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11 Cards in this Set

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What areas of occupation from the framework apply to a child?
bathing, toileting, PLAY, education,dressing, sleep
What does occupational performance include?
individual's abilities and environment. Children usually follow a certain order an dnot meeting a stage will give them a delay.
What are the strenghts and constraints of motor, cognitive, sensory, perceptual, communication, socioexmotional systems all will influence the quality of how the child develops.
individual abilities
The statement some tasks will require more of system than others is exemplified by:
handwriting starts out mostly visual theb as it progresses becomes kinestetic meaning they don't have to look at the letters. This then requires more sensory than visual.
What are some examples of environment (context)
social, physical, etc.
How do children develop occupation?
through participation in family activities and cultural practices. as they participate in family activities he or she learns occupation and performance skills that allow them to become a fulltime participate in family or community
What are some examples of physical context for an infant?
crib, playpen, arms, walker.These are the ways it gets primary physical stimulation. Ex. Mother's arms are calming, comforting and sounds of heartbeat and eye contact provide stimulation.
What are some examples of social contexts for an infant?
daycare, sibling, community, parents
As OT practitioners we must understand the interaction between these factors and the uniqueness of the factors to each individual child. an example of this is
if the child is kept at home in a crib all the time the skills, such as social, tactile and physical will be delayed.
Two 4 year old children are playing house; one is the father and one is th emother. They have decided to have a play dinner that they will make in their play kitchen. At this time, they are setting th etable using play silverware and plates. Ananlyze this play activity be identifying the motor, sensory, cognitive, and interactive abilities needed to set the table for a play dinner.
motor- fine motor to place plates, strength to lift plates, ROM, eye-hand coordination, depth perception, pinch for picking up forks
sensory- tactile for touching plates, listenting to each other, looking to see where plates go, topographical and vestibular input
cognitive- knowing how many plates per person, using imagination, memory of how plates look most of the time, counting, judgement
interactive- social working together, role playing, decisions on meal, understandng what utensiles to use and how many people will be there
Do chinese or american children have better fine motor skills?
chinese because they use chopsticks