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14 Cards in this Set

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nv3 woman; female : ~教師 ~jiao4shi1 woman teacher / ~醫生 ~yi1sheng1 woman doctor / ~售貨員 ~shou4huo4yuan2 saleswoman / ~運動員 ~yun4dong4yuan2 sportswoman / ~民兵 ~ min2bing1 militiawoman / ~演員 ~yan3yuan2 actress / ~英雄 ~ying1xiong2 heroine / ~飛行員 ~ fei1xing2yuan2 aviatrix / ~職工 ~zhi2gong1 women staff members and women workers / ~學生 ~xue2sheng girl student daughter; girl : 儿女 er2-nv3 the tenth of the twenty-eight constellations (二十八宿) into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy (consisting of four stars in the shape of a sieve in Aquarius)
li3 neighbourhood : 鄰里 lin2li3 native place : 故里 gu4li3 (Li3) a surname {measure word} li, currently called 市里 shi4li3, a traditional unit of length See also 市里 shi4li3
mu3 mother : ~女 ~-nv3 mother and daughter / 老~ lao3~ one's old mother one's female elders : 伯母 bo2mu3 / 祖母 zu3mu3 female (animal) : ~象 ~xiang4 female (or cow) elephant / 你的狗是公的還是~的 Ni3 de gou3 shi4 gong1 de hai2shi ~ de Is your dog a he or a she? / ~狼 ~lang2 she-wolf nut (so called because of the female screw thread) : 螺母 luo2mu3 origin; parent : 母公司 mu3gong1si1
qie3 {adverb} just; for the time being : 你~等一下 Ni3 ~ deng3 yi1xia4. Just wait a little while. / 這事~放一下 Zhe4 shi4 ~ fang4 yi1xia4. Let the matter rest for the time being. / ~不說中文期刊, 外文期刊也訂了不少 ~bu4 shuo1 Zhong1wen2 qi1kan1, wai4wen2 qi1kan1 ye3 ding4 le bu4shao3. Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese. (dialect) for a long time : 這种鋼筆~使呢 Zhe4zhong3 gang1bi3 ~ shi3 ne. These fountain pens last a long time. / 他~來不了呢 Ta1 ~ lai2buliao3 ne. He's a long time coming. or It'll be a while yet before he gets here. {conjunction} (formal) even : 死~不懼, 況困難乎! Si3 ~ bu4 ju4, kuang4 kun4nan hu1! Even death holds no fears for us, to say nothing of difficulties. both...and... : 既高~大 Ji4 gao1 ~ da4 both tall and heavy set; both high and wide / 她工作既快~好 Ta1 gong1zuo4 ji4 kuai4 ~ hao3. She works quickly and well.
fu2 good fortune; blessing; happiness : ~壽雙全 ~shou4shuang1quan2 enjoy both happiness and longevity (of a woman in former times) make a curtsy : ~了一~ ~ le yi1 ~ make a curtsy (Fu2) short for 福建 Fu2jian4
gan3 feel; sense : 身体略~不适 shen1ti3 lve4 ~ bu4shi4 not feel very well; be under the weather; be out of sorts move; touch; affect : 深有所~ shen1 you3suo3 ~ be deeply moved; be greatly touched be grateful; be obliged : 請早日寄下為~ Qing3 zao3ri4 ji4 xia4 wei4 ~. I should be grateful if you would send it to me at an early date. <Chinese medicine> be affected : 外感 wai4gan3 sense; feeling : 民族自豪~ Min2zu2 zi4hao2~ a sense of national pride / 讀后~ du2hou4~ reaction to (or impressions of ) a book or an article / 給人以一种新鮮~ gei3 ren2 yi3 yi1 zhong3 xin1xian1 ~ engender a feeling of freshness <photography> sensitize : 感光 gan3guang1
bo2 b.f. father's elder brother; uncle in bo2bo eldest of brothers earl; count in bo2jue2 See also bai3
zhuo1 b.f. table; desk in zhuo1zi m. (for tablefuls)
can1 b.f. join; enter; take part in in can1jia1 refer; consult in can1kao3 call to pay one's respects to impeach an official before the emperor See also cen1 shen1
wei3 b.f. great; imposing in wei3da4 , hong2wei3
xing4 b.f. luck; good fortune in xing4yun4 , xing4fu2 fortunately; luckily in xing4kui1 <wr.> favor in de2xing4 <wr.> come; arrive (of an emperor) in xun2xing4 <wr.> hope; trust in xing4wu4tui1que4 n. Surname
ju4 adv. completely; entirely
shu4 b.f. art in mei3shu4 skill; technique in ji4shu4 technical; specialized in shu4yu3 method; tactics in zhan4shu4 See also zhu2
mo2 b.f. evil spirit; demon; monster in mo2gui3 magic; mystic in mo2shu4