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77 Cards in this Set

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authoritarian governments refused to meet the demands of reformers
In central and eastern Europe, tensions grew as____.
a great industrial power with immense potential
And outside Europe, a new giant appeared in the Western world as the United States emerged as____.
the right of women to divorce and own property
In the 1830s, women in the U.S. and Europe, worked together in several reform movements, argued for____. These early efforts, however, were not particularly successful.
1870 in Britain,
1900 in Germany,
1907 in France
Women did not gain the right to their own property until ____
Custody and property rights were only a beginning for the women^ movement.Some middle- and upper-middle-class women gained access to higher education while others sought entry into occupations dominated by men. The first field to open was ____
Since medical training was largely closed to women, middle-and upper-middle-class women sought alternatives in the development of____
Amalie Sieveking
One nursing pioneer was____ , who founded the Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick in Hamburg, Germany.
Florence Nightingale
The more famous British nurse ____during the Crimean War, as Clara Barton in the American Civil War, transformed nursing into a profession of trained, middle-class “women in white.”
the right to vote
By the 1840s and 1850s, the movement for women’s rights had entered the political arena with the call for equal political rights. Many feminists believed that____ was the key to all other reforms to improve the position of women.
women’s full citizenship in the nation-state
Suffragists主张妇女有参政权者 had one basic aim:____.
The ____women’s movement was the most vocal and most active in Europe.
Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters, Christabel and Sylvia
____, founded the Women’s Social and Political Union, which enrolled mostly middle- and upper-class women, in 1903.
realized the value of the media and used unusual publicity stunts
Pankhurst’s organization ____to call attention to its demands, but was derisively labeled “suffragettes” by male politicians,
Finland, Norway, and a few American states
Before the World War I, only in ____did women actually receive the right to vote.
peace movements
In many countries, women supported____.
Bertha von Suttner贝尔塔•冯•苏特纳
____became head of the Austrian Peace Society and protested against the growing arms race of the 1890s.
Bertha von Suttner贝尔塔•冯•苏特纳
____’s novel Lay Down Your Arms became a best seller and brought her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.
marched (in Vienna in 1911) in peace demonstrations
Lower-class women ____
Bertha von Suttner and Maria Montessori
____were examples of the “new women”
Some supported political ideologies, such as socialism; others simply sought new freedom outside the household and new roles other than those of wives and mothers.
New women rejected traditional feminine roles:
Maria Montessori
____ was the first Italian woman to receive a medical degree, followed a rational, scientific perspective, worked in a school for mentally retarded children, and established a system of childhood education based on natural and spontaneous activities in which students learned at their own pace.
a professional woman and a woman who chose to have a child without being married
As____, Montessori also embodied some of the fiefdoms of the “new woman.”
the Jews
Near the end of the nineteenth century, a revival of racism combined with extreme nationalism to produce a new rightwing politics directed against____.
the ideals of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution
Anti-Semitism反犹太主义had a long history in Europe, but as a result of____, Jews had been granted legal equality in many European countries during the nineteenth century, and many Jews left the ghetto贫民窟and became successful bankers, lawyers, scientists, scholars, journalists, and stage performers.
39 percent of its medical students and 23 percent of its law students
In 1880,for example, Jews made up 10 percent of the population of the city of Vienna but____.
right-wing anti-Semitic parties for winning the votes of traditional lower-middle-class groups threatened by the economic forces of the times
During the 1880s and 1890s, in Germany and Austria, conservatives founded____.
Eastern Europe
The worst treatment of Jews at the turn of the century occurred in____, where 72 percent of the entire world Jewish population lived.
admitted to secondary schools and universities only under a quota system and were forced to live in certain regions of the country.
Russian Jews were ____
Many Jews went to the United States, although some moved to Palestine, the biblical homeland of the Jews, which soon became the focus of a Jewish nationalist movement called ____
Theodor Herzl西奥多赫茨尔
A key figure in the growth of Zionism was ____.
the Jews who wish it will have their state
In 1896, Theodor Herzl西奥多赫茨尔published a book called The Jewish State in which he advocated that “______.”
it was part of the Ottoman Empire, which was opposed to Jewish immigration
Settlement in Palestine was difficult, because ____.
the creation of a “home in Palestine secured by public law” for the Jewish people
The First Zionist Congress, which met in Switzerland in 1897, proclaimed as its aim ____. But, the Zionist dream remained a dream on the eve of World War I.
undermined the basic tenets of liberalism
In dealing with the problems created by the new mass politics, liberal governments often followed policies that ____.
caused Liberals to move away from their ideals
In Great Britain, the demands of the working-class movement____.
trade unions and the Labor Party
Liberals were forced to adopt significant social reforms due to the pressure of two new working- class organizations:.
collective ownership and control over production, distribution and exchange
Trade unions began to advocate more radical change of the economic system, calling for ____
intellectual group for laborers
Fabian Socialists费边社会主义 was ____
evolution toward a socialist state by democratic means
Neither the Fabian Socialists 费边社会主义nor the British trade unions were Marxist. They did not advocate class struggle and revolution but rather ____
the Labor Party
In 1900, representatives of the trade unions and Fabian Socialists coalesced to form____.
twenty-nine members
By 1906, the Labor Party had managed to elect ____ to the House of Commons.
they would have to enact a program of social welfare or lose the support of the workers.
The Liberalswho led the British government from 1906 to 1914, perceived that____
David Lloyd George
The leadership of The Liberals was ____
the National Insurance Act of 1911 (benefits for workers in case of sickness and unemployment, to be paid for by compulsory contributions from workers, employers, and the state) and additional legislation (a small pension for retirees over seventy and compensation for workers injured in accidents on the job)
The Liberals abandoned the classical principles of laissez-faire and voted for a series of social reforms:
the first hesitant steps toward the future British welfare state
The National Insurance Act of 1911 and additional legislation voted by the Liberals were____.
an authoritarian, conservative, military-bureaucratic power
The new imperial Germany begun by Bismarck俾斯麦continued as ____state during the reign of Emperor William II.
became the strongest military and industrial power
By 1914,Germany ____ on the Continent. More than 50 % of German workers in industry, while only 30 % in agriculture. Urban centers had mushroomed in number and size.
a society torn between modernization and traditionalism and demands for more political participation and reforms of greater democratization
Rapid changes in Williams Germany with the expansion of industry and cities helped produce____
William’s Expansionism -- activist foreign policy of finding Germany’s “place in the sun”
Conservative forces, tried to block reforms of greater democratization by supporting ____
the landowning nobility and representatives of heavy industry
Two of the powerful ruling groups in Germany in 1914 were ____
a new, radicalized, right-wing politics
The tensions in German society created by the conflict between modernization and traditionalism were also manifested in____.
the Pan-German League
A number of radicalized, right-wing politic groups arose to support nationalistic goals. Such groups as ____ stressed strong German nationalism and advocated imperialism帝国主义as a tool to overcome social divisions and unite all classes. They were also anti-Semitic and denounced Jews as the destroyers of national community.
foreign investment capital
Although industrialization came late to Russia, it progressed rapidly after 1890, especially with the assistance of____.
By 1900, Russia had become the____producer of steel, behind the United States, Germany, and Great Britain.
arrest of its leaders
The Marxist Social Democratic Party held its first congress in Minsk in 1898, but the ____caused the next one to be held in Brussels布鲁塞尔in 1903, attended by Russian émigrés流亡者.
overthrow the tsarist autocracy and establish peasant socialism through political terrorism which finally exploded in 1905.
The Social Revolutionaries of Marxist Social Democratic Party worked to ____
the attempt to assassinate government officials and members of the ruling dynasty
Political terrorism was____
encouraged antigovernment groups to rebel against the tsarist regime
The defeat of the Russians by the Japanese in 1904-1905 ____
the Duma俄罗斯联邦会议的下议院, elected directly by a broad franchise公民权
After a general strike in October 1905,the government capitulated. Nicholas II granted civil liberties and agreed to create a legislative assembly,____.
Real constitutional monarchy in Russia proved ____By 1907, the tsar had curtailed the power of the Duma, and he fell back on the army and bureaucracy to rule Russia.
produced more steel than Great Britain's entire steel industry
American heavy industry stood unchallenged in 1900. In that year, the Carnegie Steel Company alone____.
Industrialization also led to urbanization. While established cities (New York, Philadelphia, Boston) grew even larger, other modern-size cities, such as ____, grew by leaps and bounds because of industrialization.
Whereas 20 percent of Americans lived in cities in 1860, more than ____percent did in 1900.
the United States
By 1900, ____had become the world’s richest nation and greatest industrial power.
65. In 1890, the richest 9 percent of Americans owned an incredible 71 percent of all the wealth.
the quality of American life
By 1900, serious questions had remained about____.
In 1890, the richest 9 percent of Americans owned an incredible ____ percent of all the wealth.
the American Federation of Labor (included only 8.4 % of the American industrial labor force)
By the turn of the century, one national organization, ____, emerged as labors dominant voice.
a wave of reform swept across the United States
During the so-called Progressive Era进步时代after 1900,____.
The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act
____ provided for a limited degree of federal regulation of corrupt industrial practices.
Woodrow Wilson
The presidency of ____witnessed the imposition of a graduated federal income tax and the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, which permitted the federal government to play a role in important economic decisions formerly made by bankers.
moving slowly into policies that extended the functions of the state.
Like European states, the United States was ____
national unity
Canada faced problems of ____at the end of the nineteenth century.
Quebec魁北克省, Ontario安大略省, Nova Scotia新斯科舍省, and New Brunswick 新不伦瑞克省
In 1870, the Dominion of Canada had four provinces:
Manitoba 尼托巴省and British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚省
With the addition of two more provinces in 1871—______—the Dominion of Canada extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
the distrust between the English-speaking and French- speaking populations
Real unity of Canada was difficult to achieve because of____.
Wilfred Laurier,
_____ who became the first French Canadian prime minister in 1896, was able to reconcile Canada’s two major groups.
textiles, furniture, and railway equipment
During Wilfred Laurier ‘s administration, industrialization boomed, especially in the production of ____