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21 Cards in this Set

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Diabetes is a group of ? diseases characterized by ? levels of glucose in the ?
metabolic, high, blood
The high BG levels created by Diabetes is a result of a ? in insulin secretion and/or bad insulin ?
decrease, action
The body produces enough insulin but the cells are resistant to the insulin, this is commonly known as ?
insulin resistance
Blood Glucose normal levels are?
FBS <100mg/dl, RBS <140mg/dl, PPBS <140mg/dl, HgbA1C 4-6%
Diabetes is a common ? disease. It is the leading cause of ?, end stage ?, and ?
chronic, blindness, renal failure, amputation
The 10 year randomized trial on diabetes is the ? control, and ? trial.
diabetes, complications
Findings of the 10 year trial were that if people kept there BS levels within norms there was a ?% in reduction of ? complications when mean BS<155mg/dl or HgbA1C <7.2%
60, microvascular,
? Cell of the pancreas secrete insulin when eating.
insulin ?'s transport of glucose into cells
Alpha cell in the pancreas release ? when BS is low.
Glucagon causes the ? to break down ? to glucose. This process is known as ?
liver, glycogen, glycgenolysis
Glucagon enhances ? and ? breakdown. The process of converting proteins and amino acids to glucose in the liver is known as ?
muscle, fat, gluconeogenesis
The process of breaking down fats is known as ?
Signs and symptom of High BS are ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
Poylyphagia, Polyuria, Polydipsia, Acetone breath, Kussmau respirations, confusion, fatigue, muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias
As far as electrolytes, high BS contribute to ? so watch for cardiac arrhythmia's because they are related to low ?
When there is plenty of sugar in the blood but it is not getting into the blood(cell starvation), the body decides it needs more energy and this triggers ? which is excessive eating.
With high BS, the kidneys are seeing that there is too much glucose in the circulating blood so the kidneys try to get rid of it by urinating a lot, this is called ? and as long as the person has an intact thirst mechanism the excessive urination triggers the person to drink a lot, this is called ?
polyuria, polydipsia
You would get ? as byproduct of fat breakdown which are eliminated in ? and in breath. When they are eliminated in breathing this is known as ? breath
ketones, urine, aceton(fruity)
Acids from abnormal protein breakdown are eliminated in? and ? All of the extra acids floating around in the vessel from protein breakdown causes ? imbalances
urine,breathing, acid base
With all of the glucose and ketones floating around in the blood due to high BS which way is fluid going to shift when it comes to the cell? This will cause ? and ? because the kidneys are getting rid of excess fluid
out of the cell into the vessel, polyuria, dehydration
One of the bodies compensatory methods for getting rid of extra acid in blood is to ? them out. This xtra breathing to get rid of the acids causes deep/rapid breathing called ? respirations
breathe, kussmaul