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66 Cards in this Set

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What is a pulse?
A dried legume (peas) used for human food
Significance of Rhizobium and other bacteria, and nodules?
Legumes take up bacteria from the soil which produce Nitrogen for the plant to absorb
List 2 important features of the legume node symbiotic relationship.
1. make the legume seeds more protein rich.
2. Legumes provide excess fertilizer for the soil and farmers use these fields to rotate crops that need more nutrition.
Can you make a nonlegume into a nitrogen fixer?
What does 10-20-10 mean on a fertilizer bag?
10 N%
20 P%
10 K%
Which legume has the highest protein content when ground into a flour?
Which legume has the highest protein content as a bean?
Which legume has the highest calorie content?
What is the first pulse (legume) mentioned in the Bible?
Where are Lentils grown today in the U.S?
What are sugar snap peas and snow peas composed?
It has NO pericarp
Why are peas that were introduced into the West Indies not as successful as those introduced to New England?
High night temperatures.
What is favism and why is it a problem for some people?
It is the lack of enzyme in some people that allows the break down of red blood cells. If they don't have this enzyme they can't denature the toxin in Fava beans and they will become anemic.
What is the genus and species names of the soybean?
Glycine max
Where are soybeans thought to be native?
What are some of the most important foods made from Soybeans?
Miso, tofu, tempeh, soymilk, and soy sauce.
What green mold is used in the manufacture of soy sauce and miso?
Aspergillus oryzae (it firments it)
How is the vitamin C deficiency in soybeans remedied?
When did soybeans become really important in the U.S?
1970 due to anchovie population decreasing, we substituted soybeans for them in making our animal feed.
What does heating do to raw soybeans that makes them usable for livestock feed?
Heating destroys the inhibitor "trypsin"
Who was the American businessman of the early 20th Century interested in soybean utilization?
Henry Ford
Why is the Lima bean called "Lima"?
It comes from the place from which the beans were originally shipped to Europe: Lima, Peru
What are the common species of the New World bean (Lima bean)
P. lunatas
Where does the word "succotash" come from?
the mixing of agriculture. It is the growing of two crops together int eh same filed to increase the production of one of the plants. Ie, corn with lima beans. Lima beans are nitrogen fixers and corn needs extra nutrience.
Why are peanuts called "groundnuts"?
The development of the fruit is underground.
Where is the peanut native?
South America, perhaps eastern Peru
What are 3 major uses for peanuts?
1. Peanut butter
2. Hog Feed
3. ???
Name 3 attribues that peanuts have that qualified them for much agricultural research.
1. Good protein source
2. grow on poor soils
3. thrive in tropical reagions
What is the major use of tamarind in the U.S?
flavoring in sauces
What are the 2 most important uses of Carob in the U.S.
1. Chocolate substitues
2. locust gum
What is origin of the word "carat" used in the jewelry business?
It is from Carob. since it is uniform in size and weight, it was used to measure precious materials such as gold.
What is the King of the forage legumes?
Alfalfa aka Medicago sativa
What is Alfalfa's relationship with horses?
Horse husbandry, which is the breeding and care of horese.
What is the common name of the 2nd most important category of forges grasses?

so the first is Alfalfa and the second is Clovers of the forges grasses.
Ch 7 - Cabbage and Relatives
What is a Meristem?
The region composed of plant cells that remain immature and are able to divide continuously.
Amoung leafy crops, which has the highest caloric and protein values?
Brussel Sprouts
What does Biennial mean?
Lasts 2 years/ comes every 2 years.
Among root crops, which has the highest caloric and protein values?
What does perennial mean?
a plant that lives more than 2 years.
Name 2 perennial stem crops.
1. Artichokes
2. Asparagus
Name 2 perennial root crops.
1. Leeks
2. Onions
Which starchy crop has the highest caloric and carbohydrate values?
Manioc (tapioca)
Why are leafy vegetable considered luxuries in some cultures?
Because they are used to flavor food or strech a meal
Brassica oleracea includes leafy vegetable such as?
Cabbage, collard greens, Burssel sprouts, Kale, broccoli
Brassica oleracea vegetables are also know as "cole" crops, where did that name come from?
The Latin word caulis, meaning stem.
Where and when are Brassica oleracea vegetables originally from?
Greeks in 650BC
Brassica oleracea vegetable like Kale have what to protect them against salt spray, drought and cold?
A waxy layer.
Red and white cabbage were developed in what country and when?
Germany, 600 years ago.
What does sauerkraut and kimchee have in common?
they provide a source of vitamin C.
What is bolting?
When a cabbage is not picked quickly enough it sprouts a flower and the leaves then become bitter to eat.
Approximately when did Brussel sprouts appear?
What is the relationship between cauliflower and broccoflower?
It is cauliflower with the ability to turn green.
What are the 2 major cole root crops?
turnips and rutabagas
Which cole root was the original Jack-o-lantern.
What plant does canola oil come from?
What family does lettuce belong to?
The Asteraceae family
How long ago was lettuce cultivated?
4500 BC
In the 14th century, house wives had dinner parties and served something that was "all the rage", what was it?
Salads with 50 different types of green available to them.
What are the 3 main types of lettuce?
1. loose-leaf
2. heading
3. cos
Name 3 edible parts of the celery plant.
1. swollen hypocotyls
2. Petioles
3. swollen leaf bases
The lettuce family which includes celery yeilds 2 important root vegetables, what are they?
1. Parsnip
2. Carrots
What is the significance of beta-carotene?
It is made up of two vitamin A molecules joined end to end.
Which beet is economically the most important?
Beet, Beta vulgaris
What vitamin in spinach helps cells make nucleic acids?
Folic Acid...good for baby
When one eats an asparagus, on is eating what part?
The heart, the swollen part of the stem.
How is asparagus propagated?
Using pieces of rhizomes called crowns because seed production is generally poor.