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23 Cards in this Set

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Inheritance of acquired characteristics

Book that detailed a mechanism for evolutionary change

Natural selection

Characteristics of organisms were inherited, or passed from parent to offspring, more offspring are produced than are able to survive, resources for survival and reproduction are limited, competition for those resources, offspring vary among each other I regard to their characteristics and those variations are inherited


Natural selection can only take place if there are differences among individuals in a population


A heritable trait that aids the survival and reproduction of an organism in its present environment

Divergent evolution

When two species evolve in different directions from a common point

Convergent evolution

When similar structures arise through evolution independently in different species

Analogous structures

Similar in function and appearance but do not share an origin in a common ancestor

Homologous structures

Share similarities from a common ancestor with structure

Modern synthesis

Coherent understanding of the relationship between natural selection and genetics


Gradual change of a population over time


Rise of new species and higher taxonomic groups with widely divergent characters

Population genetics

Biologists study of what happens to all the alleles in a population

Gene pool

Sum of all the alleles in a population

Hardy-weinberg equilibrium

Natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and migration

Which scientific concept did Darwin and Wallace independently discover

Natural selection

Which of the following lead to natural selection

Seed location, competition for mates, better adaptability

What is the difference between micro and macro evolution

Microevolution describes the evolution of populations, while macro evolution describes the emergence of new species over long periods of time

Population genetics

Allele frequencies in a population change over time

Bottleneck effect

A large portion of the genome suddenly being wiped out

Founder effect

Genetic structures from a new population to a new location individuals are unlikely to be represented

Gene flow

Flow of alleles in and out of a population resulting from the migration of individuals or gametes

Galapagos medium ground finches are found on other islands, which are separated by about 50 miles of ocean. Individuals fly or swim to other islands. This can alter the alleles frequencies of the population through which of the following

Gene flow

In which of the following pairs do both evolutionary processes introduce new genetic variation into a population

Mutation and gene flow