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48 Cards in this Set

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Law of conservation of matter
mass is neither destroyed nor created
law of constant composition or law of definite proportions
different samples of the same compound always contain its constituent elements in the same proportion by mass
dalton's atomic theory
an element is made up of atoms, and atoms of a given element are identical. Atoms cannot be destroyed or created(law of conservation of matter). All atoms of one element have the same size, mass and property. Atoms of two different elements have different sizes, masses and properties. Atoms of different elements may combine in simple, whole-number ratios to form compounds(Law of constant compostion) In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged
Atom literally means
atoms are composed of
protons, neutrons and electrons
protons, neutrons and electrons are (this type of particle)
subatomic particles
much of our information about the structure of the atom comes from studies using
cathode ray tube
cathode ray
stream of electrons that flow from negative electrode (cathode) to positive electrode (anode)
the important characteristics of the subatomic particles are their
mass and charge
unit for atomic mass unit
1.66 X 10^-24g
Charges are expressed relative to the
charge of an electron, which is given the value of -1
Subatomic particles have very small masses, their masses are given in
atomic mass unit or amu
1 amu =
1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom (has 6 protons and 6 neutrons)
a carbon-12 atom has a mass of
exactly 12 amu
the masses of all other elemental atoms are given..
relative to the mass of carbon-12 atom.
the relationship of amu to grams is
1amu=1.661 X 10^-24g
nuclear model of an atom
mostly empty space, three subatomic particles make up all atoms. atoms have no net charge, the number of e- outside the nucleus equals the number of p+ in the nucleus.
all atoms of the same element have the same
number of protons in the nucleus, known as the atomic number, Z.
atomic mass can be closely estimated by
the sum of the masses of protons and neutrons Mass number = #protons + #neutrons
isotopes are
atoms with the same atomic number(Z) but different mass number(A). These are atoms of the same elements(have the same number of protons) but different in their number of neutrons
atoms of an element are not identical....
some atoms have more mass than others of the same element
Isotopes can be represented by a
nuclear symbol or mass numbers
most elements have two or more
Atomic mass(or atomic weight) is
the weighted average mass of all isotopes of an element as they occur in nature
element properties are periodic functions of their
atomic numbers
periodic table is organized in two specific ways
increasing atomic number. Similar chemical/physical properties
periodic table. groups or families
vertical columns
elements in the same group exhibit similar
chemical and physical properties
periodic table. Horizontal rows
A and B groups on periodic table
a is main group elements. B groups are transition elements
the periodic table can be most easily separated into three sections
metals, non-metals, and metalloids
characteristics of metals
lustrous appearance
mostly solids that are malleable(shapeable)
excellent electrical and thermal conductors
tend to form (+) ions in ionic compounds
characteristics of non-metals
dull appearance
wide diversity in physical states with solids being brittle or soft
poor electrical and thermal conductors(great insulators)
tend to form (-) ions in ionic compounds
alkali metals(except H)
react strongly with water to produce hydrogen gas and alkaline solutions.
only found as parts of compounds never as free elements
alkaline earth metals(except Be)
elements and their oxides also react with water to form alkaline solutions, thus they are known as "alkaline earth" metals
these are all reactive elements that generally exist in their elemental form as diatomic molecules
noble gas(rare gases)
least reactive elements
very low abundance on earth
transition elements
this block of metals contains some of the most useful and abundant elements Fe, Au, Cu
actinides and lanthanides
two heavy metal series sandwiched inside the transition elements block
contain well-known radioactive elements such as U, Pu
combination of two or more elements in definite ratios by mass
the properties of each element are _____ when forming a new compound
compounds can be decomposed into two or more
different pure substances
the smalles unit of a molecular compound that retains the characteristics of the compound
chemical formulas
symbols used to describe the composition of compounds H2O
at common temperatures __________ exsist as _______
7 elements, diatomic molecules
H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
molecular formula
tells the composition of a molecular compound, gives no structural info
more than one compound may have the same
molecular formula
ethanal C2H6O
dimethyl ether C2H6O
Structural formula
contains additional information (functionality) to help distinguish compounds of identical molecular formulas
ethanol CH3CH2OH
dimethyl ether CH3OCH3