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27 Cards in this Set

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Walter Raleigh
Renewed his brothers charter in his name. Sent ships to scout American coastline. Landed on Roanoke. Was knighted by the Virgin Queen so he named the land Virginia.
Leader of the Powhatan Confederacy. Traded with the settlers of Jamestown.
Native American who taught the Pilgrims about their new enviroment. He directed them on how to plant corn, fish, and helped them negotiate a peace treaty with the Wampanog
John Winthrop
a wealthy attorney who owned stocks in the Massachusetts Bay Company. He was convinced there was no future for the Puritans in England so he and 900 settlers set sail to America.
Roger Williams
a young minister who condemned the Puritan churches. He was cast out because he was challenging Puritan authority. He founded his own colony, Providence.
Anne Hutchinson
a popular Puritan woman who was banished for heresy. She claimed to know which Puritan ministers had salvation and who didnt.
Describe the founding of Jamestown and why it succeeded
King James granted a charter to plant colonies in virginia. The settlers arrived and founded Jamestown. The town was too close to see. It was swampy and swarming with mosquitoes. Most of the settlers were businessmen and they were lazy. They didn't want to farm or do any work. It succeeded because John Smith started treating with Chief Powhatan and the Powhatan Confederacy. They also developed a cash crop, tobacco. He also developed an assembly called the House of Burgesses.
What was the Enclosure Movement? How did it change England's society?
The price of wool increased so many English landowners realize they could make more money by raising them they renting their land. They kicked out there tenants, leaving them poor and unemployed. They wandered from town to town looking for work. Leaving England to become indentured servants seemed better than staying and being poor
Explain Indentured Servitude
Indentured servitude contributed to the rapid population growth of North America. It also contributed to an English heritage of law, language, and custom. People in England with not many opportunities sign indentures. They agreed to work for a specified amount of time and in return they got a free passage over to the Americas. Many servants did not live to see freedom. Over two-thirds of American colonists arrived as servants. It was a voluntary exchange and the contract was a force of law.
Why did John Winthrop found Massachusetts?
John Winthrop was a wealthy attorney who had a stock in the Massachusetts Bay Company. He was convinced that there were no future for Puritans in England so he is 900 settlers set sail for America. He did it to make money at first.
Describe the society the Puritans built in Massachusetts.
The Puritans wanted Massachusetts to be an example. They had a general court made up of freemen who are stock holders in the Massachusetts Bay Company. The General Court made the laws and elected the governor. John Winthrop, who is the governor, believed that the government should help the church. Laws were passed requiring everyone to attend church and pay taxes. they also regulated behavior by making gambling, blasphemy, adultery, and drunkenness illigal. It was religious freedom for the Puritans but for no other religion.
Mayflower Compact
The Compact says we, the loyal subjects of King James, have undertaken the advancement of Christian faith and a start of a new colony in Virginia. We will create a government with order and make laws and elect officials for the good of the colony. We agree to this compact November 11th, 1620.
Describe the Pequot Wars causes and effects.
Two Massachusetts traders were killed on Pequot territory. When Massachusetts tried to retaliate the war broke out.
Describe the causes and effects of King Phillips war.
As per trade declined relations between the Native Americans and the settlers stiffened. Colonial government began to demand that Native Americans follow English laws and customs. Native start the English were trying to destroy their way of life. When Plymouth Colony arrested tried and executed three Wampanoag for murder Wampanoag warriors attacked the town of Swansea. This last retaliation was the cause of the King Philip's War.
Explain the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution of the American colonies. The government was similar to that of Massachusetts but I had one major exception: it allowed all adult men, not just church members, to elect the governor and the General Court.
Joint stock company
A company whose stock is owned jointly by the shareholders.
Define privateers.
Privateers are privately owned ships license by the government attack ships of other countries.
Define Burgesses.
People with municipal authority or privileges.
Illegal grant of land to settlers.
Proprietary colony.
Ecology in which one or two individuals, usually landowners, are granted full rights of self government. Proprietors have King's power.
People whose religious beliefs differ from those accepted by the majority.
Explain the Triangular Trade
The trade route between the American colonies, Africa and Europe that traded goods for labor. English ships brought manufactured goods that were traded for slaves. The slaves were brought to the West Indies, traded for sugar for the Americas and England.
Middle Passage
the route from Africa to the West Indies or the American colonies that traded slaves. Many slaves perished there.
English Civil War
A war between King Charles the first and the English Parliament. The war began in 1642 when King Charles send troops into the English Parliament to arrest several Puritan leaders.
When King Charles the firsts' son, Charles the second, took the throne in 1660
Opposition to war or violence as a means to settle disputes.
What are the 13 colonies?
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.