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40 Cards in this Set

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The feeling good transmitters.
norepinephrine and dopamine are _________ neurotransmitters.
What are the effects of nerve gas and organophosphate insecticides (malathion).
The effects of _______ cause AChE to be blocked, and ACh effects are prolonged, leading to tetanic muscle spasms.
The effects of botulinum toxin do.
This toxin inhibits the release of ACh.
Binding of ACh to nicotinic receptors is inhibited by _________.
Curare (muscle paralytic agent) and snake venoms do this.
Binding of ACh to muscarinic receptors is inhibited by _________.
Atropine inhibits _______.
The functional class of ACh.
_____ binds to two receptors. Nicotinic receptor binding is excitatory and direct. Muscarinic receptor binding is excitatory/inhibatory and indirect.
Nicotine binds to _______ and releases this to cause the behavioral effects smokers feel.
______ binds to the nicotinic ACh receptors and releases dopamine to cause ________.
ATP functional class.
Direct or indirect, excitatory or inhibitory.
Functional class of ACh at nicotinic receptors.
Excitatory, direct.
Functional class of ACh at muscarinic receptors.
Excitatory or Inhibatory, indirect.
The biogenic amines.
Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Serotine, Histamine.
Functional class of Serotonin.
Inhibatory, Indirect (except direct action at 5-HT3 receptors.)
The receptor that serotonin is direct at.
Serotonin is ________ at the 5-HT3 receptor.
Increses stomach acid, released by mast cells during inflammation, powerful vasodialater.
Activity blocked by LSD and enhanced by ecstasy.
May be involved in sleep, hunger, nausea, migraine headaches, and regulation of mood.
Drugs that blocks its uptake (prozac) relieve anxiety and depression.
Release enhanced by amphetamines, reuptake blacked by cocaine, may be involved in schizophrenia.
Dopamine functional class.
Excitatory or inhibatory, Indirect.
Norepinephrine functional class.
Excitatory or Inhibatory, Indirect.
ATP and Adenosine.
Amino Acids.
GABA, glycine, glutamate.
Gaba functional class.
Inhibatory and direct/indirect.
Released by sensory neurons and injured cells, provokes pain sensation.
Caffiene, chocolate, tea stimulate by blocking the receptors for this neurotransmitter.
ATP functional class.
Inhib. or Excit., Direct or indirect.
May be involved in sleep-wake cycles, stops seizures, dialates arteries, increases blood flow to heart.
Adenosine functional class.
Indirect and Inhibatory.
Principle inhibatory neurotransmitter of brain.
Principle inhibatory neurotransmitter of spinal cord.
Glutmate functional class.
Excitatory, direct.
Glycine sunctional class.
Inhibatory, direct.
Neural communications dependant on this neurotransmitter deline with age, inhibitory effects are augmented by alcohal, antianxiety drugs, and barbituates...results in impaired coordination.
Important in learning. stroke neurotransmitter. Excessive release causes excitotoxicity. Caused by ischemia, aids tumor advance.
Natural opiates that inhibit painm mimicked by morphine, heroin, and methadone.
Endorphine functional class.
Inhibitory and indirect.
Inhibits release of growth hormone, a gut-brain peptide.
May be related to feeding behavoirs, a gut-brain peptide.
Excitatory, found in viagra, potentiates atroke damage.
Nitric acid.
pathway of sythesis for dopamine, NE, and Epi.
TYROSINE -> (tyrosine hydroxylase) -> L-DOPA -> (Dopa decarboxylase) -> DOPAMINE -> (Dopamine beta-hydroxylase) -> NE -> (Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase) -> Epinephrine.