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20 Cards in this Set

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A-24. What causes left sided heart failure and what are its consequences?
1.) Ischemic HD 2.) Arterial HTN 3.) Valvular disease

Leads to: pulm congestion (dyspnea/orthopnea); renal hypoperfusion (salt retention)
A-24. What causes right sided heart failure and what are its consequences?
1.) Left sided HF 2.) lung disease 3.) primary pulm HTN

Leads to: increased venous pressure (edema, liver congestion, ascites)
A-24. What are the causes of Acute and Subacute endocarditis?
Acute: Staph. aureus; Streptococci

Subacute: Strep. viridans; gram -ve bacilli
A-24. What are the key features of Fibrinous Pericarditis?
Transmural MI, Dressler Syndrome, "bread and butter" appearence
A-24. C & C acute rheumatic vs. rheumatic heart disease
Acute: 1-4 weeks after tonsillitis; common in 5-15yo

RHD: occurs many years after rheumatic fever and often asymptomatic; Fibrotic, deformed, calcified lines of closure on valve leaflets --> mitral valve>aortic valve
A-24. What are the key features of Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis?
Emphysema: "pink puffers," barrel chest; panacinar, a-1 antitrypsin deficiency, low lobes

CB: "blue bloaters," chronic irritation/infection, hypertrophy of submucosal glands
A-24. What is the REID Index equation?
Glands (B)/Wall (A): ratio between the thickness of submucosal mucus secreting glands and the wall thickness b/t epithelium and cartilage of the bronchi
A-24. What are the key features of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
Acute: type III - fever, cough, dyspnea, leukocytosis

Chronic: type IV - peribronchial granulomas

Farmer's lung, pigeon breeder's lung, etc
A-24. What are the main causes of pulmonary edema?
Decreased oncotic pressure, LSHF, mitral stenosis, Pulm vein obstruction, increased hydrostatic pressure, lymp obstruction, microvascualr injury
A-24. Lobar pneumonia is caused by....?
Pneumococcus and Klebsiella
A-24. What are the non-smoking related benign lung tumors?
Adenoma, Leiomyoma, Hamartoma
A-24. What's the diference between nephritic and nephrotic syndrome?
Nephritic: hematuria, RBC casts, post strep GN

Nephrotifc: severe proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, edema
A-24. Which GN pathologies are associated with subepi/endothelial deposits?
Diffuse Proliferative: subepithelial

Membranous: subepithelial deposits of immune complexes

Membrano-proliferative: Subendothelial or intra-membranous deposits of immune complexes
A-24. Whick urolithiasis like acidic and/or alkaline environments?
Alkaline: calcium, Mg-NH3-Phospahte

Acidic: uric acid, cystine
A-24. Which VDs cause painless and/or painful chancres?
Painful: genital herpes (HSV1 & 2), Chancroid (H. ducreyi)

Painless: C. trachomatis, T. pallidum
A-24. Yolk sac germ cell tumors (testicles) has what key features?
Most common in children, serum AFP increased, very aggressive
A-24. What ovarian germ cell tumor is also known for increased AFP?
Endodermal Sinus Tumor
A-24. What are the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma?
>40yo, early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity, obesity
A-24.C & C complete vs. partial hydatidiform moles.
Complete: no embryo or placenta, 46,XX of paternal origin only

Partial: embryo and placenta present, tri or tetraploid karyotype
A-24. C & C fibrocystic changes and breast cancer.
Fibro Changes: often bilat, mult nodules, menstral variation, may regress during pregnancy

Breast Cancer: often unilateral, single mass, no cyclic variations