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42 Cards in this Set

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Generalities of the ANS(2)
1. Sympathetic uses energy (fight or flight)

2. Parasymp does not use energy
3 systems of the ANS
1. Sympathetic
2. Parasymp
3. Enteric
What does the ANS effect to get the job done?(3)
1. Smooth muscle
2. Cardiac muscle
3. Exocrine glands
What does the Parasympatetic nerves do generally?(4)
1. Contract Pupil, bladder and bronchi
2. Water secretions(tears and saliva)
3. Lower BP (Decrease HR and VasoD)
4. Digest
What does the sympathetic do?(3)
1. Dialate Pupil, bronchi and bladder
2. Increase BP(HR and VasoC)
3.Slow digestion
Location of the parasympathetic nerves?
1. Craniosacral NS
2. CN 3,7,9,10
3. S2-S4
Sympathetic chain runs along which vertebrae?
1. T1-L2/3
Sympathetic outflow from the spine?
1. Short Preganglionic ACh neuron(white)
2. Long Postganglionic(grey), type C fibers(Biogenic Amines or ACh)
3. Synapse on Smooth Muscle
Sympathetic neurons end on what type of muscle? The release what types of NTs?
Smooth muscle
1. ACh sweat glands
2. DA in kidney
3. Catcholamines everywhere else
Parasympathetic outflow from the spine comes out what fibers?
What are the smooth muscle receptors?
1. Long preganglionic white ACh nerves
2. Short pregang gray type C ACh nerves
3. Smooth muscle(M1-M3 = + IP3 and M4 = -cAMP)
Parasympathetic ACh receptors(2)
1. nAChR pre to post
2. mAChR on effectors
Curare inhibits the release or receptor of what NT?
Blocks nAChR
Why do postganglionic fibers have a large effect?
1. The end as varicosities so they affect a larger area
Muscarinic Receptors, 3 types M1,M2 and M3 do what?
1. M1 - autonomic ganglia in the CNS
2. M2 - cardiac muscles ....presynaptic receptors inhibit ACh release
3. M3 - SM, Glands, Endothelial cells
Adrenergic receptors(5)
1. Beta 1 = HR and inotropic
2. Beta 2 = VasoD, BronchoD
3. Lipolysis
4. Alpha 1 = VasoC
5. Alpha 2 = Inhibit NE
Reciporical Innervation does what between systems?
1. One system sends out fibers to other axons in the area, in order to enhance its own function
Cholinergic receptors cause what response(4)
1. Contrat Pupils, Bronchi and bladder(piss)
2. Salivate
3. decrease HR
4. Increase Acid and diarrhea
Act on the sympathetic systems

1. Dialate Pupils, bronchi and help you not pee
2. Dry mouth
3. Increase HR
4. Decrease acid and diarrhea
Pupillary reflex(parasympathetic)
Retina > 2in > pretectal nuclei > EWN > 3out > ciliary ganglion > iris(constrict)
Parotid PS reflex starting at the nucleus
Solitary nucleus > 9 out > Parotid >salivate
Vagus Motor Parasympathetic reflex travels out how?
Dorsal motor nucleus of 10 > 10 out > Heart and lungs(RR)
CN PS nerves innervate what and do what?
3 - constrict
7 - Tears, Submandibular
9 - Parotid
10 - BronchoD, decrease HR, visceral organs
Holmes/adie syndrome(2) classic triad?
1. Abnormal Pupillary reflex due to virus
2. Classic 3 = Tonic pupil(slow and large), Hyperhydrosis, Areflexia,

THAd likes Holmes and is not horny for PAM
PS Sacral division(3) goes to where?
1. Sacral outflow to the hindgut viscera
2. Pregang leaves as sphlancnic nerves
3. Post gang in the the Distal colon, rectum and genitalia
Sympathetic NS, contolled by what part of brain?Starts where and ascends and descends how?(4)
1. T1-L2/3
2. Controlled the hypothalamus
3. Ascends as superior cervical ganglion @T1
4. Descend as paravertebral chain ganglion
What is significant about the sympathetic sphlancnic tracts?(2)
1. They travel through the paravertebral chain without synapsing
2. They synapse in the prevertabral ganglia and go to the gut
What is raynaud Dz?
Excessive peripheral constriction of the extremities, especially the digits

Ray is having a bad Day cause his Fingers are cold
What is anaphylactic shock?
1. Allergic rxn
2. Systemic VasoD and BroncoC
3. Decrease BP to Shock levels
What do greater sphlancnic nerves do?
1. Synapse directly on the chromafin cells of the adrenal medulla
2. Release ACh to stimulate adrenaline release
How does Diabetes 2 give neuropathy?
1. High blood sugar causes microvascular problems
2. Affects small diameter fibers such as the STT
2. Lose Pain/temp
3. Autonomic fibers are small unmyelinated fibers too = CV, GI, BP and pupil problems
What happens in a Pheochromocytoma(3) and what is the key indicator?
1. Adrenal gland tumor(NE and E)
3. Increased HR and BP
4. VMA in urine tests for it
What is Riley Day syndrome?(3)
1. AR jewish Dz
2. Loss of all ANS and sensory ganglia
3. Orthostatic Hypotension and loss of sensation among many other things
How does the body maintain BP?(4) through CN 9 and 10?
1. CN 9 and 10 have baroreceptors
2. Sense changes in vasomotor tone
3. Symp is the cardioaccelerator
4. PS is the Cardiobrakes
How do the Symp and PS affect the heart?(2)
1. PS send signals down the Vagus to slow the heart
2. Symp sends signals via the thoracic preganglionis to speed it up and VasoC
How does CO2 affect your HR in exercise?(4)
1. CO2 increase will decrease the Ph
2. Carotid Chemoreceptor senses
3. Cardioaccelerator says speed up man!
4. increase HR to decrease CO2
What is Shy Drager?(4)
1. Parkinson like symptoms With TRA and no P
2. Orthostatic Hypotension
3. Urinary incontinence
4. Impotence

Shy had a Parkinson's without the P
What is the Enteric NS?(3)
1. Portion of the ANS bewtween the walls of the gut
2. CNS independent
3. Gut motility, endo and exocrine secretions
What does the myenteric plexus do?
1. Gut motility
What does meissner's plexus do?
1. Secretion and absorption because they are PS nerves in the SI
What are the Enteric NT's(2+2)
Excite with
1. ACh
2. and Substance P

Inhibit with
1. Dynorphin
2. and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
What is Hirschsprungs Dz?
1. NCC migration failure
2. Portion of the colon is Aganglionic
3. Get obstruction, constipation, and distension of the gut
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
1. Severe damage at T6
2. A bladder infection will cause distension
3. Activates massive abnormal sympathetic outflow
4. Abnormal response ensues
5. Hypertension and Hyperhydrosis