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109 Cards in this Set

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to fly off the handle

perdre els estreps

to have a handle on sth

agafar-li el tranquillo a algo

with flying colors

amb facilitat (i èxit)

[to pass an exam with flying colors]

començar de manera increïble

to get off to a flying start

buscar que et diguin coses bones

to fish for compliments

to keep your head above water

to get by, to eke out [a living],

["anar tirant com es pot"]

[to be] in deep water

[estar] en dificultats

[to be] in the pink

[estar] en bona condició, en bon estat

[to be] tickled pink


[estar] molt content i excitat

a kitchen sink drama

una drama hiperrealista [de caire social]

to take everything but the kitchen sink

to take far more things than you need

to whet


[a blade]

to whet sb's appetite

obrir la gana

fer venir gana



staple food

menjar bàsic

menjar típic

what is it? I can't explain what it is

[NB l'ordre].

the side dish is quite filling

el plat d'acompanyament es prou tipós

a tablespoon

una cullerada grossa

[pròpiament, un cullerot]

if experience there is a guide

si l'experiència ens serveix de guia

of sound mind

mentally healthy

en el moment que tu triïs, quan tu vulguis

at a time of your choosing

to be modelled on sth

estar basat en algo

estar inspirat en algo

això pot dur-lo a prendre la pitjor decisió

this could lead to him choosing the worst decision



feina domèstica, tasca




allowance [ä'lawäns]


1. [adj] trickery, deceit, ruse, wile.

2. [subst] cunning, slyness, foxiness.



tickery, deceit, guile, ruse,

[treta, astúcia]

I've made my mind up

I've changed my mind

seguiràs tenint sed

you'll keep on being thirsty

clear cut!

bon exemple!

ben dit!

sospita que sóc un lladre

he suspects of me being a thief

apressa't a l'aeroport per a no perdre l'avió!

rush to the airport so you avoid missing your plane!



a) if you run fast, you MAY break your leg.

b) if you run fast, you CAN break your leg.

MAY [no es pot fer servir CAN]

si no hagués nevat, podríem no haver tingut l'accident.

if it hadn't snowed, we might not have had the accident









not favorable

el seu èxit ha comportat que se'l descrigui com...

its success had let to it being described as...

els últims fets t'han deixat obert a acusacions de ser un mal amic

last events have left you open to accusations of being a bad friend



innecessàriament nou

el seu èxit rau en què ell té tot el control

his success lies in him having total control


pedra angular, fonament

["the cornerstone of/in"]

parent company

holding company

empresa mare

empresa matriu

l'han esbroncat [construcció passiva]

he's given a reprimand

as of late last year [?]

a finals de l'any passat [?]

upon the success of...

a partir de l'èxit de...

a causa de l'èxit de...

lookalike products of high-end fashions

productes semblants a modes d'alta qualitat

by the turn of the 21st century

a començaments del s. XXI



to step up the pace

apujar el pas, accelerar

to commit the funds

destinar els fons

the remainder

la resta, el que queda




no et va venir de gust venir?

you didn't fel like coming?

a treballar!

poseu-vos a treballar!

set to work!

no paga la pena que vinguem

is not worth that we come

seguirem fent això

we'll be doing this more and more

"UN significa United Nations"

"UN stands for United Nations"

[an abbreviation stands for sth]

un text pot estar desfasat, però un menjar pot estar caducat.

a text might be outdated, but a food might be expired.

pren el iogurt abans del 7 de juny

use the yougurt by June the 7th

la calefacció s'ha espatllat

the heating system has gone wrong

va anar de poc que no em mata

he stopped short of killing me

no vaig arribar tan lluny com per a robar-ho

I didn't go so far as to steal it

vaig pensar que era probable que Arafat hagués estat enverinat

I thought it was likely Arafat had been poisoned


curt de diners

("lligat pels diners")

"aquesta reparació sembla que em costarà 100€"

[NOT "to cost", but use a phrasal verb]

this repair work is likely to set me back 100€

to go belly up

fracassar, anar-se'n en orris

salad days

joventut, dies de jovenesa


careless, slipshod, shoddy

[cutre, xapusser]

a drop-out

algú que ha deixat la universitat

batch production

producció per lots


modern, d'aquests dies

his relationship is shattered by his leaving one of his partner's girlfriends to die of an overdose


to get down to the nitty-gritty

anar al gra

anar a allò essencial

it's interesting in its own right

és interessant per si mateix

union busting

desfeta sindical

to bust a gut

esclafar-se de riure

to go bust

quebrar, fer bancarrota

to stop sth dead in their tracks

fer parar en sec

tallar de soca-rel

a rip-off

a) estafa, engany.

b) plagi, còpia.



no es va molestar a venir a la festa

he didn't bother coming to the party

to take exception to

oposar-se a

objectar davant

no feu tant de soroll!

please don't make a lot of noise!

arribo tard a la feina

I'm late for work

to do sth in red light

fer algo a les estones lliures

this is proof that

això demostra que

the former... the latter

aquell.... aquest

ring binder

carpeta amb anelles

qualsevol paraula que tingui a veure amb el tema

any words that are to do with the theme

no me'n recordaré quan faci l'examen!

I won't remember it at exam time!


cash dispenser



cupó, val



aigües residuals


esquist, pissarra

[material present en extraccions de petroli, formant capes]


tou, de peluix, suau


suau, sedós, de plomes



avar, gasiu

hauries d'afegir-te a desitjar-li bona sort al president!

you should join me in wishing our President good luck!

gent necessitada

people in need


greatest day

golden era

a tire of fat

un michelin

it doesn't show.

[f.e. a tire of fat]

no es veu

això té a veure amb...

this is to do with...

guinea pig


conillet d'índies

[algú amb qui s'experimenta]


fer dieta, aprimar-se

to lose the pounds

perdre uns quilos


a couch potato

[algú que es passa el dia al sofà]

comfort food

types of food people eat that make them feel happier when they are sad or worried