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10 Cards in this Set

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the word spirituality is derived from ______
the latin word spiritus which means breath or wind
what is the significance of spirituality?
- the centre of all aspects of a person's life

- whatever gives a person ultimate meaning

- the spirit gives life to or animates a person

- a factor that helps individuals achieve balance needed to maintain health and well being
how does spirituality connect to nursing?
- spirituality was at the core of early nursing philosophies and practice

- caregivers who reported higher levels of spiritual well-being experienced less care-giver burden

- mind, body and spirit are linked but the relationship is not fully understood

- canadian nurses must understand how individual world views influence how clients view the spiritual world
spiritual well-being is ____
a state of wholeness or health
spiritual care involves____
supporting patients' connectedness to self, others and the sacred
Faith is defined as___
-a cultural or institutional religion such as Judaism,

- a relationship with a divinity, higher power or authority that incorporates belief and action.

- a manner in which a person chooses to live life

belief that comes from faith involves___
transcendence - an awareness of sth that cannot be seen or known in physical ways
what is religion?
- an organised system of beliefs concerning cause, nature, and purpose

- encompasses spirituality

- a structured search for the spiritual

- religious care helps maintain client's belief systems and worship practices
what is hope?
- a multidimensional concept that provides comfort while ppl endure life threats and challenges

- closely associated with faith

- gives motivation to achieve and the resources to use toward that achievement

- can be complex and unique to each individual
how does spirituality affect health?
- helps individual find strength and meaning amidst the experience

- facilitates coping

- illness may encourage or question a person's spirituality