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9 Cards in this Set

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bril·liant  /ˈbrɪlyənt/
–adjective 明亮的; 優秀的;才華橫溢的
1. shining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous: the brilliant lights of the city.
The moon was brilliant. 月光明亮極了。
2. distinguished; illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist.
He came up with a brilliant idea. 他想出了一個絕妙的主意。
3. having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician.
She is a brilliant swimmer. 她是個技藝超群的游泳健兒。
suf·fice  /səˈfaɪs, -ˈfaɪz/
–verb (used without object) 足夠
1. to be enough or adequate, as for needs, purposes, etc.
Her income suffices for her needs. 她的收入足夠她用。
–verb (used with object) 足夠
2. to be enough or adequate for; satisfy.
Some bread and soup will suffice me. 一些麵包和湯就夠我吃的了。
ma·neu·ver  /məˈnuvər/
–noun 【軍】軍事演習,策略, 謀略
1. a planned and regulated movement or evolution of troops, warships, etc.
2. maneuvers, a series of tactical exercises usually carried out in the field by large bodies of troops in simulating the conditions of war.
The prime minister thwarted the opposition's maneuver to gain control of the government. 首相挫敗了反對黨企圖控制政府的陰謀。
–verb (used with object) 調動;巧妙地操縱(或處理)
5. to change the position of (troops, ships, etc.) by a maneuver.
6. to bring, put, drive, or make by maneuvers: He maneuvered his way into the confidence of the enemy.
–verb (used without object) 用計謀
9. to perform a maneuver or maneuvers.
thwart  /θwɔrt/
–verb (used with object) 反對, 阻撓; 使受挫折
1. to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.
Our plans for a picnic were thwarted by the rain. 我們的野餐計劃因雨受挫。
2. to frustrate or baffle (a plan, purpose, etc.).
con·tin·gen·cy  /kənˈtɪndʒənsi/
–noun 意外事故; 偶然事件
1. dependence on chance or on the fulfillment of a condition; uncertainty; fortuitousness: Nothing was left to contingency.
2. a contingent event; a chance, accident, or possibility conditional on something uncertain: He was prepared for every contingency.
Be prepared for any contingency. 為應付可能發生的不測事件作好準備。
3. something incidental to a thing.
the contingencies of war 伴隨戰爭發生的種種情況
en·ti·ty  /ˈɛntɪti/
–noun 實體; 存在; 本質
1. something that has a real existence; thing: corporeal entities.
2. being or existence, esp. when considered as distinct, independent, or self-contained: He conceived of society as composed of particular entities requiring special treatment.
3. essential nature: The entity of justice is universality.
ut·most  /ˈʌtˌmoʊst or, especially Brit., -məst/
–adjective 最大的; 最遠的
1. of the greatest or highest degree, quantity, or the like; greatest: of the utmost importance.
Conservation is of the utmost importance. 保護自然資源至關重要。
–noun 極限; 極度
3. Also, uttermost. the greatest degree or amount: the utmost that can be said; The hotel provides the utmost in comfort.
They have done their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 他們盡了最大努力去學習生產技術。
u·ti·lize  /ˈyutlˌaɪz/
–verb (used with object) 【書】利用
to put to use; turn to profitable account: to utilize a stream to power a mill.
Scientists are trying to find more efficient ways of utilizing solar energy. 科學家正在尋找能更有效地利用太陽能的方法。
a·re·na  /əˈrinə/
–noun 競技場, 【喻】競爭場所, 活動場所
1. the oval space in the center of a Roman amphitheater for gladiatorial combats or other performances.
2. a central stage, ring, area, or the like, used for sports or other forms of entertainment, surrounded by seats for spectators: a boxing arena; a circus arena.
3. a building housing an arena.
4. a field of conflict, activity, or endeavor: the arena of politics.
A member of congress works in the political arena. 國會議員在政界活動。