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26 Cards in this Set

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An elevated AFP is seen in
hepatoma (hepatocellular carcinoma), multiple gestation, neural tube defect, yolk sac tumorendodermal sinus disease
what is hemochromatosis
small intestine taking up excess iron w a normal diet
What are the SE from hemochromatosis?
this excess iron deposits in the liver, pancreas, heart, and skin= cirrhosis, type I like diabetes, cardiomyopathy, and bronze-skin "bronze diabetes"
What are the lab tests seen with hemochromatosis?
elevated liver function tests, increase plasma Fe, 50% saturdation transferring, & elevated serum ferritin
What does iron stimulate production of
hydroxyl free radicals which cause fibrosis
What is Wilson's Disease?
gene mutation- defected hepatocyte transport of copper to bile for excretion
what happens to this unbound copper
accumulates in the blood, loosely attached to albumin
clinically findings:
late childhood appearance, kayeser-fleishcer rings, copper in putamen (basal ganglia) produces parkinsonism, toxic to cerebral cortex produces dementisa, hepatosplenomegaly, hemolytic anemia, renal disease
Lab findings in Wilson's disease
decrease total serum copper, decrease ceruloplasmin
treatment of Wilson's disease
penicillamin and zinc
What AR is pulmonary emphysema linked with?
alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency
What is Von-hippel landau disease
hemangioblastoma of retina/cerebellum/medulla
what do the majority develop with Von-Hippel Landau disease?
bilateral renal cell carcinomas and other tumors
what is the acronym for the mutation of VHL?
deleted VHL gene on chrom 3
3 letters of the 3rd chromosome
HBsAg means what in Hepatitis B?
the person is infected usually the 1st marker!
Anti-HBc mean?
this is after HbSag detected for a long time
acute infection, most specific to infection bc appears in window between HBsAg and anti-iGg
recovered for life and will continue to appear
low viral and inactive
active viral
immunized & recovered
Baby eating a lot of honey what is your first concern?
C. botulinum- spores often in honey
What happens with infant C. botulinum
eat honey--> spores germinate teh LI--> release toxin--> slowly absorbed--> blocks AcH release--> constipation, flaccid paralysis, good prognosis w support
signs of congenital pyloric stenosis
nonbilous projectile vominting, visible peralstalsis, and olive-size mass in distal pylorus/stomach
Positive bird beak sign
constricted LES- achalasia
TYpe I diabetes which HLA?