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5 Cards in this Set

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What was unique about Jefferson's inauguration? What did he stress in his inauguration speech?
Jefferson's inauguration was the first in Washington, D.C. His speech stressed unity between the political factions.
Why did the United States pay tribute fees to the Barbary States?
To insure the safety of American vessels and to avoid war.
Why was the city of New Orleans vital to the settlers west of the Appalachian Mountains? What did Jefferson fear might happen to this area?
It was the port city for the regions west of the Appalachians, and settlers from those regions needed its service for their commerce. Jefferson feared that Napoleon might take over the western area in his quest for an empire.
How did the Louisiana Territory finally become part of the U.S? Why did Jefferson hesitate to take advantage of this area?
The U.S purchased the area from France. Jefferson hesitated because he had no constitutional authority to make such a deal, and he had formerly criticized presidents for overstepping their authority.
List the accomplishments of the Lewis and Clark expedition; of the Pike expeditons.
Lewis and Clark explored the upper Missouri River, crossed the Rocky Mountains, and reached the Pacific Ocean before returning safely. They gathered scientific information and descriptions of western Indians. Their journals made their findings and adventures public and encouraged intrest in western sttlement. Pike searched for the source of the Mississippi River, explored the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and traveled the Rio Grande.