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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the parts of the shoulder joint

Head of the humerus and glenoid fossa part of the scapula

What is the glenoid fossa

Shallow depression which deepened by a cartilage called labrum to hold the head of humerus

What can sometimes happen to the labrum

Sometimes there is a tear because of any pathology and then we repair it with

What is a bankart procedure

Repair with heavy suturesare also anchored into the bone as well for proper stability

What are rotatiry cuff muscles around the shoulder joint name

Supraspunatus infraspinatus teres minor and subscapularis

What is the position for shoulder surgery

Mostly beech chair or semi fowler

What is a bunin

Extra bony growth on the medial side of the head of the first metatarsal bone big toe

What does extosis means

Extra bony growth

What another name for buniom

Hallus valgus

What are the two different approaches to cut out extra bone

Keller procedure and macbride procedure

What does the keller approach consist of

What is inserted to fix hammer toe curly toe claw toe and mallet toe

Kwire or kirshner wire

Why does a laminectomy need to be done

laminectomy is often done to relieve the effects of spinal stenosis. In this condition, your spinal column narrows and puts pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Spinal stenosis may be caused by: shrinking of the discs of the spine and swelling of the bones and ligaments, which both occur with aging.

What is done during the laminectomy

Part or all of the lamina is removed to decompress the pinched nerve root and part of the spinal canal

What is this

Taylor retractor used to retract the spinal ligament

What is this

Kerrison rounger used to chip off the lamina part of the vertebrae

What is this

Cushing or pituitary rounger used to chip off herniated disc

What is this

Love nerve hook or retractor used to move the nerves away or retract them during the procedure

What types of shoulder dislocation

What is putti plate procedure

It's when the subscapularis tendon muscle is relocated from the medial side of the humerus to the lateral side to fully cover the front of the shoulder joint to prevent dislocation

How is this done

Normal insertion of the subscapularis on the medial side of the humerus we need to tighten it and fix it to the lateral side of the humerus to fully cover the anterior of the humerus .

What is the triple arthrodesis

Its the fusion of the navicular cuboid talus and the calcanus in order to stabilize the hind foot

What is a cervical rib resection

Is one some people are born with extra rib on top of the first rib which puts pressure on the structure of the neck so it is necessary to remove it

What is the patent ductus arteriosis

A duct present between the pulmonary artery and aorta during fetal life it supposed to be closed at Birth and when it doesn't close we call it PDA aka patent ductus arteriosus

How do we close the

We close it with the drug called" idomethacin and if not closed with this then surgery has to be done

When is a coronary angioplasty done

Is performed open the narrowed stenosed coronary arteries by placing a stent in them through angiography

How do we determine if the arteries are narrowed?

Contrast media(hypaque=diatriazoate) is used for visualization of the arteries and if not then we proceed with the placing stents there via femoral or radial to be able to reach the aorta and then the coronary arteries

What does the stent look like

What is decortication of lung

Removal of the visceral pleura because it sticks with lungs because of the inflammation or fluids and restricts the movement of the lungs

Why is a pacemaker needed

SA node is not working in the right atrium of the heart

So what happens

Artificial pacemaker is put in to act as a pulse generator

What is Pectus Excavatum

Funnel chest

Whar is a pericadeotomy

Creating a window in the pericardium to drain the fluid of it if not this fluid will put pressure on the heart restricting cardiac movement

What is it called when fluid puts pressure on the heart restricting cardiac movement

Cardiac tamponade

When can this occur

In trauma and cancer

What is a thoractomy

when you going in between the ribs which is called intercostal space either to remove a hematoma/tumor etc.

What is this

This is a Finochitto retractor used to retracts the ribs

What is this

Bailey contractor used to spread the rib

What is this

Allison retractor =retracts the lung

What is this

Lovelace forcep grasps the lungs either to remove hematoma/tumor

What is this

Pennington forcep to grasp the lung