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75 Cards in this Set

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Osteogenesis Imperfecta
fragility of bone due to disorder in COLLAGEN

see thin blue sclera and increaded fractures

newborn type most severe
sclerosis of vertebral endplate-looks like soccer jersey w stripes

increased density and abnomal skeletal modeling= very BRITTLE bones
defective cartiladge synthesis and decreased epiphysis formation

short limbs normal size trunk and head
Aseptic necrosis
cut in the blood supple can be secondary to trauma

Osgood Schlatter & leg Calve perthese Dz
Thinned cortical bone and enlarged meduallary cavity seen on radiology

Less bone tissue but what is there is normal

easy fractures; wedge fracture that gives up kyphosis

white, women that are small boned

NORMAL serum findings
Types of primary osteoporosis
idiopathic-unknown-kids and adolescents

type 1-postmenopausal women

type 2-senile osteo-men and women over 70
Treatment of osteoporosis
physical activity
calcium 1000-1500
Vit D
inadequate bone mineralization
kids known as rickets when caused by Vit D deficiency
low Ca & phosphate
High alk phos

bow legs
osteitis fibrosa cystica
focal bony damage bc sever hyperparathyroidism
microfractures and secondary hemorrhages that cause ingrowth of fibrous tissue along with hemosiderin deposition (BROWN TUMOR)
Paget's Dz
increased, uncontrolled bone turnover with formation outpacing destruction

frontal bossing, deafness, bone pain, compression of spinal nerve roots, chalkstick fractures of lower extremities, high output cardiac failure

extremely high Alk phos ( like hepatocellular carcinoma)
benign tumor of bone and cartiladge-usually end of long bone

most common bone tumor

tumor covered by cartilaginous cap


increase risk for chondrosarcoma
tumor or cartiladge ehere cartilage does not normally exist

increase rik os chondrosarcoma
femur, tibia, humerus epiphysis
spine and pelvic bones
slower growing that osteosarcoma
multiple PAINLESS usually on facial bone
Osteoid Osteoma
small, PAINFUL
extremities of teens and young adults
larger, milder pain-dull and achy

any bone w/ equal frequency
1st symptime often pathologic fracture
PAINFUL and progressively enlarging mass
Codman's Trigangle-triangular, right angled mass representing tumor growth that has broken through the cortex and lifted the periosteum.
bimodal: under 20 and the old
Ewing Sarcoma
10-15y/o Caucasion
arises in the medullary cavity and invades the cortex and periostieum = soft tissue mass
+ Homer Wright rossettes on histology
PAINFUL-surrounding area in tender and swollen
"Onion skin"
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
lack of dystrophin
2-3 y/o-wheelchair by 12-die by 20 usually pneumonia :(
skeletal muscle atrophies and dies, pectoral muscle weakening first

+gowers sign, hypertrophied calves
less severe Duchenne's
onset 5-15 and ambulatory to 15
AD with CTG repeat
onset at any age
born w/ long fact and temporal and masseter muscle weakening
If a person has a headache esp when laying down what should you suspect?
Brain Tumor
Astrocytoma 2 typess
Fibrillary Astrocytoma-Glioblastoma multiforme
Most common brain tumor in adults
extemely high grade
butterfly shape
crossed the corpus callosum
always fatal :(

Pilocytic Astrocytoma
kids and young adults
hair like processes
rarely infiltrates and grows slowly
Most common childhood brain tumor
cerebellum and in the midline
rapid growth may block csf= hydrocephalus
very poorly differentiaed
highly malignant and untreated = death
very radiosensitive
middle age w/ calcifications
"fried egg" appearance
less agressive
epyndymal lining of the ventricular system
CSF dissementaion is common
teens-4th vent
older-spinal cord
"rosettes or perivascular pseudorosettes"
assoc w/ NF2 mutation
encapsulated well defined mass
compressing underlying brain tissue
"Whirling pattern"
Psammoma bodies
Acoustic neuroma
loss of NF2
vestibular branch of CN 8 at the cerebellopontine angle
assoc w/ Neruofibromatosis II
connective and nervous tissue
assoc w/ NF1 and Neruofibromatosis I
derived from remnants of Rathke's pouch
may encroach: hypothalamus,ventricles, optic chiasm
kids or teens
most common SUPRATENTORIAL tumor of kids (most of infratentorial)
Pituitary Adenoma
excess production of ant pit hormoes : ACTH TSH FSH LH GH
30-60 y.o
mincroadenoma <10mm
macroadenoma >10mm-greater propensity for compressing the optic chiasm
type of Pituitary Adenoma
most common and most macro's

prolactin so amenorrhea, galactorrhea, loss of libido (1st sign), infertility & visual distubances
Growth Hormone
type of Pituitary Adenoma
2nd most common
GH so get acromegaly or giantism
Corticotroph Tumor
type of Pit Adenoma
excess ACTH= adrenal hypersecretion of cortisol
Cushing's Syndrome
aggressive & poor chemo response
elderly and AIDS
"AIDS defining cancer" if occurs in the brain of HIV pt
delicately encapsulated and small
mature adipost tissue
benign but not good if in brain bc space occupying
assoc/ w capillaries of the cerebellum and retina
assoc/ w Von HIppel Lindau dz
bening but bad in brain bc space occupying
Most common CNS degenerative & casue of dementia
dementia and memory loss
last ab 10 years and death via pneumonia
cortical atrophy
marked decrease in neurons in-nuclues basalis of Meynert
What allele of what chromo is assoc w/ AD?
ApoE on Chromosome 19

ApoE binds amyloid beta protein in plaques
Critical molecule in AD for ALL cases? and on what chormosome
amyloid beta protein

Chromosome 21
What else do you see in AD?
senile plaques
neurofibrillary tangles
HIrano bodies
Pick's Dz
frontotemporal dementia
change in personality initially
progresses quick 2-3 years

Kluver Bucy is a variant
-hyperphasia-orally fixaed
-males more w/ this
Parkinson's Dz
Loss of substantia nigra and assoc w/ low dopamine
muscle rigidity
resting tremor w/ pill rolling
festinating gait
FIRST sympton-loss of smell bc LEWY bodies first form in olfactory
Treat parkinsons
anticholinergics-benztropine, biperident or trihexyphenidyl
dopamernergic agents-carbidopa-levodopa, promipexole, ropinrole,
MOAI selective-selegline and rasagline
male>female 50-70
UPPER and LOWER motor neurons but sensory is FINE
SOD1-genetic defect in cooper zinc superoxide dismutase
How does ALS start/present
Weakness in hands and person drops things a lot

then cramping of arms and legs
eventually fasiculations
LMN signs
symmetrical muscle weakness and atrophy
UMN signs
Babinsky's sign
Huntington's Dz
degenerative and atrophy in caudate nuc (esp), putamen & frontal cortex
30-40 symp begin
Characteristics of Huntingtons
Whole body choreoathetosis
fecal and urinary incontenence
weight loss
eventual SEVER dementia and death :( sad dz
Friedreich's ataxia
AR with GAA GAA GAA GAA repeat
Chromosome 9
symptoms begin ab 11 y/o
ataxia, dysarthria,decreased DTR's, babinski, sensory and propripceptive loss, pes cavus, progressive kyphoscoliosis, type 1 DM, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias
Multi infarct dememtia
2nd most common behind AD
Long standing HTN
Step wise decrease in cognitive fx from multiple small infarcts
Binswanger Dz
long standing HTN
multiple lacunar infarcts and progressive demylination
worseining confusion and concomitant mood disorder
`Progressive Bulbar Palsy
brainstem and cranial nerve palsy = diarrhea, resp difficulties and hard time swallowing
infantile spinal muscular atrophy
seen birth to 4 months and death by 3
Multiple Sclerosis
autoimmune dz assoc w/ HLA DR2
20-40 y/o female>male
#1 most common demyelinating dz and part of the CNS
plaques in white matter-esp around venticles and optic nerve-seen on MRI
+ oligoclonal bands

distinct lesions in time and space
Charcot's Triad for MS
scanning speech
intention tremor (opposite of Parkinsons)
DOC for MS
Interferon Beta

glatiramer can be used too

natalizumab-when all else has failed
Devic Syndrome
Asia and South America
bilateral optic neuritis followed by day or weeks by transverse myelitis

self limited by sometimes heralds start of MS
Guillain Barre
ASCENDING motor weakness following the flu, immunization or camplobacter gastroenteritis

demyleination of the PNS
X linked
def in perozisomal transporter enzyme = inability to properly catabolize very long chain fatty acids
Schilder's Dz
variant of Adrenoleukodystrophy
mimics MS but get 1-2 very large plaques of demylelination in the cerebral hemispheres
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
spingolipidosis that becomes symptomatic early in childhood or adulthood
def in arylsufatase A

demyl in CNS & PNS
CSF-high protein count

forgetfullness,poor school or work performance, progressive personality changes, mask facies and strange postures
Subacute Combined Degeneration
Vit B12 def
demyleination and eventual destruciton of spinal cord posterior coloums and later corticospinal tract so involved BOTH ascending and descending
Progresisve Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
JC virus (papovavvirus)
complete destruction of all oligodendrocytes
severe immunmosuppression
MRI-shows global white atrophy
Like MS but different in that dementia and aphasia are prominent early findings
death in 6-12 months
Alcohol withdrawl
seizures and hallucinations
Hepatic encephalopathy
pathology in brain secondary to system delivery or ammonia and other bowel toxins due to insufficient removal
Wernicke's Syndrome
acute sever B1(thiamine) def- can be induced by IV glucose to an alcoholic with giving thiamine 1st

focal ophthalmoplegia, confusion and ataxia that is reversible w B1
Korsakoff's encephalopathy
NOT reversible and follow some cases of Wernicke's
Alchoholic cerebellar degeneration
vermis atrophies secondary to alcohol tox

ataxia of the trunk
Alcoholic neuropathy
toxic effects of alcohol = path or PNS

1st vibration sense is lost, then painful disturbances occures
Marchiafava Bignami Dz
Large quantitis of RED WINE

degeneration of corpus callosum and resulting frontal lobe dementia

"classic WINO"