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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the three types of needs in clothing decisions?
Physical, social,psychological
What are the four types of protection needed for clothing?
Workplace hazards, enemies, environmental dangers, and weather
What is a form of protective that athletes wear?
Padding, cleats,mouth guards, shin guards, helmets etc.
What does the term lifestyle mean?
Persons way of life or style or living
What does adornment mean?
How is adornment shown in various cultures?
Paint, jewelry, body scarring, hair styles
What is meant by group identification?
Dressing like whom you associate
What are dress codes?
Standards of dress that enforced in social settings
What is meant by modesty?
Covering of a persons body according to a code of decency in society
What is status example
Persons position or rank in comparison to others
Military stripes
What are the elements of design
Color, form, texture and line
What is hur
Another name for color
What is value
Lightness or darkness of a color
What is the diffrence between a tint and shade
Shade is when black is added
Tint is when white is added
What is intensity
Brightness or dullness of color
What is the color wheel
Tool that shows how colors are related to each other
What are the primary colors how are they made
Red blue and yellow they cannot be made
What are the secondary colors? How are they made.
Orange, violet, green. By mixing equal amounts of two primary colors
What are intermediate colors how are they made
Red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue green, yellow orange, yellow green. By mixing equal amounts of one primary and one secondary color
What is a monochromatic color harmony? Example?
One hue with different values. Blue, light blue, navy blue.
What is an analogous color harmony? Example?
3 or more colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Red red orange and orange
What is a complimentary color harmony? Example?
2 colors directly opposite of each other on the color wheel. Violet and yellow
What are warm and cool colors?
Warm colors are red orange and yellow
Cool colors are blue green and violet
What are advancing colors and receding colors
Advancing colors are the warm colors
Receding colors are cool colors
What is a neutral color harmony?
Any combination of black brown and grey
What are the four types of line and what illusion does each create?
Vertical is tall and skinny
Horizontal is short and wide
Diagonal is movement
Curved is graceful and larger
What is texture
The way something looks and feels
What is form
The shape of an object
What are the four principals of design
Balance rythm proportion emphasis
What is balance what are 2 types
Symmetrical and asymmetrical are 2 balances
What is proportion
How the size of one part relates to the size of another
How can proportions relate to fashion
Prints accessories and clothing
What is rhythm
Movement of your eye from one part to another
Define three types of rhythm and give examples
Repetition is repeating a design
Radiation is when a pattern radiates out the center
Gradation is a gradual change in the color shape or size like an a-Iine dress
What is emphasis?
The center of interest in a design
What is harmony?
The pleasing effect created when all elements and principals work together in a design