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110 Cards in this Set

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Lenin was born in ____
1880, who was born?
1887 Lenin's brother Alexander was executed for being a conspirator in the killing of________
Tsar Alexander III was killed: this man was executed in 1887 for being a conspirator
The Social Democratic Party split into the______ and the _____ in 1903
This party split into the Menshiveks (minority) and the Bolsheivks (marjority) in what year?
Lenin became the leader of which party?
_____ became a leader of the Bolsheviks
This event, also known as Bloody Sunday, undermined the power of the tsar and the disastrous Russo-Japanese War 1905, proved _________
Revolution of 1905 did what?
What proved the ineffectuality of the Russian military?
In 1914 Russia joined ______ as a member of ________ to prove her reliability and strength against the Central Powers
Why did Russia join France with the Entente Cordial?
This woman relied on self proclaimed "holy man" Grigori Rasputin, who was assassainated in 1916
Empress Alexandra, German born wife of the last of the Romanovs, Tsar Nicholas II, relied on whom?
In 1917 bread riots broke out in ________.why did this happen?
In Petrograd, or St. Petersburg in 1917 what erupted as a response to the failed war effort, food shortages, inflation, and a lack of trust in the tsar
Nicholas dissolved the _______ beofre the Russion Revolution
The duma was dissolved by ________ pre RR
members of the Duma formed the ________, headed by Prince George Lvov
The Provisional Government was headed by whom?
Workers, soldiers and sailors elected the _______ and ________, but power was shared between the provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet
Soldiers' Deputies and Soviet of Workers' were formed by soldiers, workers and sailors, but the power was shared between __________ and ____________
What does the word "soviet" mean in Russian?
This word means "council" in Russian
This man replaced Lvov, the head of the Provisional Government
Alexander Karensky replaced _____ as the head of the Provisional government
Army Order #1 was what? it lead to a breakdown of discipline
this put the command of the Russian army into the hands of elected officilas and took authority away from the officers

it lead to a breakdown of discipline
At the end of March in 1917 an All Russian Congress of Soviets met in Petrograd- what did they call for?
This group called for an immediate end to the war in Russia in 1917, but this was defeated by the provisional government.
Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets) leader and Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the Allies calling for war until victory, causing what?
Anti war riots broke out in petrograd. forcing the minister to resign.

Alexander Karensky was the new leader of the first coalition government
Lenin focused the Bolsheviks on these 4 things
a) pulling Russia out of the war
b) there was very little popular support for the Provisional Government
c) wanting revolutions in other european countries
d) redistribution of the land from the large estates to the peasants
Lenin's April Theses
called for a revolution by the proletariat to overthrow the bourgeoisie
Riots, known as the _______, broke out against the government when it decided not to end the war
July Days broke out in Petrograd
a newspaper closed by Karensky's government following the July days
Kornilov Affair
While government was failing, General Kornilov, commander in chief of the army, tried to initiate a coup to establish a military dictatorship
Lenin fled to _______ after insurrection failed
____ fled to Finland after revolution failed
Lenin promised the people 3 things:
peace, land and bread were promised by whom?
_______ was the leader of the Petrograd Soviet, organized the factory workers
Leon Trotsky. Commissar for foreign affairs, did what?
what was Stalin's title in the Council of People's Commissars?
Who was commissar for nationalities in the Council of People's Commirssars?
Who was Commissar for foreign affairs under the Council of People's Commissars?
Trotsky was what under the COPC?
Who was the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars?
Lenin was what in the COPC?
When Lenin dissolved the constituent assembly, ______ fired on protestors
The Red Guard did what in response to riots following the dissolution of the constituent assembly?
Cheka would eventually become _____
A secret police force that would eventually become the KGB
Lenin had created the ________, his own system which replaced the autocratic tsar!
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR), had replaced the autrocratic tsar.
Almost immediately after they began ruling, the Bolsheviks tired to destroy _____
The Greek Orthodox church was destroyed by the _______
The Julian calendar was replaced with the __________ calender during the Bolshevik rule
Gregorian calender replaced _______
Opponents of the Bolsheviks were called the _______, opposin the Bolshevik Reds
Whites opposed the Bolshevik _____
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed by which Russian to end fighting with Germany?
Russia signed this, signing off most fertile lands to the Germans, was signed by Trotsky on March 3 1918
Which group in the Russian civil war called themselves the communists?
The Bolsheviks called themselves ________ in the Russian Civil war
War Communism was implemented by ________ which did what? did it succeed?
Lenin implemented this policy which took food from the countryside to feed the cities

it failed because population declined
Kronstadt Rebellion
This rebellion was suppressed by firing on the mutineers
In 1919 Lenin created the Communist Internation (Comintern) to help spread the _____ to other countries
The Bolshevik revolution was spread by this group, created by Lenin
This was added in place of War Communism
New Economic policy allowed some capitalism and private ownership, intended to stimulate the economy

this was added in place of____
Treaty of rapallo

shocked because Germany was the first recognized the Bolshevik government
1922 Russia treaty with Germany

shocked other European nations because___
Union of Soviet Sovialist Republic (USSR) when was created
1924 a new constitution created
Leon Trotsky advocated ____________ a continiuing world struggle for communism
permanent Revolution
Where was Trotsky exiled?
Age of Anxiety
optimism of 1914 was replaced by a general pessimism after 1918 was called_______
2 new ideas surfaced in Age of Anxiety
logical empirialism and existentialism appeared during Age of Anxiety
Logical imperialism, espoused by __________, rejected _______
Ludwig Wittgenstein
all traditional philisophical thought
Existentialism developed more in _____________

many practitioners were disciples of __________
THis philosophy developed more in continental countries

they were often disciples of
Jean Paul Satre
climed thatr humans simply exiswt in a meaningless life
Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers found a willing audience where? why?
found a willing audiece in Germany after WWI, especially amongst students

people had become disillusioned
Christian Existentialists
theologians who shared the anxiety and despari fot the existentialist, but believed that people needed faith in God and God's forgiveness
most famous Christian existentialist
Soren Kierkegaard- Danish thoelogian was most famous ________
New physics
developed in late 1800s and early 1900s seemd to offer incredible opportunity
Ernest Rutherford demostrated that________
this man demonstrated that the atom could be split
Werner Heisenberg formulated the _____________
principle of uncertainty was made by _____, which said that it was not possible to predict the behavior of an electron
Virginia Woolf
developed a style of writing known as stream of conciousness, which emphasized emotions and feelings
James Joyce
Irish novelist

Ulysses 1922
TS Elliot's poem
The Wasteland 1922

about desolation and lack of hope
2 most significant styles of art in 20s and 30s were
Dadaism and surrealism
painting controversial images with unconventional attributes\

Mona Lisa with a mustache
took nonsensical idea of Dadaism further

completely fantastic and imaginative
Bauhaus movement
architecture was defined by _____
Walter Gropius
founded bauhaus movement
british broadcasting Corporation
Russian director Sergei Eisenstein is best known for_____
this man is known for history epics
Hitler used this man to make propaganda classic "The Triumph of Will" which was based on a rally where
Leni Riefenstahl was used to make which propaganda classic, which was based off of a Nazi rally in Nuremberg
Representation of Peoples Act of 1918
gave the vote to nearly all men and women over 30 in Great Britain
full electoral equality occurred with the passage of the ______
Representation of the Peoples act of 1928
Prime minister David Lloyed George won in _________ named for the number of returning soldiers who voted
Khaki election was what?
Anglo Irish Treaty 1921
British parliament created the free Irish state
another name for norther Ireland
Ulster was another name for what
Ramsay Macdonald
first prime minister of the Labor Party
Stanly Baldwin easily claimed ________
this man easily claimed the majority house
Little Entente- which countries, and why did France sign alliances with all of the countries?
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania

This country allied with them to counter German invasion
National Bloc- what is it, and what did what when Germany stopped paying reparations?
wanted to make Germany pay for the war

French soldiers occupied the Ruhr
Who won the elections in 1936 in France?

a coalition of socialists, Radical and Communists
The Popular Front was composed of whom?
Conservative authoritarianism and totalitarianism
2 forms of governement dominated Euro politics and seemed to answer to the uncertainty of the era
European leaders such as Metternich had long adopted ____ as their form of government
Conservative Authoritarianism
________ dictators emerged in Germany, Russia and Italy
totalitarian leaders emerged in which countries after 1918?
Benito Mussolini organized what party?
The facist party was organized by which Italian
Title of Mussolini as leader
Il Duce was who's title as leader of Italy?
Mussolini promised to turn the Mediterranear sea into ____ a term used by the Romans
Mare nostrum,
Mussolini started the _____, or squandristi, a parliamentary force to make sure opposition was silenced
Black shirts
who appointed Mussolini premier
Victor Emmanuel did what to Mussolini?
Giacomo Mattetotti
murdered after challengingt the authority of the Facists in Italy
Aventine Succession
socialists walked out of the government of Italy
This quote summed up Mussolini's philosophies
"Everything in the state, nothing outside of the state, nothing against the state" summed up whose philosophies?
The Italian economy was divided into _______ under Mussolini
in 1935 Mussolini ordered the invasion of _______

leader of this country, _______, appealed to the League of nations
Ethiopia was invaded by ______ in what year?

Haille Selassie appealed to whom or help?
Who led the nationalists in the Spanish Civil War?
General Franco
Rome Berlin Axis
Hitler proclaimed this in 1936
Anti Comintern Pact
Italy, Germany and Japan signed this, pledging to fight communism
Freiedrich Ebert led which group?

what did he declare?
this man, the leader of the Sovial Democrats, declared Germany a republic
The "stab in the back" theory
belief in Germany during Fredrich Ebert's time, which said that the military was being sold out by the politicians
Spatacists Revolt was led by ______ and ________. this was a coup in what city?
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg led _______ in Berlin in 1919
Free corps did what?
a group of soldiers and former soldiers, helped suppress the Spartasicsts Revolt
The German national assembly met in what city?
Which group met in Weimar Germay in 1919?
Reichstag and Reichsrat
The lower house and the upper house in Germany in 1919
Wolfgang Kapp lead conservative nationalists to take over Berlin in which revolt
who led the _______ Putsch in 1920 to take over the German government?
HItler joined ultra right wing group ________________- he gained control of the party and started the Brown shirts
National Socialist German Worker's Party- Hitler started which group, which was a group of his closest followers?
head of the Lutwaffe
Hermann Goering
Nazi party deputy leader
Rudolf Hess
French conservative minister _________ ordered troops to occupy the Ruhr valley
Raymond Poincare
Ruhr Crisis
German government tried to solve money crisis by printing more

led to inflation and hyperinflation

savings were wiped out
Gustav Streseman
Chancelor of Germany 1923

implemented currency reforms in response to the Ruhr crisis

introduced exchange rate of one new mark to one trillion old marks
Beer Hall Putsch
Nazis tried to take over the government during turmoil following Ruhr crisis
March on Rome
Mussolini takes Rome

this inspires Hitler in his coup
General Ludendorff
staged a coup with Hitler- which failed
Mein Kampf
My Struggle

Hitler wrote this book in prison, where he staid for nine months after a failed coup
Dawes Plan
American Charles Dawes led a commitee whose goal was to reevaluate the reparations to Germany after WWI
A name for Hitler's idea of living space