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5 Cards in this Set

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smack -1 /smæk/
–noun 滋味, 味道
1. a taste or flavor, esp. a slight flavor distinctive or suggestive of something: The chicken had just a smack of garlic.
2. a trace, touch, or suggestion of something.
–verb (used without object)
4. to have a taste, flavor, trace, or suggestion: Your politeness smacks of condescension.
smack -2 /smæk/
–verb (used with object) 捆, 打
1. to strike sharply, esp. with the open hand or a flat object.
He smacked his son's face. 他摑了他兒子耳光。
2. to drive or send with a sharp, resounding blow or stroke: to smack a ball over a fence.
–verb (used without object) 啪的一聲甩(或扔等)
5. to smack the lips.
–noun 掌摑; 劈啪聲
8. a sharp, resounding blow, esp. with something flat.
We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship. 我們能聽到浪濤拍擊船舷的聲音。
9. a smacking of the lips, as in relish or anticipation.
–adverb 剛剛好、正好、不偏不倚
11. suddenly and violently: He rode smack up against the side of the house.
I fell smack in the mud. 我正好跌在爛泥裡。
in place
- 在適當的位子、準備就緒
in the correct position; established, or operational
Funding arrangements are ready in place.
dis·rup·tive  /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/
–adjective 分裂性的, 破裂的
causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting: the disruptive effect of their rioting.
cor·rupt /kəˈrʌpt/
–adjective 腐敗的, 貪污的, 墮落的, 邪惡的
1. guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked: a corrupt judge.
The corrupt judge dismissed the case without a hearing. 腐敗的法官沒有聽審就駁回了這個案子。
2. debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil: a corrupt society.
He led a corrupt life. 他過著墮落的生活。
–verb (used with object) 1.使腐敗, 使墮落; 賄賂, 收買
6. to destroy the integrity of; cause to be dishonest, disloyal, etc., esp. by bribery.
It was power that corrupted him. 是權力腐蝕了他。
7. to lower morally; pervert: to corrupt youth.
He copied the text carelessly so that it was corrupted. 他抄寫原文時很粗心, 以致出現訛誤。
–verb (used without object) 墮落; 腐化
13. to become corrupt.
Complete power corrupts completely. 絕對的權力造成絕對的腐敗。