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44 Cards in this Set

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postwar recession
production levels dropped as the economy demobilized
budget surplus
federal government collected more money than it spent
Henry Ford
hero of mass production and the assembly line
small group of companies control production and price in a particular market
welfare capitalism
dependence on big businesses to provide for their workers
mass production
use of technology and large scale factories to manufacture goods
term to describe the return to laissez faire and isolationist policies
1920 Democratic ticket, ran against Harding
Andrew Mellon
Secretary of the Treasury during the 20s
Teapot Dome and Elk Hills scandals
oil companies granted illegal permission to drill
Albert Fall
Secretary of Interior guilty of granting illegal oil drilling
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
increase in tariff, may have contributed to depression
Dawes Plan
loaning Germany money to pay reparations to Allies
foreign policy of avoiding involvement
Washington Naval Arms Conference
series of naval disarmament treaties negotiated
Five Power Treaty
limited the naval armaments of 5 countries at a set ratio
Nine Power Treaty
signers recognized the territorial possessions of the other signers
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
international treaty attempting to outlaw war
Alfred E. Smith
Democratic presidential candidate in 1928 against Hoover
lost generation
ex-patriot writers of the 20s, i.e. Hemingway
modernist movement
preference for new ideas over traditional
mass culture
national consumer trends promoted by advertising/media
culture of travel, highways, and gas stations associated with automobiles
women known for modern fashion and looser morals
uniquely American form of music known for its improvisational style
first commercial radio station, Pittsburg
newspapers using sensational stories of famous people
fear of foreigners, preference for “native American” ideals
National Origins Act
law restricting immigration using quotas
Quota system
restrictions limiting immigrants from certain countries to a specific proportion
Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian-Americans convicted of murder with little evidence
Leopold and Loeb
wealthy college students convicted of brutal murder
Birth of a Nation
motion picture vilifying African Americans and idolizing the Klan
New Klan
1920s rebirth of the KKK with expanded racist views
conservative Christian evangelistic response to modernism
Scopes trial
ban on teaching creation tested in court, Bryan vs. Darrow
18th Amendment, sale and production of alcohol outlawed
illegal underground saloons during Prohibition
Sheppard-Towner Act
provided funding to states for maternal and child health care
Women’s Joint Congressional Committee
organization of women's and social reform groups
Harlem Renaissance
literary and art movement among African Americans
New Negro
term describing increasing racial pride among African Americans
The Crisis
NAACP magazine edited by W.E.B. DuBois
Marcus Garvey
African American nationalist, advocated “Back to Africa” movement