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6 Cards in this Set

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Apollo Stone

Apollo Stone

Namibia, Africa


25,500 BCE

Charcoal on Stone

- schematic representation: icon, simplified representation

- art style: animal figures in silhouette profile

- large utters= concerned with the fertility of animals, indicate a record of food source

- found with many of the same images= suggests a possible ritualistic use

Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Willendorf

Willendorf, Austria


25,000 BCE

Carved Limestone

- voluptuous women

* depiction of women were more common than men

- women were focused on childbearing capabilities and survival of the species

- exaggerated and abstract, simple, round/bulbous form

- focus on large breasts and round proportions also with hands on breasts focusing on fertility.

- schematic representation: simplest form, no facial features= no individualis (for anyone)

- small size= portable

Great Hall of Bulls, Lascaux Caves

Great Hall of Bulls, Lascaux Caves

Lascaux, France


14,000 BCE

Rock painting

- mineral pigments

- painted caves with the use of fat lit lamps

- a herd of horses and bulls

- multiple styles= contour and silhouttes, outlines

- profile view: schematic representation

- twisted perspective; horns face as if they are looking straight at us, but bodies are sideways

- maybe religious bc or placement?

Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine

Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine

Central Mexico

14,000 BCE

Sacrum bone of camelid

- bone next to the reproductive organs, important for the species.

- The sacrum is sacred in some indigenous societies

- most likely used as a mask for ritual od fertility of heard and success of the hunt

Stone Henge

Stone Henge

Wiltshire, England


2,000 BCE

- Megalithic sandstones and volcanic rock

- concentric cirlces made of post and lintel constructions

- 1st inner circle: made of volcanic rocks or bluestone, encircled a horseshoe shape of trilithons (5)

- Heel stone stands outside marking the point where sun rises during the summer solstice

- An example of how people tried to influence and integrate with the natural cycles of the cosmos to promote the human existence

- originally a funerary site then as an astronomical observatory and solar calendar.

Jade Cong

Jade Cong

Liangzhu, China


3,300 BCE

Carved jade

- ritual objects were created in jade

- cong= square, hollow tubes decorated with lines and circles that represent faces

- found in graves

- lines and circles made by rubbing sand

- square interior=earth