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43 Cards in this Set

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What did American farmers both black and white use from the government?
Land, got loans for equipment and seeds
Land merchants cook the books and end up causing farmers what? How?
farmers debt by charging to much for land
A group of young confederates in 1866 created what group of terrorists/racists? What did this group begin to deal with?
KKK and they dealt with land payments
what did over production cause?
What happened in the Cole Fax Massacre and who led these fights in a campaign of terror?
100 African Americans where killed in cold blood by KKK
What did the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 say?
infringement of a political or civil right was a federal crime
Democrats successfully keep republicans to vote in south leading to a democratic southern up rise called what?
Democratic redemption
Who won the 1876 presidential election and what did he do with troops in the south?
Hayes, sent them to take care of railroad riots.
How did Hayes win the election?
Electoral College
When Hayes pulled the troops out of south what did it end and what was reinstated?
Ended reconstruction, Black codes reinstated
Why did farmers begin to produce only one crop?
Higher demand for cash to use railroad
What is a bonanza?
money making opportunity
Who received better deals on the railroads the new corporate farms or the older individual farms?
corporate farms
farmers begin to produce only one crop,bonanzas,new corporate farms, all are causes for what?
Farm Crisis
Where was National Farmers Alliance set up and what does it say?
Texas, pushed for state owner ship of railroads, graduated income tax, free and unlimited coinage of silver
Because there were so many farmers struggling in this period of time it led to what?
farmers voting for people getting into political parties
Jacob Coxey went to DC to complain about what?
poor wages, unemployment
Vertical Integration, give example
company tries to control all steps of production process, Henry Ford
Horizontal Integration, give example
linking companies together that produce the same product, John D. Rockefeller
Who created Scientific Management and what is it?
Fredrick Winslow Taylor managers should make all important decisions and started time and motion studies to examine how products are created to find best/fastest way to create them
Men only made 50%-60% of what they needed to survive with their families causing what?
women and children to join work force
What were some of the negatives about women and children in work force?
bad working conditions and low pay
Give some facts about Albert Parsons
radical republican fights for ex slave rights, married ex slave, Lucy, had to move to Chicago because of Souths laws on interracial marriage, joins union
What union was started secretively and end up becoming more active, and what did they argue. Who did they elect as the head of union?
Knights of Labor, argued that Republic of U.S. was being undermined by people and wages/labor were not good, Terrance Powdery
What did Knights of Labor do about Chinese immigration? Why?
they try and successfully stop it, because they worked for much cheaper then other Americans and stole "jobs"
When Knights of labor began to boycott certain companies what did the companies do? What were they for?
Hired Pinkerton Detective Agencies to beat up striking workers to help as incentive to stop striking
What was the protest about and occurred at the protest in Haymarket Square?
protesting about strikers being beat up/killed in Chicago and working conditions, police force shows up and bomb goes off causing police to open fire
8 of the group leaders were arrested and sentenced jail time or death, who was among these 8 arrested?
Albert Parsons and Louis Lingg who commits suicide
What did the previous events mention cause dealing with the Knights of Labor? What was then created after KOL?
began to fall apart, American Federation of Labor
What was the difference between the American Federation of Labor and Knights of Labor
American Federation of Labor is organized of only skilled white workers unlike KOL who used all types of workers except Chinese.
What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?
Americans win loose 379 in war 5000 to yellow fever, in return we receive Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippine Islands
Explain what first happened once we got the Philippine Islands from Spain...
At first we fought in Philippine War against Spain with the Philippinos to once again gain control of islands, and then
Now explain what happened next after defeating Spain in Philippine War...
After gaining control again in islands Philippines fight us in the Philippino Insurrection to try and gain control of their own islands.(bloody war and longer)
What was the Americans reasons for obtaining Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippine Islands
to spread democratic institutions across of world
Explain the gender issue that brings about men and there supposed Nevresthenia disease.
men become nervous becasue of women independence becoming more prone
What happens when U.S. begin to become Industrial super power?
begin to produce more than we can consume
What happened to the U.S. battleship, the Maine?
US sent it to Cuba randomly blows up in Cuban port, giving Americans to declare war an Spanish
What were some reasons America to declare war on Spain in Cuba? (Besides the Maine)
They controlled Cuba and had concentration camps
When the US win the war in Cuba what do we help them do and what does it state?
Help create a constitution, Platt Amendment, and states we have a US Navy base in Cuba *(Guantanamo Bay)
Who was allied with us in the Spanish American War and then against us in the Philippino Insurrection?
Emilio Aguinaldo
What group of people published US troops letters about the Philippine Insurrection?
Anti-Imperialist League
Monroe Doctrine
Europeans to stay out of the Western Hemisphere
Roosevelt Corollary
Central and South America must stay out of Western hemisphere.