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24 Cards in this Set

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What organism accounts for 80% of UTIs?
What would you assess for if there is an unexplained fever?

Why do females have a higher risk of UTIs?
shorter urethra
Why may male infants be at risk for UTIs?
Which iother situations in children may cause stasis of urine?
Stones, strictures, malformations, spinal problem pregnancy, constipation, holding urine b/c they are playing
BOLDED: What should parents be taught about hygiene care for femal infants?
wipe from front to back, no baths
what about the hygiene for uncircumsised boys?
retract foreskin, wash glands, pull foresking back over glands.
The following situations contribute to UTIs. Explain prevention measures for each:
Potty training:
Sexual activity:
set schedule to go every 2 hrs, wipe front to back;
no tight clothing, wear cotton undies, no synthetics;
no baths;
pee before and after sex.
BOLDED: What are Signs of UTI in:
INfants and young:
Older children and adolescents:
I/Y= don't want to eat or play, behavior changes;

O/A= may not be eating, behavior changes,
in general S/S of UTI= fever, hesitency, urgency, pain
BOLDED:Which indicators on the urine dipstick will show infection?
increase leukocytes and increase nitrites
BOLDED: What methods are used to collect urine specimens, non-invasively?, Infant & child not potty trained?, Child/Adolescent ?
PUC, Clean Catch;
Clean catch mid stream
BOLDED: Invasive methods used to confirm the dix of a UTI for a Neonate? INfant, child, and adolescent?
Suprapubic tap b/c urethra is to small for cath;
Straight cath
Why should a urin specimen be sent to the lab within one hr of obtaining th specimen? What else is required on the specimen when sent to the lab?
To keep bacteria from growing,

What will the nurse teach parents about antibiotic therapy and follow up?
Take meds until gone as prescribed,
Follow up with physician for U/A to make sure infection is gone.
Lenght of administration of antibiotic therapy?
7-10 days
BOLDED:Why is Ditropan used for genitourinary problems or surgeries?
to decrease bladder spasms
Allergic considerations with Amoxicillin. Check for an allergy to ?
What is the major GI side effect of Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid(Augmentin)?
Allergic consideration wit sulfamtheoxazole and Trimethoprim, check allergy to ?
Health teaching for sulfonamides and Trimethoprim- Monitor for ?, ?, ?, ? and drinke plenty of ? and use ? when going out into the sun.
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, rash;
sun screen
Follow-up visits and repeat urine cultures. When sould these be done?
In the a.m.,
after antibiotic regimen is complete
What time of day should a urine specimen be obtained and why?
in the morning, b/c the urine is most concentrated at this time.
How does pyelonephritis differ from lower UTI?
What are signs of pyelonephritis?
it involves the renal pelvis and kidney;
CVA tenderness, fever, pain, chills, RBCs in urine
Why are increased fluids important in the tx of UTIs and pyelonephritis? What should fluids be increased to to help exterminate an UTI?
to flush out the infection,

1.5 times normal
Why do you think pyelonephritis may be tx more aggressively than lower UTIs?
to prevent kidney damage