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33 Cards in this Set

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Warren G Harding's "Return to Normalcy"

the way things were before the war

Calvin Coolidge's philosophy on gov't

laissez faire gov't hands off of the economy

Andrew Melon's goals

balance the budget

Herbert Hoover

Secretary of Commerce passed laws to limit gov't interaction in the economy and passed high tariffs


the organization that focused on helping African Americans get equality in America

Marcus Garvey

started the back to africa movement


hated african americans voting, jews, immigration, catholics

Red Scare

fear of communists and anarchists in america

Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General to the US. He started the Red Scare - the hunt for communists in America

Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

Two Italian immigrants who were convicted and executed based on weak evidence because they were anarchists and immigrants from southern Europe


people who believe in no government

National Origins Act

Immigration Quota law - limited the amount of immigrants that came to America


the belief that one race is genetically superior to another and people during this time period often tried to "breed" out unwanted characteristics

Scopes Trial

"The Monkey Trial" where John Scopes was put on trial in Tennessee for teaching evolution in public school. The point of the trial was really to bring attention to the fact that public education needed to break from teaching religion.


Chrisitian religous movement based on pamphlets issued between 1909 and 1914; holds that every word in the bible was inspired by God." (pg.1030)

Harlem Renaissance

\a period of African American artistic achievement in the 1920s , encouraged African American pride in their culture.


the most popular music genre created by African Americans in Harlem

Duke Ellington

Famous African American Jazz musician who helped invent jazz

Louis Armstrong

Famous African American Jazz musician who helped invent jazz


explosion of Americans buying new products that were offered with the help of credit


the ability to buy goods with partial payments based on the trust that you would pay the money back later

Henry Ford

the creator of the Model T car and the assembly line process in the auto industry. made cars affordable to all

Charles Lindberg

the first man to fly across the Atlantic ocean

Amelia Earhart

the first women to fly across the atlantic ocean


(in the 1920s) a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.

Al Capone

the famous gangster from Chicago who made his fortune selling illegal alcohol and running speakeasies


the time in America when alcohol was illegal

19th Amendment

the amendment that allow women the right to vote


illegal bars that sold illegal alcohol

The Jazz Singer

the first "talkie" - movie with sound

Babe Ruth

the most famous professional baseball player of the 1920s and all time


a movie with words

Palmer Raids

raids conducted by the FBI looking for communist spies in America