble, to collect
012. あつめます/あつめる[集める]
to collect, to gather, to call, to recruit
013. あびます/あびる[浴びる]
to take a shower, to bathe / to bask / to expose oneself to criticism or praise, to be subjected to
014. あやまります/あやまる[謝る/誤る]
to apologize / to make a mistake, to fail, to be wrong
015. あらいます/あらう[洗う]
to wash
016. あります/ある[ある(在る)/ある(有る)/ある(在る)]
to be (at, in, on), to exist / to have, to own / to be held
017. あるきます/あるく[歩く]
to walk
018. いいます/いう[言う]
to say, to tell
019. いきます/いく[行く]
to go
020. いそぎます/いそぐ[急ぐ]
to hurry, to be in a hurry, to rush
021. います/いる[いる(居る)]
to be (at, in, on), to stay (used for animate things) / to have (animate things)
022. いります/いる[要る]
to need
023. いれます/いれる[入れる]
to put in, to pour in / to include, to add / to switch on / to make a drink, to serve a drink
024. うけます/うける[受ける]
to take (test, exam, checkup, lesson) / to suffer, to be damaged / to receive, to catch, to accept, to undertake
025. うごかします/うごかす[動かす]
to move, to shift / to start (a machine), to operate, to work, to run
026. うごきます/うごく[動く]
to move, to shift / to operate, to function, to work, to run
027. うたいます/うたう[歌う]
to sing (a song)
028. うつします/うつす[移す/映す/写す]
to move to, to transfer to, to shift to, to transplant / to reflect, to project on / to copy, to take a picture
029. うつります/うつる[移る/映る/写る]
to move to a place, to shift, to transfer to / to be reflected, to get good reception (on the TV) / to be copied, to be in a picture
030. うまれます/うまれる[生まれる]
to be born / to have a baby, to give birth / to arise from, to result from, to germinate
031. うります/うる[売る]
to sell
032. うれます/うれる[売れる]
to sell well, be in demand, be salable
033. えらびます/えらぶ[選ぶ]
to choose, to select, to elect
034. おきます/おきる[起きる]
to wake up, to get up / to occur, to happen, to take place, to break out
035. おきます/おく[置く]
to put, to place, to leave
036. おくります/おくる[送る/贈る/送る]
to send / to give a gift, to present / to see (somebody) off, to send (somebody) off
037. おくれます/おくれる[遅れる/後れる]
to be late for / to be delayed, to be overdue / to be behind
038. おこします/おこす[起こす]
to cause / to raise, to stand / to wake up
039. おこります/おこる[怒る/起る]
to get angry / to occur, to happen, to take place, to break out
040. おしえます/おしえる[教える]
to teach / to tell, to inform, to let somebody know
041. おします/おす[押す]
to push, to press, to stamp
042. おちます/おちる[落ちる]
to fall, to drop / to fail (an exam) / to come off, to come out of, to wash off
043. おとします/おとす[落とす]
to drop, to lower / to lose / to take away, to remove (dust, dirt)
044. おどります/おどる[踊る]
to dance
045. おどろきます/おどろく[驚く]
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be shocked
046. おぼえます/おぼえる[覚える]
to memorize, to remember / to learn, to master
047. おもいだします/おもいだす[思い出す]
to remember, to bring back to memory
048. おもいます/おもう[思う]
to think, to guess, to believe
049. およぎます/およぐ[泳ぐ]
to swim
050. おります/おりる[下りる/降りる]
to come down, to go down / to get off, to leave
051. おわります/おわる[終わる]
to end, to finish, to be over
052. かいます/かう[買う/飼う]
to buy / to keep pets, to raise (animals)
053. かえします/かえす[返す]
to return something, to give back
054. かえます/かえる[変える/替える/換える/代える]
to change, to exchange, to replace
055. かえります/かえる[帰る]
to return, to go back, to go home
056. かかります/かかる[掛かる(かかる)/掛かる]
to take time, to cost / to hang
057. かきます/かく[書く/かく(書く・描く)]
to write / to draw, to paint
058. かけます/かける[掛ける/掛ける(かける)]
to hang, to cover / to pour on, to sprinkle on / to sit down, to take a seat / to multiply / to telephone / to lock / to spend (money or time) / to wear (glasses) / to start (engine)
059. かします/かす[貸す]
to lend, to rent to, to let someone use something / to give a helping hand
060. かぞえます/かぞえる[数える]
to count
061. かたづけます/かたづける[片付ける]
to put in order, to tidy up, to put away / to finish work
062. かちます/かつ[勝つ]
to win
063. かよいます/かよう[通う]
to commute, to go often, to attend (school, class)
064. かります/かりる[借りる]
to borrow / to rent from, to take out a loan
065. かわかします/かわかす[乾かす]
to dry
066. かわきます/かわく[乾く/渇く]
to be dry / to be thirsty
067. かわります/かわる[変わる/替わる/換わる/代わる]
to change, to vary, to turn into, to replace
068. かんがえます/かんがえる[考える]
to think, to consider
069. がんばります/がんばる[がんばる(頑張る)]
to hold out, to do one's best, to put up
070. きえます/きえる[消える]
to go out, to go off / to disappear, to vanish
071. ききます/きく[聴く(聞く)/聞く/効く(利く)]
to listen, to hear / to ask, to inquire / to be effective, to have an effect
072. きこえます/きこえる[聞こえる]
to be audible, can hear
073. きます/きる[着る]
to wear, to put on
074. きます/くる[来る]
to come / to arrive, to receive
075. きまります/きまる[決まる]
to be decided, to be settled, to be fixed
076. きめます/きめる[決める]
to decide, to make up one's mind, to settle on / to choose
077. きります/きる[切る]
to cut / to hang up (a phone), to switch off
078. きれます/きれる[切れる]
to come apart, to break, to be disconnected / to run out, to be out of stock / to expire / to be sharp, to cut well
079. くもります/くもる[曇る]
to become cloudy, to be gloomy / to get misted, to get fogged
080. くらべます/くらべる[比べる]
to compare
081. くれます/くれる[くれる]
to give (something to the speaker)
082. けします/けす[消す]
to switch off, to turn off / to erase / to extinguish
083. こえます/こえる[越える/超える]
to pass, to cross, to go over / to exceed, to be over
084. こたえます/こたえる[答える/応える]
to answer, to reply, to respond / to repay, to reward
085. ことわります/ことわる[断る]
to refuse, to decline, to turn down, to reject
086. こまります/こまる[困る]
to be in trouble, to be embarrassed
087. こみます/こむ[込む]
to be crowded
088. ころします/ころす[殺す]
to kill, to murder
089. ころびます/ころぶ[転ぶ]
to fall down, to tumble down
090. こわします/こわす[壊す]
to break, to destroy, to tear down
091. こわれます/こわれる[壊れる]
to break, to be damaged, to be out of order
092. さがします/さがす[探す/捜す]
to look for, to search
093. さがります/さがる[下がる]
to fall, to drop, to go down, to lower / to step back / to hang down
094. さきます/さく[咲く]
to bloom
095. さげます/さげる[下げる]
to lower, to bring down / to hang
096. さそいます/さそう[誘う]
to invite, to ask someone to do
097. しかります/しかる[しかる(叱る)]
to scold
098. しにます/しぬ[死ぬ]
to die
099. しまいます/しまう[しまう]
to put away, to put back, to store
100. します/する[する]
to do, to play / to make, to turn, to convert, to change / to cost, to be worth
101. しまります/しまる[閉まる]
to close, to shut
102. しめます/しめる[閉める/締める/絞める]
to close, to shut / to tighten, to fasten, to tie / to strangle, to wring (a neck)
103. しらせます/しらせる[知らせる]
to inform, to let somebody know, to notice, to tell
104. しらべます/しらべる[調べる]
to check up, to find out, to look over, to examine
105. しります/しる[知る]
to know
106. しんじます/しんじる[信じる]
to believe, to trust
107. すいます/すう[吸う]
to smoke / to breathe, to inhale, to suck
108. すぎます/すぎる[過ぎる]
to pass, to exceed, to expire / to be too much, to be too many, to be over
109. すきます/すく[すく]
to become less crowded, to be vacant / to be hungry
110. すすめます/すすめる[薦める/勧める/進める]
to recommend / to recommend, to advise / to put forward, to carry on
111. すてます/すてる[捨てる]
to throw away, to dump
112. すみます/すむ[住む/済む]
to live, to reside / to end, to be over
113. すわります/すわる[座る]
to sit down, to have a seat
114. たおします/たおす[倒す]
to knock down, to cut down, to blow down / to defeat, to beat
115. たおれます/たおれる[倒れる]
to fall down, to collapse, to break down
116. たしかめます/たしかめる[確かめる]
to make sure, to confirm
117. だします/だす[出す]
to take out, to put out / to send, to mail / to submit, to present, to release, to publish, to serve
118. たすかります/たすかる[助かる]
to be saved, to be rescued / to be helpful
119. たすけます/たすける[助ける]
to save, to rescue / to help, to assist, to support
120. たちます/たつ[立つ/建つ/経つ]
to stand / to be built / to pass
121. たてます/たてる[立てる/建てる]
to stand, to raise, to put up / to make a plan / to make a noise / to build
122. たのみます/たのむ[頼む]
to ask someone to do, to request / to order
123. たべます/たべる[食べる]
to eat
124. たまります/たまる[たまる(溜まる)/たまる]
to be accumulated, to be piled up, to be collected / to be saved, to be collected
125. たります/たりる[足りる]
to be enough, to be sufficient
126. ちがいます/ちがう[違う]
to be different, to differ / to be wrong
127. つかいます/つかう[使う]
to use / to spend, to consume
128. つかまります/つかまる[捕まる/つかまる]
to be caught, to be arrested / to hold to, to hang on
129. つかれます/つかれる[疲れる]
to be tired
130. つきます/つく[着く/付く/つく]
to arrive / to be included, to be installed, to stick / to be lighted, to be switched on
131. つくります/つくる[作る(造る)/作る]
to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build / to cultivate, to raise / to cook
132. つけます/つける[つける/付ける]
to turn on, to switch on / to ignite, to fire, to light / to put, to attach, to add, to install
133. つたえます/つたえる[伝える]
to tell, to report, to let somebody know
134. つづきます/つづく[続く]
to continue, to last, to keep on / to continue, to lead
135. つづけます/つづける[続ける]
to continue, to go on, to proceed
136. つつみます/つつむ[包む]
to wrap, to pack, to envelop
137. つとめます/つとめる[勤める]
to work for, to be employed
138. つなぎます/つなぐ[つなぐ(繋ぐ)]
to fasten, to tie, to chain, to moor / to connect, to link, to join, to plug into
139. つれていきます/つれていく[連れて行く]
to take somebody, to take someone along
140. でかけます/でかける[出かける]
to go out
141. できます/できる[できる(出来る)]
can, to be able to do, to be skillful / to be completed, to be ready / to be built up, to newly open / to be made of
142. てつだいます/てつだう[手伝う]
to help, to assist
143. でます/でる[出る]
to go out, come out, to appear, to be served, to be brought / to attend, to take part in / to leave, to depart
144. とおります/とおる[通る]
to take a road, to pass through, to pass by, to walk over / to pass, to be approved
145. とけます/とける[溶ける/解ける]
to melt, to thaw / to be solved
146. とどきます/とどく[届く]
to arrive, to be delivered / to reach
147. とどけます/とどける[届ける]
to deliver
148. とびます/とぶ[飛ぶ/跳ぶ]
to fly / to jump
149. とまります/とまる[止まる/泊まる]
to stop, to park / to stay (at hotel, inn), lodge
150. とめます/とめる[止める/泊める/留める]
to stop, to turn off, to switch off / to park / to lodge (someone), to put (someone) up, to anchor / to fasten, to attach to
151. とります/とる[取る/捕る・採る/撮る/とる(取る・盗る)]
to take, to get, to pick up, to hold / to take off, to remove / to catch, to pick / to take a picture / to steal, to snatch, to rob
152. とれます/とれる[取れる/捕れる・採れる]
to come off, to be taken off, to be removed / to be produced, to be yielded, to be caught
153. なおします/なおす[直す/治す]
to repair, to fix, to correct / to cure, to heal
154. なおります/なおる[直る/治す]
to be repaired, to be fixed, to be corrected / to get well, to be cured, to be healed
155. なきます/なく[泣く/鳴く]
to cry, to weep / to bark, to roar, to mew, to sing, etc.
156. なくします/なくす[なくす(無くす)/亡くす]
to lose (a thing) / to eliminate, to remove, to get rid of / to lose (a person), to bereave
157. なくなります/なくなる[なくなる(無くなる)/亡くなる]
to be missing, to disappear, to be gone / to run out / to die, to pass away
158. なげます/なげる[投げる]
to throw, to pitch, to toss, to hurl
159. ならいます/ならう[習う]
to learn, to take lessons
160. ならびます/ならぶ[並ぶ]
to stand in a line, to queue, to line up
161. ならべます/ならべる[並べる]
to line up, to put side by side, to put in order, to display
162. なります/なる[なる(成る)/なる(生る)/鳴る]
to become / to consist of, to be composed of / to bear (fruit) / to ring, to sound
163. なれます/なれる[慣れる]
to get used to / to become tame / to become skilled at
164. にげます/にげる[逃げる]
to run away, to escape, to evacuate
165. にます/にる[似る/煮る]
to look like, to resemble, to be similar to / to boil, to stew, to simmer
166. ぬぎます/ぬぐ[脱ぐ]
to take off (clothes, shoes), to undress
167. ぬすみます/ぬすむ[盗む]
to steal
168. ぬります/ぬる[塗る]
to paint, to varnish, to color, to coat
169. ぬれます/ぬれる[ぬれる(濡れる)]
to get wet, to be moist
170. ねます/ねる[寝る]
to go to bed, to sleep, to lie down
171. ねむります/ねむる[眠る]
to sleep
172. のこします/のこす[残す]
to leave / to save, to reserve
173. のこります/のこる[残る]
to remain, to be left over
174. のばします/のばす[伸ばす/延ばす]
to make something longer, to stretch / to cultivate (abilities), to develop / to extend (period of time, area), to postpone
175. のびます/のびる[伸びる/延びる]
to grow, to progress, to become longer / to become longer, to be extended, to expand / to be postponed
176. のぼります/のぼる[登る/上る/昇る]
to climb, to go up / to rise, to go up
177. のみます/のむ[飲む]
to drink / to take medicine
178. のります/のる[乗る/載る]
to ride, to get on a vehicle, to step on / to be reported, to be printed
179. はいります/はいる[入る]
to go in, to enter / to join / to be contained, to be included, to be in
180. はかります/はかる[測る/量る/計る]
to measure, to weigh
181. はきます/はく[履く/吐く]
to put on, to wear (something below one's waist) / to throw up, to vomit, to breathe out
182. はこびます/はこぶ[運ぶ]
to carry, to transport, to convey
183. はじまります/はじまる[始まる]
to begin, to start
184. はじめます/はじめる[始める]
to begin, to start
185. はしります/はしる[走る]
to run
186. はたらきます/はたらく[働く]
to work
187. はなします/はなす[話す/離す]
to speak, to talk / to detach, to keep away
188. はやります/はやる[はやる(流行る)]
to be popular, to be in fashion / to go around, to spread
189. はらいます/はらう[払う]
to pay / to brush off
190. はります/はる[はる(貼る)/張る]
to paste, to stick, to put on / to stretch, to spread, to pitch
191. はれます/はれる[晴れる/はれる]
to clear up (weather, suspicion, feeling) / to swell, to be swollen
192. ひきます/ひく[引く/弾く/ひく]
to pull / to draw (a line), to install (gas, water, electricity) / to subtract, to reduce / to play string or keyboard instruments / to catch a cold
193. ひっこします/ひっこす[引っ越す]
to move to, to relocate
194. ひろいます/ひろう[拾う]
to pick up, to find
195. ふえます/ふえる[増える]
to increase, to gain, to breed
196. ふきます/ふく[吹く/吹く/ふく]
to blow / to breathe out, to play wind instruments / to wipe
197. ふくみます/ふくむ[含む]
to contain, to include, to hold, to retain
198. ぶつかります/ぶつかる[ぶつかる]
to run into, to hit, to clash, to bump into
199. ふとります/ふとる[太る]
to put on weight, to gain weight, to grow fat
200. ふやします/ふやす[増やす]
to increase, to raise, to add
201. ふりこみます/ふりこむ[振り込む]
to pay through the bank
202. ふります/ふる[降る]
to fall, to rain, to snow
203. へらします/へらす[減らす]
to reduce, to cut down, to decrease
204. へります/へる[減る]
to decrease, to get less / to be hungry
205. まがります/まがる[曲がる]
to turn / to bend, to curve
206. まけます/まける[負ける/負ける]
to lose (game), to be beaten, to be defeated / to discount, to take off the price
207. まちがえます/まちがえる[間違える]
to make a mistake, to confuse, to get mixed up
208. まちます/まつ[待つ]
to wait
209. まにあいます/まにあう[間に合う]
to be in time, to make it in time / to be enough
210. まもります/まもる[守る]
to keep, to follow, to obey (rule, regulation, one's word) / to protect, to defend, to guard
211. まよいます/まよう[迷う]
to get lost / to hesitate, cannot decide, cannot make up one's mind
212. まわります/まわる[回る]
to turn round, to go round, to spin
213. みえます/みえる[見える]
can see, to be in sight, to be visible
214. みがきます/みがく[磨く]
to polish, to brush
215. みせます/みせる[見せる]
to show
216. みつかります/みつかる[見つかる]
to be found, to be discovered
217. みつけます/みつける[見つける]
to find, to discover
218. みます/みる[見る]
to watch, to see, to look
219. むすびます/むすぶ[結ぶ]
to tie, to bind / to connect, to link / to conclude, to contract
220. めだちます/めだつ[目立つ]
to stand out, to be noticeable, to be conspicuous
221. もうかります/もうかる[もうかる(儲かる)]
to be profitable, to make a profit
222. もうしこみます/もうしこむ[申し込む]
to apply, to propose
223. もえます/もえる[燃える]
to burn / to be flammable, to be combustible
224. もちます/もつ[持つ]
to carry, to hold, to have, to take / to own, to have
225. もっていきます/もっていく[持って行く]
to take something to
226. もどります/もどる[戻る]
to come back, to be back / to get back to normal, to return, to regain
227. もらいます/もらう[もらう(貰う)]
to receive, to get, to be given
228. やきます/やく[焼く]
to burn, to roast, to broil, to grill, to bake, to toast / to sunburn
229. やくします/やくす[訳す]
to translate
230. やすみます/やすむ[休む]
to take a rest, to take a break / to take a day off, to be absent
231. やせます/やせる[やせる(痩せる)]
to lose weight, to become thin, to become slim
232. やといます/やとう[雇う]
to employ, to hire
233. やぶれます/やぶれる[破れます/敗れる]
to tear, to be torn, to be ripped / to be beaten, to lose (a game)
234. やめます/やめる[やめる(止める)/辞める]
to stop doing, to give up, to cancel / to resign, to quit (job, post, school), to leave
235. やります/やる[やる]
to give, to feed / to do, to perform, to play
236. よいます/よう[酔う]
to get drunk / to feel sick
237. よごれます/よごれる[汚れる]
to get dirty / to be polluted
238. よびます/よぶ[呼ぶ]
to call, to hail / to invite
239. よみます/よむ[読む]
to read
240. よります/よる[寄る]
to stop by, to drop in / to come near, to go to (near, close)
241. よろこびます/よろこぶ[喜ぶ]
to be pleased, to be delighted, to be happy
242. わかります/わかる[分かる]
to understand / to know, to find out
243. わかれます/わかれる[分かれる/別れる]
to part, to separate from, to be divorced, to break up / to be divided, to split
244. わけます/わける[分ける]
to divide into, to separate, to split / to share, to distribute
245. わすれます/わすれる[忘れる]
to forget / to leave a thing behind, to forget to bring
246. わたします/わたす[渡す]
to hand (out, to), to pass out to, to give
247. わたります/わたる[渡る]
to cross, to go (walk) across
248. わらいます/わらう[笑う]
to laugh, to smile
249. わります/わる[割る]
to break, to crack / to divide, to split
250. われます/われる[割れる]
to break, to split, to be cracked