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19 Cards in this Set

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High level language

Closer to human language, simplifies programming - Python, Java, ect.

Machine language

What the CPU understands - binary.

Low level.

Networking layers (Human to Hardware)

1. App layer - email, we, VOIP, ext.

2. Transport layer (TCP)

3. Internet layer (IP)

4. Network access layer (wire or fibre)

Assembly Language

Translate human readable mnemonics into machine code.

Still low level.

3 important high level languages developed in the 1950s





Translates high level language to low level.

Compiling Process

High level -> Assembly code -> Machine code

Interpretation process

High level -> Interpreter program/virtual machine

(Program compiled to intermediate before execution. Intermediate interpreted at run time)

Just-in-Time process

High level -> JIT compiler program/virtual machine (Translates to bytecodes at runtime)

(Program compiled to intermediate before execution. During execution compiled to machine code)


Series of library's that hide complexity. Programs talk to these libraries through API.

What is the web?

WWW, Created in 1989, Contains Hypertext (to link and access info of various kinds as a web if nodes in which the user can browse at will)

How is a web page obtained?

1. Browser issues HTTP GET request at a URL.

2. Receive response containing HTML data (web page).

3. Browser displays the HTML data.

HTTP protocol info

Operates over TCP/IP.

Two most common verbs: GET (requests a resource) and POST (accept enclosed entity, eg. form data).

HTTPS layers HTTP over SSL/TLS protocol to add security.

URL info

URL (Uniform Resource Locator):

Scheme is a protocol (http://).

Domain is a DNS name. (www.qut.edu.au)

Path is a server file path. (about/news/news)

Query string contains name value pairs. (?news-id=57336)

Fragment ID is a part or position within the overall resource or document.

JavaScript info

Embedded in HTML which can operate on HTML data.

Typically JIT compiled.

Used to make web pages interactive.

Static vs Dynamic webpages

Static pages are stored complete in HTML form, eg. as files.

Dynamic pages are generated on the fly by webserver from templates and database data.

Web pages not directly stored in HTML form.

Eg. Google search results

Security threats

1. Info disclosure/leakage

2. Integrity violation

3. Masquerading

4. Denial of service

5. Illegitimate use

6. Generic threat - Backdoors, Trojans, insider attacks, ect...

Basic security requirements

1. Confidentiality - (protection of disclosure)

2. Integrity - (maintaining data consistency)

3. Authentication - (assuring identity)

4. Non-repudiation - (originator of communications can't deny it later)

5. Availability - (access when nessesary)

6. Access control - (unauthorized users are kept out)


1. Symmetric - (secret key) (same key used for encrypting and decrypting)

2. Asymmetric - (public key) (complimentary keys used for encrypting and decrypting. Public key shared with everyone, private kept separate)