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129 Cards in this Set

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Girls who were associated with bobs, dresses that were short and a rebellous attitude
Roaring twenties
Time period associated with the rise of the middle class and america being isolationists
Louis Armstrong
Jazz Singer of the 1920s
Harlem Renaissance
urban community in NYC that was flourishing in black literature
Langston Hughes
Black writer who wrote about the black experience in America
House Rent Parties
Parties in NYC that had alcohol and jazz; To enter the party people paid $ and $ went to poor people in new york
Ernest Hemingway
Famous author, often wrote about WWI
F. Scott Fitsgerald
Wrote " the great gatsby"; he often wrote about the wealthy
Charles Lindergh
Person who flew the first transatlantic flight non-stop; later became a movie star
President who created the VA; the first of the progressives; Remembered for scandal
Ohio Gang
Hardings friends he appointed to high offices; included scandalous people such as Thomas Miller, Jesse Smith, and Charles Forbes
The Teapot Dome Incident
A national oil reserve that was caught taking bribes from oil companies
Naval Petroleam Reserve #4
Oil reserve located in Alaska, 23.5 million Acres
Calvin Coolidge
Known as "silent cal"; became president after hardings death; He was fiscally fruigal, an isolationist, and a republican
First President who gave his augnoral address on radio
Kellog-Bryant Pact
agreement that war would not be a form of Gov. foreign policy with Germany, Japan, Italy, UK and US
The Dawes Plan
decreased the amount that Europe owed the US
Indian Civilization Act
Automatically gave citizenship to Native Americans
The Hoover-Stempson docrine
Told Japan that we did not acknowledge their new territories
The Great Depression
Economic downturn in US that affected the world; the Federal Reserve is to blame for it.
Black Tuesday
Oct. 29; Day when every stock was down 29% and became worthless
Smot-Hawley Tarriff
Increased import tax to 50% in response other countries raised there's as well causing trade wars and farmers to go broke
Dust bowl
Was a result of bad farming techniques; Plowing led to loss of top soil
people who moved from oklahoma to california during the great depression
Hoover Motortorium
Cut back on demands for european paybacks from WWI
Volstead Act
Said alcohol was illegal over .05%
Secret bars
illegally transfer of alcohol
Herbert Hoover
A president who was a quaker. He cancelled all leases on government land & built a national dam
Good Neighbor policy
Said that latin Ameria would be in good terms with US
Hoover Plan
presidents plan that said US will use trade embrgos instead of war
Volstead Act
Said that alcohol illegal over .05%
Secret bars
illegally transferring of alcohol
Al Capone
Famous bootlegger. He was finally caught for tax evasion
Elliot Ness
A prohibition officer in Chicago that was part of the "untouchables"
Scopes-monkey Trial
Trial that raised attention over the issue of teaching evoltion in the classroom.
Charles Darro
John Scopes defense attorney
William Bryan
Was the prosecution in the Scopes-Monkey trial
Sacco & Verizetti Trial
A result of a bombing in NYC were messages were left supporting communism & two men were charged for murders
National Orgins Act
reduced al immigration to 164000 people per year and quota of 2% per group; excluded latin america
John Edgar Hoover
He was over the FBI for 49 years. Made it into the department it is today
Teddy Rosevelt
Youngest pres. who took over when McKinely was shot
Square Deal
acted as a referee between labor unions and industry
Trust Busting
A term used to describe breaking up big monopolies
Pure food & Drug Act
Was in initially concerned with ensuring products were labeled correctly but later efferts were made to outlaw products that were not safe, or safe but not effective
Meat Inspection Act
requires the US department of agriculture to inspect all meat before it reachs consumers
Upton Sinclair
Wrote the jungle, was a muckrucker
Antiques Act
Stated that president can bypass congress to declare a historical spot protected
"Big Stick" policy
Came from the phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick" ; stated that US will retailate if provoked; idea of negotiating peacefully but at the same time threatening the "stick" of military
Roosevelt Corollary
An extention to the monroe doctrine that said that US had right to intervente to "stabilize" the economy of latin america
Panama Canal
French tried this first; then T. Roosevelt bought supplies from the french & signed treaty with columbia by which the US guaranteed Panama independent and secured a lease of a 10 mile strip for the canal
William Taft
Republican president who was a former judge. he was t. roosevelts secratary of war; later became chief justice
Publicity Act
Required parties to account for the money spent on federal campaigns
Dollar Dipomacy
Tafts plan that encouraged US banks to make investments oversees
Bull-moose party
Roosevelt broke with Taft and ran as a third party ticket
New nationalism
T. Roosevelts philosopy that government could reguate economy and guarantee social justice
Woodrow Wilson
Won due to split of republican party
New Freedom
Wilson's program that stressed indivdualism and states rights
Clayton-Anti trust act
was an act to suppement existing laws against unlawful monopolies. Also legalized peaceful strikes, pikiting and boycotts
Federal Reserve System
Central banking system of US was a response to finicial panics in 1907
largest steamship in the world that sank on April 14
Keating Own Act
"wicks bill" A law that prohibited the sale of goods manufactured by children
Poncho Villa
Mexican bandit who attacked americans in New Mexico
A fight between ntions for ottoman empire and who would get the land
Battle of Somme
Bloody battle of WWI were british lost 60, 000 soldiers
Battle of Ypres
Also called battle of flandres. It was the first world war battle fought
Allies Powers
Britian, Belgium, France and Russia
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and later turkey and bulgaria
Ship that was torpeoded by germans with US citizens on it
Zimmermann Telegraph
German minister sent this to mexico telling them to attack US led to us to declare war
Czar Nicolas
Last emperor of russia
John Pershing
General of US army during WWI
Espinage Act
Prohibited the support of central powers and said that you couldn't talk about about military leaders
Sedition Act
Said you coudn't say anything negative about gov, flag or military
George Creole
Appointed to run the committee of public information; they bombarded people with anti-german propaganda
14 points
Wilson's plan to promote world peace; included the abolition of secret treaties, freedom of the seas, and formed a league of nations
The Big 3
US (Wilson); England (David lloyd George); and France (George Clemens)
Treaty of Versails
Treaty that blamed germany for WWI; never signed by US
Weimer Republic
Germany's democratic party
Dough Boys
what young american soldiers were called
League of Nations
Before the UN. US wasn't apart of it
"Red Scare"
Crisis in America were citizens believed that communism was invading the US
Palmer Raids
anyone thought to be a communist would have their rights taken away and would arrest anybody
president who called hoover a socialist during election yet borrowed alot of his ideas; served 3 terms noone knew he was paralyzed
March of dimes
created for paralyzed children by FDR
New Deal
FDR's plan to deal with great depression
civilian conservation force
gave people jobs in parks that were unemployeed
Securities and Exchange Comission
watched walstreet to make sure they don't crash again
glass steagal banking act
act that said gov regulates what banks do
social security act
act that fixed gov fault in depression by giving old people money
Neutrality act
act that said US won't take any part in WWII
Quarantines Speech
Called hittler a virus and said we had to quarantine socialism so it wont spread
Lend-lease act
Act that gave englad money to aid in WWII
Destroyor for bases agreement
gave 30 american destroyers to england in exchange for access to ports in the carribian
Manhattan Project
US and british work together to make nuclear weapons before hitler
Robert Oppenheimer
designed the first atomic bomb
Potsdam Declaration
A letter to Japan of things to do to surrender; stated things like give back chinese territory, disarmorment, and warcrime trials; Japan said no
United Nations
created to save the world from communism; the big 5 were US, england, france, russia, and china
Truman doctrine
Stated that US would do anything to stop the spread of communism; gve money to greece and turkey to help them from Stalin
Marshal Plan
Truman's plan gave money to rebuild europe
The Fair Deal
Truman's idea of universal health care, an extention of unemployeement benefits and promotion of civil rights (never implemented)
Executive order # 9981
This desegregated the US military
Mao Zedong
The new ruler of china who killed 20 million his own people
Joseph McCarty
Senator who raised paranoya in the US by causing the second "red scare"
Korean War
"The forgotten war"; Due to the truman doctrine the US got involved
Kim III Song
Dictator who took over south korea
Douglass McArthor
Leader of the UN army who pulled a 90 day mission that liberated South Korea. Later fired by Truman.
Vladmir Lenin
Russian marxist revolutanary who led the soviet state
Joseph Stalin
A soviet polition who led the union after Lenin's death
Cold War
War that continued from 1947-1991 between the US and the powers of the western world after WWII
A global military conflict lasting from 1939-1945; "total war"
Washington Naval Conference
a military conference called by Harding in US; Conducted outside the League of Nations, it was attended by nine nations having interests in the Pacific Ocean and East Asia. Soviet Russia was not invited. It was the first international conference held in the United States and the first disarmament conference in history
Federal Bureau of Prisons
this bureau was established by Hoover to provide more progressive and humane care for federal inmates
Fireside Chats
A series of 30 radio speeches given by FDR
Public Works Administration
was a new deal organization concentrated on the construction of large-scale structures such as dams and bridges
Tripartite Pact (Axis Powers)
Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWII
Adolph Hitler
was the leader of the Nazi party and the chancellor of Germany
Benito Mussolini
an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party
McCollum Memo
A plan written by Arthor McCollum that had 8 points on how to deal with WWII including Make an arrangements with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore; give aid to chinesse gov
Pearl Harbor
A surprise attack on the military base in oaho haawii on dec 7 1941. Next day US declares war on Japan
MM St. Louis
a German ocean liner whos captain Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for the 937 German Jewish refugees after they were denied entry to Cuba.
refers to the "lightening war" strategy of WWII where german did aerial attacks on britain; including london's 76 concecutive nights of bombing
Biggest military invasion of all time; was in Normandy. started at 6:30 AM and consisted of 160,000 troops
Yalta Agreement
Agreement between US, UK, and Soviet that said there would be an unconditonal surrender of Nazi Germany; soviet union would hold democratic elections and the formation of the UN
VE day
commemorates May 8, 1945, when WWII Allies formally accepted the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany
the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II
City in Japan that was destroyed by the first atomic bomb
first Japanese port to be opened to foreign trade , this place was devastated by the second atomic bomb used in World War II