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21 Cards in this Set

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Post due dates for pregnancy are > ? wks. When a pregnancy reaches this length the ? begins to malfunction. Deposits of ? accumulate. Decreased ? and ? for the fetus take place. The fetus is at risk for ? aspiration when delivered this late, placental ? causing ? and ? may also be present.
placenta, calcium,
nutrition, oxygen,
meconium, insufficiency,
hypoxia, hypoglycemia
A scoring system called the ? system is used to assess whether a woman is ready for induction a score > ? means she is ready for induction. (look in notes to see the Bishop scoring chart pg 19 in DM section.)
The oxytotic ?/? stimulates smooth muscle ?'s, it increases the ? of ctx in pregnant women. It is used to ? labor and also to increase ctx in a spontaneous labor that has slowed ctx, this is called ?, and it is used pp to ? the uterus to control ?
contractions, DIF,
induce, augmentation,
contract, bleeding
What would some of the contraindications be for Pit administration: ? placenta, nonreassuring ?, abnormal fetal ?, prolapsed ?, active genital ?, classical uterine ?
previa, FHR, position,
cord, herpes, incision
What should the nurse do prior to administrating Pitocin: Assess ? at least 20min prior to induction to identify reassuring ? Monitor moms BP q?-? min, Monitor ?&?, The goal for Pitocin is uterine ctx every ?-?min for ?-? sec, intensity ?-?mmhg with a resting tone ≤ ? mmHg. If there is a problem with Pitocin then ?
FHR tracing,
30-60min, I's&O's,
2-3min, 40-90 sec,, 50-80mmHg, ≤20mmHg,

Oxytocin(Pitocin) during labor is always adminstered via ? on a ?, ?-?Units are diluted in 1000ml of ? and then Pit can be started at ?-? mU/min and can be increased by ?-? mU/min every ?-? min. PP Pitocin will be ?-? units in 1000ml of ? and the rate will be between ?-?mU/min to control bleeding.
IVPB, Pump,
10-20U, LR
0.5-2mU/min, 1-2mU/min, 15-30min,
10-40U, LR, 20-40mU/min
When Rh+ blood from the fetus enter the blood stream of the Rh- mom the Rh- mom develops ? to destroy the invading ?
Rhesus(Rh) incopatibility requires Mother Rh ?, fetus Rh ?, Dad Rh ? We always check the baby after the birth for ?
Mom Rh -, Baby Rh+, Dad Rh +, Rh +/-
Rh sensitization can occur during ? or ? abortion, from a ? test, or corionic ? sampling. Most exposure occurs during the ? stage of labor. The first ? is not affected b/c ?'s are formed after the birth of the child. A very small amount of blood ? can start this chain reaction.
spontaneous, elective,
amniocentesis, villus,
child, antibodies, O.25ml
What is the pathophysiology of Rh incompatibility: if ?'s are present in maternal blood, they cross the ? barrier and destroy the fetuses ?'s The fetus becomes ? and is unable to transport O2. The fetal bilirubin levels increase causing ? gravis, which can lead to ?(neurologic disease and encephalopathy) and hemolytic proccesses may proceed to ?
Antibodies, placental, RBC's,
Anemic, Icterus/Jaundice, Kernicterus,
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
Erythroblastosis fetalis is the rapid production of ?'s which are immature ?'s which cannot carry O2. The fetus becomes so anemic that generalized fetal ? results this is known as ? fetalis and can progress to ? heart failure.
erythroblasts, RBC's,
edema, Hydrops, congestive
How do we prevent Rh incompatiblity from happening: Check the ? type and ? factor at the first prenatal visit. An indirect ? test will be performed to determine if their are any antibodies to Rh+ ? If the moms Coomb's test is ? then we repeat it at ? weeks to be sure and if moms test is positive she will get a shot of ?
blood, Rh,
negative, 28wks,
Prenatal mgmt of Rh sensitivity includes indirect Coomb's test. If the test is positive this indicates maternal ? and the presence of ? it is repeated at frequent intervals to determine whether the antibody titer is rising, if it is rising this puts the ? in jeopady. A ? test can be performed to test the Rh +/- of the fetus, or and US can be performed to evalute the fetus for ?, ?, enlarged ?
edema, ascites, heart
For pp management of Rh compatibility: If the mom is Rh- a ? Coombs test will be performed on the umbilical cord blood collected to determine fetal ? type and ? If mom is Rh- and baby is Rh+ then mom gets a shot of ?
blood type, Rh+/-,
Rhogam is classified as an ? directed toward the RBC antigen ? The dosage is 1stanard vial with ?mcg IM in the ? muscle and is administered at ? wks during pregnancy of within ? hrs of delivery or ?
300mcg, deltoid,
28wks, 72hrs
ABO incompatibility is when the mothers blood type is ? and the fetus is either ?, ?, ? Blood types A,B, AB carry ?'s that are not components of type O. People with type O develop Anti-A or Anti-B antibodies naturally as a result to exposure to antigens in ? or ?'s by gram neg. bacteria. So if the fetus is A,B,AB and mom is type O and the fetuses blood gets into ? circulation, moms blood will develop antibodies that have the potential to cross the ? barrier and cause ? , but most of the time the the primary antibodies of the ABO system are ?, which do not readily cross the placental barrier.
A,B, AB,
food, infections,
matenal, placental, jaundice, IgM
With ABO incompatibility No ? care is needed however the nurse must be aware of the possibility of ABO ? During delivery cord blood is taken to determine the blood type of the newborn and the antibody titer with a ? test
Direct Coomb's
Infants that are born ABO incompatible are not born ? like Rh sensitized infants. The nurse must be aware that ABO incompatibility can cause RBC destruction for up to ? weeks after the birth.
Mitral valve prolapse is one of the most common ? conditions among the general population. This is when the mitral valve prolapses into the ? atrium during ventricular ? it is usually a ? condition. S/S the pt may have chest ?, ?'s and risk for bacterial ? The physician may order prophylactic ? before and during labor if the pt has this.
benign, pain, arrythmias,
endocarditis, antibiotics
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common problems of ? 20-60% will be ? during pregnancy. S/S ?,?,? Profound maternal anemia can reduce fetal ? supply.
fatigue, HA, Pica,
The primary source of iron are ?, ?, ? leafy vegetables, ?, and ?
Chicken, Fish, Green, LIver, Meat,