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50 Cards in this Set

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If the US is willing to negotiate on an equal _______, our doors are always open.

If the US is willing to negotiate on an equal footing, our doors are always open.

____s (hundreds of thousands) of people protest extradition bill

Lakhs of people protest extradition bill

Because dam-building ... is high-cost, generates massive profits and creates massive ________s."

Because dam-building ... is high-cost, generates massive profits and creates massive kickbacks.

a _______ array of fresh fruit and vegetables

a rainbow array of fresh fruit and vegetables

the _________ (massive) debt associated with them

the mountain debt associated with them

Hong Kong has a long and _______ (famous <literaray>) history of political protest

Hong Kong has a long and storied history of political protest

We have made ____ attempts to ______ differences and _________ doubts

We have made many attempts to narrow differences and eliminate doubts

This paper summarized the difference between physical farming and ________ farming

This paper summarized the difference between physical farming and chemical farming

A boy ____es for coins with a string and a magnet along the Yamuna River

A boy fishes for coins with a string and a magnet along the Yamuna River

Similarly, his images make no attempt to _________ blame.

Similarly, his images make no attempt to apportion blame.

I take photos of it __ __ I were taking photos of a person.

I take photos of it as if I were taking photos of a person.

In short, the volume of international students flowing into Australia’s universities are likely nearing its peak as __________ nations offer sweeter __________s in post-study work and residency, source countries improve their education ________s, and Australian tertiary institutions lose their prestige value after lowering their standards.

In short, the volume of international students flowing into Australia’s universities are likely nearing its peak as competitor nations offer sweeter enticements in post-study work and residency, source countries improve their education standards, and Australian tertiary institutions lose their prestige value after lowering their standards.

a person who goes on a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure, that is completed in one day

day tripper

1. Stay for the night in a particular place.

2. A stop or stay lasting one night.


For Venice to be enjoyed by tourists, the city also needs to _____ as a place for everyday life

For Venice to be enjoyed by tourists, the city also needs to exist as a place for everyday life


Foot traffic n[U]

a small area of a country, city etc

Locality <in this locality>

It's all gain and no ____es

It's all gain and no losses

What ____s a city is its inhabitants

What makes a city is its inhabitants

I've got just the _____ to cool you down.

I've got just the thing to cool you down.

A ____'s guide to treating death

A user's guide to treating death

to endure the short-term ____ ___ the long-term ____ of doing the right thing.

It says he chose to be mistreated—to endure the short-term pain for the long-term gain of doing the right thing.

Most important

<a question of _______ing importance>


very much or very quickly

like crazy

Extremely/wildly good

Crazy good

That's enough _________(练习).

That's enough practicing.

Unforgettable quotes, film stills, and original posters and memorabilia _________ you to the world of each film

Unforgettable quotes, film stills, and original posters and memorabilia transport you to the world of each film

to tell the difference between one thing and another.

know something from something

...make me think that...

...get me thinking that...

spend more time and ______ effort on

spend more time and mental effort on

11% of American adults were not sure they’d ever heard of the Holocaust, ___ing to one in five millennials

11% of American adults were not sure they’d ever heard of the Holocaust, rising to one in five millennials

But Lam insisted the government wouldn't _____(budge, blink)

But Lam insisted the government wouldn't waver

Lam was born in the same city that some residents claim she is selling ___ __ Beijing.

Lam was born in the same city that some residents claim she is selling out to Beijing.



Lam was ______ed by an election committee that consists of 1,200 members in theory from a cross-section of Hong Kong society

Lam was promoted by an election committee that consists of 1,200 members in theory from a cross-section of Hong Kong society

What a __________ a few days ____!

What a difference a few days made!


Respect basic facts


disgard prejudice

diplomatic leverage __ the US

diplomatic leverage by the US

In the past decade Beijing has been attempting to woe the island back _______ a ________ of promises and threats.

In the past decade Beijing has been attempting to woe the island back through a combination of promises and threats.

They know that China today is under the control of the most powerful and ruthless leader in decades __ President Xi Jinping.

They know that China today is under the control of the most powerful and ruthless leader in decades in President Xi Jinping.

be likely to

stand to

<stand to gain/lose/win/make>

If rule of law disappeared there, China stood to suffer painful economic losses.

A ____-______ game or contest is one in which the people involved can gain or lose a great deal.

A high-stakes game or contest is one in which the people involved can gain or lose a great deal.

the troops who ________ed (led) the rescue mission

the troops who spearheaded the rescue mission

Feel like a _________ in your own country

Feel like a foreigner in your own country

(School quite traditional) Someone in the past did the ____ as well

Someone in the past did the same as well

put...in danger

place...in harm's way

<informal>a vacation, or the destination or accommodations for a vacation.


"a perfect family getaway"

"a popular island getaway"

to feel very healthy

feel one's best

£14m for Adams would _________ real value for money

£14m for Adams would represent real value for money