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15 Cards in this Set

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Paxton Boys
A mob of Pennsylvania frontiersmen led by the Paxtons who massacred a group of non-hostile Indians.
Carolina Regulators
Western frontiersmen who in 1768 rebelled in protest against the high taxes imposed by the Eastern colonial government of North Carolina, and whose organization was crushed by military force by Governor Tryon in 1771. In South Carolina, groups of vigilantes who organized to fight outlaw bands along the Western frontier in 1767-1769, and who disbanded when regular courts were established in those areas.
XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic scandal that lasted from March of 1797 to 1800 and worsened relations between the United States and France, almost leading to war. The Jay Treaty of 1795 angered France, which was at war with Britain and saw the treaty as evidence of an Anglo-American alliance. John Adams sent a diplomatic delegation to Paris in 1797 to negotiate peace. Three French agents, originally called X, Y, and Z represented French foreign minister Talleyrand, Secretly approached by X,Y and Z who demanded 32 million Horins to speak. Creates war hysteria in US. Talley rand submits.
Barbary Pirates
Most privateers that operated on Barbary Coast of North Africa, the Barbary pirates prey on shipping in the western Mediterranean Sea from the time of the Crusades as well as on ships on their way to Asia around Africa until the early 19th century. It brought in urgently needed gold for America, harassed the enemy, and raised American morale by providing victories at a time when victories were few. British shipping was so badly riddled by privateers and by the regular American navy that insurance rates increased. It brought increasing pressure on Parliament to end the war on honorable terms. It eventually led to informal declaration of war by Tripoli; Wins naval battle (Jefferson). 1805 they obtained $60K in treaty-ransom payment for captured Americans.
Jay Treaty
The Jay Treaty of 1794 was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain signed in November 1794, and ratified in 1795. The treaty angered the friends of France, which was at war with Britain, and became a central issue in the politics of the First Party System. The treaty avoided a threatened war and resolved most of the grievances between the two nations and opened a decade of peace and commercial prosperity.
Pinckney Treaty
Pinckney's Treaty was signed on October 27, 1795 and established intentions of friendship between the United States and Spain. It also defined the boundaries of the United States with the Spanish colonies and guaranteed the United States navigation rights on the Mississippi River and large disputed territory north of Florida.
Indian Chieftain of James River tribes in 1607 when English land. Led subjects in Powhatan Confederacy. Considered English as allies against Indians. Hostile relations; led to First and Second Anglo-Powhatan War 1614 and 1644. Powhatans had driven west away from land to satisfy land desire of English.
King Philip
King Philip, Messasoit’s son, forged intertribal unity in 1675 and mounted a series of assaults on English villages. Though failed, King Philip’s War slowed the westward march of English settlement in New England for several decades. But the war inflicted a lasting defeat on New England’s Indians. They never again seriously threatened the colonists.
John Berkeley
Had close relation with King Charles and Duke of York. New Jersey granted to him. Co-proprietor (William Berkeley) of New Jersey 1664-74. Sold share to Quakers. Fellow proprietor Sir George Carteret takes East Jersey, other split to West Jersey. 1665 drafter of concession and Agreement (provided religious freedom in New Jersey)
Nathan Hale
Captain in Continental Army during American Revolutionary War. “l only regret I have but one life to lose for my country.” America’s first spy. Hanged after Battle of Long Island. Captured and questioned by General Howe.
Stamp Act Congress
Stamp Act Congress 10/1765 meeting on discussion of Stamp Act. Twenty-seven delegates from nine colonies. Drew up list of grievances and rights, sent to King and Parliament . Significant step towards inter-colonial unity.
First Continental Congress
Summoned 1774 in response to Intolerable Acts. Met in Philadelphia to redress colonial grievances. Twelve colonies except Georgia sent 55 men. Inter-colonial conflicts dissolve. Met 9/5 – 10/26 1774. Not legislative but consultative body. Drew up Declaration of Rights. Solemn appeals to American and Britain. Created the Association (complete boycott of British Goods)
National Road
National Road (Cumberland Road) begins 1811 in Cumberland, Maryland to wheeling west Virginia. First Major improved highway, stops at Vandalia, Illinois. Gateway to west for settlers. Authorized for construction by Thomas Jefferson. Portage between Potomac and Ohio Rivers.
British General Cornwallis falls into trap. Virginian operations futile, falls back to Chesapeake Bay at Yorktown to wait for seaborne supplies, ammo, reinforcements. British lose control of sea to Franco- American ships. British lose on land to Franco-American Rochambeau-Washington army. Cornwallis surrenders on October 19, 1781
Appalachians to Mississippi
Land settled mostly by back country farmers, faced constant Indian attacks on forts. Proclamation Line of 1763 prevented settlers moving west but infuriated colonists. Constant rebellion.