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24 Cards in this Set

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John Locke

philosopher whose Second Treatise document about natural rights influenced the Declaration of Independence

Rights Guaranteed to All People in the Declaration of Independence

"all men are created equal" "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"

"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"

Declaration of Independence excerpt meaning every man is equal and has God given rights that cannot be taken away

According to the Declaration of Independence what can people do if their rights are taken away?
“it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government”
“For imposing Taxes on us Without our Consent”
An excerpt from the Declaration of Independence and a reason the colonists declared independence, as they disagreed with not being represented during the decision making process when new tax laws were being passed
Declaration of Independence Ideals in Articles of Confederation
States have the right to defend their natural rights such as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
1. National government couldn't resolve state boundary disputes 2. No president 3. The states had more power

Shays' Rebellion

significant as it served as an illustration the national government was too weak

Function of a Federal Republic

division of state and federal powers

people are represented by elected officials

Reserved Powers of the states

create local governments

regulate business within a state

provide for public safety

establish schools

7 steps of How a Bill Becomes a Law

Step 1: Bill is introduced and given to a committee

Step 2: One house debates and votes on the bill

Step 3: Bill is passed to the other legislative house

Step 4: Bill is introduced and given to a committee

Step 5: Other house debates and votes on the bill

Step 6: Bill is passed to the president

Step 7: President signs bill into law

Marbury v. Madison

Supreme court decision that established the principle of judicial review

What entity has the power to regulate commerce of Native American tribes?

Congress according to the Commerce Clause in the Constitution (commerce means buying and selling of goods and materials)

Definition of Checks and Balances

In the U.S. Government, each branch "checks" the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them

the three branches of government

Legislative Branch = Congress

Executive Branch = President

Judicial Branch = Supreme Court

Purpose of Checks and Balances

to keep any branch of the government from becoming too powerful

Magna Carta

influenced the US Constitution by ensuring the right to due process

Three-Fifths Compromise

resolved the issue of congressional representation for slave states

Bicameral Legislature

two house legislature (law making body), resolved the conflicts between states with large populations and states with small populations regarding representation

George Mason

an anti-federalist who was instrumental in ensuring there was a Bill of Rights

Federalist Papers

written by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton to support the Constitution

The Great Compromise

bicameral legislature

one house has representatives based on population

one house has representatives equal from each state

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

influenced the idea of freedom of religion in the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights

Governor Morris' Ideology Regarding Slavery

Believed a person who has slaves should not have more power to participate in a government that is designed to protect people