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74 Cards in this Set

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fāma, fāmae
(f) rumor, report; fame, reputation
fōrma, fōrmae
(f) form, shape; beauty
fortūna, fortūnae
(f) fortune, luck
īra, īrae
(f) ire, anger
nauta, nautae
(m) sailor
patria, patriae
(f) fatherland, native land, (one's) country
pecūnia, pecūniae
(f) money
philosophia, philosophiae
(f) philosophy
poena, poenae
(f) penalty, punishment
poēta, poētae
(m) poet
porta, portae
(f) gate, entrance
puella, puellae
(f) girl
rosa, rosae
(f) rose
sententia, sententiae
(f) feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vīta, vītae
(f) life; mode of life
agricola, agricolae
(m) field, farm, farmer
amīca, amīcae
(f) friend (female)
fēmina, fēminae
(f) woman
fīlia, fīliae
(f) daughter
sapientia, sapientiae
(f) wisdom
cūra, cūrae
(f) care, attention, caution, anxiety
magistra, magistrae
(f) schoolmaster, teacher, master
mora, morae
(f) delay
adulēscentia, adulēscentiae
(f) youth, young manhood; youthfulness
culpa, culpae
(f) fault, blame
glōria, glōriae
(f) glory, fame
dea, deae
(f) goddess
discipula, discipulae
(f) female learner, pupil, student
īnsidiae, īnsidiārum
(f) ambush, plot, treachery
terra, terrae
(f) earth, ground, land, country
cōpia, cōpiae
(f) abundance, supply; cōpiae, cōpiārum, pl., supplies, troops, forces
victōria, victōriae
(f) victory
rēgīna, rēginae
(f) queen
littera, litterae
(f) a letter of the alphabet; pl., a letter (epistle), literature
amīcitia, amīcitiae
(f) friendship
hōra, hōrae
(f) nature
nātūra, nātūrae
(f) nature
via, viae
(f) way, road, street
Asia, Asiae
(f) Asia
medica, medicae
(f) doctor, physician (female)
patientia, patientiae
(f) suffering; patience, endurance
Rōma, Rōmae
(f) Rome
turba, turbae
(f) uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
Italia, Italiae
(f) Italy
memoria, memoriae
(f) memory, recollection
clēmentia, clēmentiae
(f) mildness, gentleness, mercy
satura, saturae
(f) satire
scientia, scientiae
(f) knowledge
familia, familiae
(f) household, family
Graecia, Graeciae
(f) Greece
casa, casae
(f) house, cottage, hut
causa, causae
(f) cause, reason; case, situation
fenestra, fenestrae
(f) window
Trōia, Trōiae
(f) Troy
vīcīna, vīcīnae
(f) neighbor (female)
hasta, hastae
(f) spear
īnsula, īnsulae
(f) island
fābula, fābulae
(f) story, tale; play
serva, servae
(f) slave (female)
lingua, linguae
(f) tongue; language
cēna, cēnae
(f) dinner
mēnsa, mēnsae
(f) table; dining; dish, course
mēnsa secunda
(f) dessert
lūna, lūnae
(f) moon
stēlla, stēllae
(f) star, planet
nāta, nātae
(f) daughter
invidia, invidiae
(f) envy, jealousy, hatred
custōdia, custōdiae
(f) protection, custody; guards (pl.)
philosopha, philosophae
(f) philosopher (female)
anima, animae
(f) soul, spirit
iānua, iānuae
(f) door
Athēnae, Athēnārum
(f) pl., Athens
Syrācusāe, Syrācusārum
(f) pl., Syracuse
iniūria, iniūriae
(f) injustice, injury, wrong