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15 Cards in this Set

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Antiquated - antique / sy; old-fashioned

Too old to be presently useful; outmoded

This antiquated machinery breaks down too frequently. Their home is filled with antique furniture.

Coherent - coherently - cohere - coherence - cohesive - cohesion / sy; logical

well reasoned; ideas that are clearly presented

It was a well-balanced

, coherent presentation. There was a cohesive feeling among the new works.

Develop - developing- development- developer / sy; evolve

To grow, to increase : to become more complete

The Management team developed the idea over a period of years. The country's prospects for rapid development depend on approval of the free trade agreement.

Fabricate - fabricated - fabrication; sy; invent

To make up, usually with an intent to fool or trick : to lie

The executive fabricated the story about the merger. His Alibi is the weakest fabrication I have ever heard.

Investigation - investigative - investigate - investigator / sy; probe

A carful examination in order to determine facts

The comprehensive investigation of the bank revealed no illegal activities. Some members of the senta wanted to appoint a special investigator

Normally - normal - normalize - normalization - norm / sy; typically

Commonly, usually

It is normally quite cold this time of the year. The new treaty to a normalization of relation between the two countries.

Notice - noticeably - noticeable - notice / sy; observe

To sense - to be aware

The doctor noticed a small fracture in the patients finger. The weather was noticeably cooler.

Notion - sy; concept

An idea, belief, or opinion

She has the notion that she wants to become an architect. Some outlandish notions about the origin of the solar system have been disproved.

Novel / sy; original

Something unusual , uncommon, new

The physicist had some Novak ideas about traveling at the speed of light. The novel suggestions were implemented

Opposition - oppositional - oppose / sy; resistance

The state of acting against : not being in agreement

The students voiced their opposition to the rise in tuitions. The government opposed price system.

Record - recorded - recording - recorder / sy; register

To make a written or oral notation: to copy

The coldest temperatures in the United States have been recorded at International falls, Minnesota. Many business are using recordings to answer consumer questions

Relate - related - relation - relationship / sy; communicate

To tell , to show a connection between two things

Although they did not agree with plan, the did not relate their opposition to it. What is the relationship between supply and demand.

Suspect - suspected - suspicion - suspect / sy; speculate

To think that something is true, but having no proof

He suspected that the substance was not present in the compound. I ah e a suspicion that he will want to participate in the in investigation.

Unbiased - sy; objective

With no preconceptions

Her unbiased analysis of the problem allowed her to find the solution more rapidly. Here is unbiased proof that nitrogen exists in this compound.

Varied - variably - variable - various - vary - variant - variety - variation - variability / sy; diverse

Being of many different types

The class expressed varied opinions about the movie. There are various ways to solve the problem.