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42 Cards in this Set

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40 minerals
40 minerals:
- non-essential
- essential (17-22):
1. macro: % level in diet
2. trace: ppm in diet
R vs NR
- R: dependent upon pasture, most feed local, systems often depend upon grazing
- NR: purchased feeds from different soil types
macroelements gen
- 98% of minerals in body
- mg % level in blood, % level in diet
1. Ca
2. P
3. Na
4. Cl
5. K
6. Mg
7. S
macroelement fx
macroelement fx:
1. structural:
- bone: 99% of Ca and 75-80% of P
2. E met: P of ATP
3. homeostasis: ionic balance, osmotic P, pH buffering
4. muscles, nerves: K, Na, Mg, Ca
5. micronutrient fx: cofactors for enzymes, Ca for blood clotting
6. production: milk, eggs
Ca absorption
Ca absorption:
- Vit D dependent
- dependent upon solubility and CaBP in enterocyte
- adapts to physiological needs
- efficiency low: 40-50%, high 70%
- active in SI, passive in LI
- independent of P absorption
Ca metabolism
Ca metabolism:
- blood 9-10 mg%
- bone 50:50 apetite: organic
- apetite: Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
- excretion through SI and kidneys
Ca homeostasis
Ca homeostasis:
- primarily at level of ionic Ca in blood
- inc serum: calcitonin, Ca deposition
- dec serum: PTH release:
1. more resorption
2. stim formation of 1,25 DHCC (dihydroxycalciferol)
3. enhances Ca retention in kidneys
4. inc P excretion from kidneys
Ca deficiency
Ca deficiency:
1. poor growth
2. tetany
3. bone dz
4. repro failure
5. impaired production
chronic Ca excess
chronic Ca excess:
1. Ca soaps in GIT: dec fat abs
2. calcinosis: excessive bone calcification, soft tissues
3. parathyroid supression
4. inhibition of trace element abs
milk fever (parturient paresis)
milk fever (parturient paresis):
- low serum Ca
- common in dairy cows, esp older and Jerseys
- lethargy, anorexia, eventually falling and paresis
- tx: Ca gluconate IV, udder inflation to slow Ca uptake by udder
prevention of milk fever (parturient paresis)
prevention of milk fever (parturient paresis):
1. inj Vit D3 3-8 days before calving
2. low dietary Ca during dry period
3. dietary anionic salt (NH4Cl) in late pregnancy to enhance Ca abs
Ca requirements
Ca requirements:
1. NR: 0.4-3.5%, laying hen very high
2. R: 0.15-0.6%
- sources: limestone, oyster shells
P absorption
P absorption:
- Vit D dependent
- Ca independent
- 30-40% efficiency
- Phytate-P: not available to NR, R use bacterial phytase
- Phytase products for swine and poultry: make dietary P better available, reduce P excretion into manure
P metabolism
P metabolism:
- PO4 in blood
- regulated 4-9 mg%
- excreted from kidney
P deficiency
P deficiency:
1. poor growth rate
2. rickets
3. pica
dietary P
dietary P:
- NR: 0.3-0.6%
- R 0.15-0.5%
1. plants: phytate, low availability
2. animal sources: meat and bone meal
3. supplement: dicalcium P
electrolytes abs
electrolytes abs:
- readily abs as ions
- very available, distributed in body water
electrolytes met and fx
electrolytes met and fx:
- ECF: Na, Cl
- ICF: K
- fluid balance
- excreted primarily in urine: high intake increases urine volume and excretion rate
electrolyte deficiency
electrolyte deficiency:
1. poor growth
2. dehydration
3. lethargy
4. eggshell formation problems
5. impaired cartilage growth
6. inc incidence of milk fever?
electrolyte req
electrolyte req:
1. K: 0.3-0.8%
2. Na: 0.12-0.18%
3. Cl: 0.13-0.15%
Mg abs
Mg abs:
- not well understood
- not efficient: used as laxative
Mg met
Mg met:
- ion in blood, excreted in urine
- cofactor action: most enzymes associated with ATP utilization
- fx in nerves, muscles, other tissues
Sulfur abs
Sulfur abs:
- primarly as cys and met
- sulfate can also be abs
Sulfur Met
Sulfur met:
1. NR: sulfur aa's abs, delivered to tissues, and catabolized--> release of some free sulfate
2. R: rumen bugs incorporate sulfate into bacterially synthesized met and cys
- post abs same in R and NR
- excreted via urine
Sulfur deficiency
Sulfur deficiency:
- none specific
- like aa def in NR
Sulfate req
Sulfate req:
1. NR: same as req S aa's: need of tissues met by degradation
2. R: 0.18%S
- typical corn silage 0.05-0.10% so add Na2SO4
- NaHCO3, MgO, CaCO3
- effective at 1.25% DM
1. laying hens: variable response, may prevent hot weather thinning of shells
2. early lactation dairy: inc FI, milk fat test, dec stress associated with conversion to high grain diet
Sulfur abs
Sulfur abs:
- primarly as cys and met
- sulfate can also be abs
Sulfur Met
Sulfur met:
1. NR: sulfur aa's abs, delivered to tissues, and catabolized--> release of some free sulfate
2. R: rumen bugs incorporate sulfate into bacterially synthesized met and cys
- post abs same in R and NR
- excreted via urine
Sulfur deficiency
Sulfur deficiency:
- none specific
- like aa def in NR
Sulfate req
Sulfate req:
1. NR: same as req S aa's: need of tissues met by degradation
2. R: 0.18%S
- typical corn silage 0.05-0.10% so add Na2SO4
- NaHCO3, MgO, CaCO3
- effective at 1.25% DM
1. laying hens: variable response, may prevent hot weather thinning of shells
2. early lactation dairy: inc FI, milk fat test, dec stress associated with conversion to high grain diet
Se abs
Se abs:
1. inorganic: well abs
2. organic: poorly abs
Se met
Se met:
- goes to all tissues, no special role of liver
- excreted in urine
- toxic levels: excreted by lungs, volatile
Se fx
Se fx:
- glutathoine peroxidase: antioxidation rxns, destroys free radicals
- Vit E prevents free radical formation
- immunity
- redox rxns
Se deficiency
Se deficiency:
- freq on soil <0.1 ppm
- low Se and Vit E: mem (USFA) oxidation
- if either Vit E or Se low, other can prevent oxidation
1. <0.04mg/kg: poor growth, pancreatic degeneration regardless of Vit E status
2. 0.04-0.10 mg/kg:
- w/ low Vit E: white m disease (lambs), exudative diathesis (chicks), liver necrosis (swine)
Se nutrition
Se nutrition:
- NR: 0.1-0.3 mg/kg req
- R: 0.1-0.3 mg/kg req
- diets: 0.01-10 mg/kg diets
Cr abs
Cr abs:
+3 best abs
- organic form: glucose tolerance factor (GTF), contains gly, glu, cys
Cr met, fx
Cr met, fx:
- GTF: cell response to insulin (inc glc uptake, dec BG)
- Cr soluble, excreted in urine
Cr deficiency
Cr deficiency:
1. dec glc tolerance
2. impaired E met
3. inc serum cholesterol
Cr nutrition
Cr nutrition:
- not well defined
- Cr def only observed in rats and humans
- brewer's yeast: rich source
correcting trace mineral def
correcting trace mineral def:
- trace mineral premix
- trace mineralized salt
- Co capsule in rumen: slow release