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128 Cards in this Set

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If blood is ON the stool it is related to
bleeding from the sigmoid colon, anus, rectum.
If blood is IN the stool, it is related to
bleeding from the colon due to ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, or tumors.
Melena or black and tarry stools are seen with
Upper GI bleeds (stomach, SI, and esophagus)
Gray stools indicate a
bile obstruction.
Steatorrhea stools are
greasy, frothy, and yellow. They are fatty.
Steatorrhea stools are fatty and indicate ______.
fat malabsorption.
When observing stool, not the ____, ____ and _____.
color, odor, and consistency.
Mucousy, slimy stool could indicate _____.
ulcerative colitis or IBS
Watery, diarrheal stool could indicate
bacterial infections (C. diff.), IBS, lactose intolerance, malabsorption issues, stress
Hard, flat stools could indicate
constipation and/or possible tumor
____ is an increase in the frequency, volume, and fluid content.
____ diarrhea is related to an event such as food poisoning or stress.
____ diarrhea is related to a disease process (IBS, Crohns, ulcerative colitis).
Dehydration results in a loss of ___ and ___.
K and Mg
Diagnostic tests for diarrhea include:
stool specimen
stool culture
serum electrolytes
Jejunum and ileum related problems are diagnosed with
virtual endoscopy (a swallowed camera)
Management of diarrhea includes
-fld and electrolyte replacement
-NPO (bowel rest x24 hours)
-Add milk products last
-No raw fruits, vegetables, spicy foods, caffeine
When giving medications for diarrhea you should
wait until a diagnosis has been made.
Kaolin and pectin along with Polycarbophil are ___ and ____.
absorbents and protectants
Kaopectate and Polycarbophil can cause _____.
Kaopectate and Polycarbophil are contraindicated for pt with
chronic inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative colitis
Paregoric and Imodium are ______ used to treat diarrhea.
Opium and Opium derivatives
____ and ____ are opium and opium derivatives that can decrease peristalsis, promoting more water absorption, and therefore lead to constipation.
Paregoric and Imodium
If opium drugs are given to a patient with ulcerative colitis, ____ could occur.
toxic megacolon
Nursing care of pt with diarrhea includes
-assess stool characteristics
-monitor frequency
-monitor electrolytes; I and O
-assess ABD
-limit food when appropriate
-skin care to perineal area
____ is infrequent, 2 or less stools per week, or difficulty passing stool.
Constipation medications that can be taken daily are
Fibercon, Citrucel, Metamucil and Miralax
____ can be taken daily.
Bulk forming agents
Bulk forming agents should be mixed with ____ and should not be administered to a patient with _____.
full glass of water
possible stool impaction or bowel obstruction
____ is a wetting agent that reduce stool surface tension and form an emulsion of fat and water.
4 types of osmotic and saline laxatives/cathartics are
Polyethylene glycol
2 types of Irritant or stimulant laxatives are
Bisacodyl and Senna
Castor Oil
_____ work by stimulating the motility and secretion of intestinal mucosa.
Stimulant laxatives
Administer irritant or stimulant laxatives
on an empty stomach.
___ is a lubricant that acts by forming an oily coat on the fecal mass, preventing the reabsorption of water and therefore softer stool.
Mineral oil
Significant or chronic constipation or a fecal impaction may require the administration of an
____ uses 500-2000 mL and is the least irritating to the bowel.
Saline enema
____ use 500-1000mL of water to soften feces and irritate the bowel mucosa, stimulating peristalsis and evacuation.
Tap water enema
Soap suds enema is an _____.
irritant enema
_____ enemas use a hypertonic saline solution to draw fluid into the bowel and irritate the mucosa, leading to evacuation.
Phosphate enemas
_____ enemas instill mineral or vegetable oil into the bowel to soften the fecal mass. The instilled oil is retained over night or for several hours before evacuation.
Oil retention
Diagnostic tests for constipation include:
-Ba enema
___, ___, and ____ help with constipation.
Fluid, fiber and motility
People on long term narcotics for pain should be on a _____.
bowel program
Caffeine inhibits ____.
Nsg care of pt with constipation includes
-assess ABD (bowel sounds, tenderness, percussion)
-2500mL fluids per day
-assess impaction
-assess diet and exercise
-assess need for laxative or stool softeners
The most common thing that stops up the appendix is a _____.
Acute Inflammatory Bowel Disease Appendicitis is characterized by obstruction leading to
low grade fever
loss of appetite
Appendix is found in ____ but pain may radiate throughout ABD.
An ____ may lead to gangrene, rupture, and peritonitis or abscess.
____ is inflammation of the peritoneum.
____ is the lining covering the walls and the organs of the ABD.
GI and GU infections can occur with ____ being the primary bacteria.
E. coli
Manifestations of peritonitis are
acute ABD
tender board-like ABD
diminished or absent bowel sounds (ileus)
ABD distention
Nursing care for peritonitis includes:
-Administer IV fluids
-Administer IV antibiotics- Flagyl, Rocephin, ancef (cephalosporins)
-NG tube for decompression
-Monitor Fld and electrolytes
-pain management
-psychosocial measures
____ involves the mucosa and submucosa of the entire GI tract- mouth to anus.
2 types of acute inflammatory bowel disease are
Appendicitis and Peritonitis
____ is a Chronic Inflammatory bowel disease.
Ulcerative colitis
_____involves the mucosa and submucosa of the colon and rectum.
Ulcerative colitis
Ages for ulcerative colitis are
Ulcerative colitis begins in the ____ and/or _____.
distal LI and/or rectum
Chronic IBD (ulcerative colitis) initially begins with microscopic ____ and then formation of ___.
Manifestations of Chronic IBD (ulcerative colitis) are
-mucosa becomes red, friable, edematous
-mucosa bleeds easily
-diarrheal stools of blood, mucous, pus
-30-40 stools per day during a flare up
____ is typically chronic and intermittent, 5-30 stools/day with blood and mucous, cramping pain in LLQ, involves anemia, hypoalbuminemia and wt loss, fever rare, involves rectum and sigmoid colon, and continuous distribution.
Ulcerative colitis
Complications of acute ulcerative colitis are
toxic megacolon, perforation, and massive hemorrhage
Long term ulcerative colitis can lead to
colorectal cancer
_____ is slowly progressive and relapsing, no obvious blood or mucous in stool, cramping in RLQ, tenderness of mass in RLQ, involves anemia, wt loss, vitamin and mineral deficits, fever, malaise, fatigue, covers entire GI tract, has patchy or cobblestone appearance.
Crohns disease
Complications with acute Crohn's are
abscess formation
Long term Crohn's can lead to
colon cancer
The predominant manifestation of ulcerative colitis is _____.
Ulcerative colitis is with the primary use of
short and long term anti-inflammatory drugs
Sulfasalazine is an anti-inflammatory drug used for its local effect on the intestinal mucosa in _____.
inflammatory bowel disease
2 anti-inflammatory drugs used for IBD are
sulfasalazine and mesalamine
Antidiarrheals are prohibited with ulcerative colitis because it can cause _____.
toxic megacolon
During toxic megacolon the ____ stops working.
transverse colon
Diet for a pt with ulcerative colitis is individualized. 3 options are
NPO, TPN or low residue
A cure for UC is
surgical removal of the colon or rectum.
If the patient gets an ileostomy, they will have
sludgy, watery, green poop that is very alkaline
It a patient has a continent ileostomy they will have to
cath themselves or have a plain stoma and wear a pouch.
____ is known as regional enteritis.
Crohn's disease
The age of onset for Crohn's is often
10-30 years old
Crohn's can occur anywhere in the GI tract but mostly affects the _____ and the ____.
terminal ileum and the right colon
Crohn's disease is a disease of ____.
With Crohn's disease, B12 cannot be absorbed in the terminal ileum, therefore the patient may be ____.
People with Crohn's tend to form ____.
____ begins as a shallow ulcer of the mucosa and submucosal layers.
With Crohn's the lumen of the bowel my have a ___ appearance.
Crohn's leads to complications such as
ulcerations, strictures, SBO, fistulas, and abscesses
Diagnostic tests for Crohn's disease include:
stool culture
serum albumin, CBC
Upper GI
Ba enema
Colonoscopy with biopsy
The Dx test of choice for detecting Crohn's disease is
Colonoscopy with biopsy
Dietary Management of the pt with Crohn's includes
TPN then high calorie, high protein and low residue
The antibiotic of choice for Crohn's disease is _____.
Drugs for Crohn's are the same as UC...
long-term and short-term anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids
A person with Crohn's disease can take anti-diarrheals because ____ is not an issue.
toxic megacolon
Remicade may be given for Crohn's disease but can cause ____ and _____.
thrombocytopenia and immunosuppression
Surgical Tx for Crohn's includes removal of ____ and ____.
obstructions and fistulas
Nsg care for Crohn's pt includes
care for diarrhea, fatigue, malabsorption/weight loss, multiple infections
Nurses should monitor the following for Crohn's patients
-CBC, albumin
-I and O
-Skin integrity
-diet and fluid intake
-ostomy care
Low residue diet means to avoid
-alcohol, prune juice
-whole grain breads, tolls, or cereal, breads or rolls with seeds, nuts, or bran
-desserts with dried fruits, nuts, seeds, coconut, rich pastries, pies,
-raw or cooked fruits, veggies
-tough or spiced meats
-fried foods
-flavored cheeses
-potato skins, potato chips, brown rice
-jam, marmalade
-chili sauce, popcorn, whole spices, olives, vinegar
Colorectal cancer is the ____ leading cause of cancer death in US.
Risk factors for colorectal cancer are
-high sat. fat- red meat diet
-family history
Nearly all tumors of colorectal cancer are adenomas rising from ____.
Most colorectal cancer occurs in the ___ and ____ areas.
sigmoid and rectal
Colorectal cancer is usually asymptomatic until it causes change in bowel habits because it is ______.
slow growing
Colorectal cancer spreads to
other GI organs, kidney, brain, and lungs
Symptoms of colorectal cancer include:
-change in bowel habits- diarrhea, constipation, or feeling of incomplete emptying
-bright red or dark blood in stool
-narrow or thin stools
-ABD discomfort, frequent gas pain, bloating, fullness, cramps
-unexplained wt loss, constant tiredness, unexplained anemia (iron deficiency)
Diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer include
annual digital rectal exam ___
annual guaiac testing for ____
flexible sigmoidoscopy every ___ years
colonoscopy every ____ years
Diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer include
annual digital rectal exam 40 and over
annual guaiac testing for 50 and over
flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
colonoscopy every 10 years
Other Dx tests for colorectal cancer include
CT and MRI
CBC is performed to
evaluate bleeding
CEA is performed to
evaluate prognosis, monitor Tx, and detect recurrence
Management of colorectal cancer includes:
-surgical resection of tumor and lymph nodes
-colon resection or colostomy
-radiation therapy (rectal
-chemotherapy- metastasis
-rectal Tx diff than colon
After colorectal Tx, the pt will have
serial CEA and colonoscopy 1 year post op and every 3-5 years after
Mechanical Causes of Intestinal obstructions include
Functional causes of intestinal obstruction include
Most intestinal obstructions occur in the ____ but can be anywhere in the intestines depending on the underlying cause.
Manifestations of intestinal obstructions are
-cramping/colicky pain
-abnormal bowel sounds
-distention, tenderness
-F and E loss
Bowel sounds in early intestinal obstruction are
high pitched, tinkling, hyperactive
Bowel sounds in late intestinal obstruction are
greatly diminished or absent
Nsg care for pt with intestinal obstruction includes:
-NPO/Ng tube management
-monitor F and E
-Pain management
-respiratory management
-monitor VS
Sac-like pockets of mucosa found in the muscular layer of the colon are called ____.
diverticular disease
Diverticular disease can be found anywhere in GI tract but most commonly found in the ____.
sigmoid region
Manifestations of diverticular disease include:
-LLQ pain (mild to severe, steady, cramping)
-increased constipation or diarrhea
-possible NV
-weakness and fatigue
-low grade fever
Complications associated with diverticular disease are
-perforation leading to peritonitis and/or abscess formation
-bowel obstruction
-fistula formation
-lower GI bleed
Dx tests for diverticular disease are
-CBC w/ differential
-hemocult testing
-flexible sigmoidoscopy/ colonoscopy
-CT scan
Tx for uncomplicated diverticular disease are
diet changes, high fiber
Tx for acute diverticular disease includes
bowel rest and IV antibiotics
Tx for complicated diverticular disease is
bowel resection
Nsg care for diverticular disease includes
-assess ABD q4h
-assess for LGI bleed, hemocults
-maintain IV flds, I and O, antibiotics
-pain management
-dietary modifications