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51 Cards in this Set

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becomes the dominant paradigm of American social science after after WWII, reflects economic prosperity of postwar recovery after austerity & sacrifice of war

Talcott Parsons

influenced modernization paradigm, studied in Germany in interwar period, interested in societies as constructed of a series of linked subsystems (cultural, political, economic, personality), scientific study and systematic analysis of social laws, certain variables can be identified to account for change

core dialectic of modernization paradigm

gemeinschaft vs. gesellschaft [Tonnies]

mechanical solidarity vs. organic solidarity [Durkheim]

traditional authority vs. legal/rational authority [Weber]

gemeinschaft (German sociologist Tonnies)*

different social structures carry multiple functions i.e. roles are functionally diffuse

eg. kinship structures family, religious activity, economic division of labor, political relationships

gesellschaft (German sociologist Tonnies)*

as societies develop, social structures become more specialized thru functional differentiation

eg. religion constitutes a separate domain from kinship and politics


character of the bonds btwn ppl in a society

mechanical solidarity (Durkheim)*

when a lineage divides (usually bc of competition for scarce resources), lineage fission will occur, the 2 new lineages will have same structure bc smaller units of society are functionally diffuse

organic solidarity (Durkheim)*

cohesion comes from interdependence of specialization/division of labor, society organized based on social contracts, roles become more functionally differentiated

traditional authority (Weber)

leaders inherit authority thru kinship or religious channels

legal rational authority (Weber)

designed to recruit leaders based on achieved ability rather than ascribed status, bureaucracy abstracts the role from the person


collection of rights, duties, competencies

What does gesellschaft/modernization help societies do (according to the theory)?

move from primordial affiliation of tribe to more abstract principled commitment to nation, allows ppl to transcend particularistic affiliations with ethnic groups and identify directly w/ nation (modernization integrates various sectors)

narrative structure/story of development/organic metaphor*

primitive is to civilized as child is to adult, similarities btwn life cycle of person and that of a society (derives from colonial paternalism, Victorian evolutionism), development takes ppl from traditional non-growth to modern growth

cultural relativity/specificity

necessity of disconnecting culture and race (American school of anthro pioneered by Boas) and of understanding cultures on their own terms

cultural configuration (Boas)

every culture has its own configuration of values, notions of space, time, personhood, have to take every culture on its own terms not in relation to western evolutionary scheme

Rhodes Livingstone Institute (from Ferguson)

applied research institute set up in Northern Rhodesia to provide info to govt & industry to aid emergence of new modern Africa, show that Africans perfectly capable of adapting to modern ways of life - not chroniclers of traditional ways of living, but rather "defenders of Africans' right to enjoy a modern, new one"

governmentality [Foucault]

discourses of govt under guise of technicality/rationality, which obscures the gov't's calculated means of directing how citizens behave

-but precisely bc the science claims to be neutral that it is so political, "invisible politics"

-in relation to demography we need to be aware of its historical origins

Malthusian demography*

science of pop control associated w/ rise of modernity in 18th cent, asserts that humans breed more quickly than carrying capacity of environment, resulting in resource scarcity and decline of living conditions

Malthusian theory as part of ruling ideology

combined statistics w/ high moralism of the conservative party, blaming victims by pointing to their natural/innate promiscuity and the need to amend their morals, reflects WASPs fear of "dangerous classes"

3 causes of decline in living conditions

1. overproduction of the young

2. inability of resources to keep up w/ rising pop

3. irresponsibility of lower classes, who lack moral fiber

Malthus' solution to pop growth

family size of lower classes ought to be regulated so poor families don't produce more kids than they can support, eradicate rural mentality of having as many kids as possible to support development cycle of domestic groups

positive checks on pop gorwth

not imposed by ppl, naturally occur eg. famine, disease

preventative checks on pop growth

imposed by ppl, postponement of marriage, eugenics, birth control

Malthus on the welfare state

any attempt to help poor by increasing their incomes/SoL would be canceled out by pop increases

demographic transition theory*

as countries become richer, mortality declines, ppl move to cities, fertility also declines as part of the "path to development"

the population bomb*

links pop explosion in 3rd world to fears of nuclear explosion in Cold War, playing on nat'l anxieties, helped justify work of Planned Parenthood

What does the World Bank do?

coordinates bilateral/multilateral aid which gives it the right to influence the policies of recipient nations, demand info on budgetary expenditures


policy requirements imposed by WB on countries to which it extends loans

structural adjustment*

austerity measures imposed by international aid agencies on debtor countries such as reduction of public spending in favor of private enterprise, currency deregulation

eg. WB forces Ugandan gov't to privatize state commercial bank & other inefficient state industries as a conditionality for loans

currency devaluation and middle class

completely wipes out middle class, massive inflation means real incomes declining, less purchasing power


Ugandan president, one of first African leaders in 1990s to shift from military to civilian rule, he/his advisors = leftist maoist revolutionaries turned pragmatists

- moved entire ethnic groups off land, impetus for rebel insurgency

Bandung Conference (1955)*

conference of Afro-Asiatic nations that served as third world rallying cry for newly formed nations and defined their position of non-alignment w/ west or east, allowing them to combine American and Soviet models of dev, central idea = catching up w/ west thru 3 pillars

3 pillars of Bandung Conference

I. Industrialization

II. Technological modernity (bureaucratic experts)

III. State centralization (efficiency)


distinctively Africanist form of socialist humanism, which fused colonial socialism w/ Catholic humanism, African cultural system as one of sharing, collectivism, created Afro-centric alternative to rational calculus of market capitalism


new notions of territory as spatial dimension of state authority, population seen as political dimension of state authority that gov't exercises w/i that territory

How did the Senegalese implement its collectivist agenda?

a. animaciones

b. establishment of cooperatives

c. creation of 1 party state

d. harmonization of bureaucracy


forcing ppl to attend rallies featuring pro-govt propaganda to whip up excitement about development process

bureaucratic harmonization

integration of diff bureaucratic sectors according to rational plan to create growth w/o free market

governmental populism (Gupta)

1971 Indira Gandhi advocates development for and by the ppl, her platform of removing poverty

oppositional populism (Gupta)

populism seized by farmers who wanted development to enter countryside in earnest, not just symbolically, represented by BKU

Bharatiya Kisan Union*

political party that serves as face of oppositional populism against Indira Gandhi's regime, alliance btwn richer and poorer peasant cultivators in northern India


"countryside", "little people", one side of the opposition btwn rural/traditional and urban/modern in which BKU framed its populist opposition to the state

The Green Revolution*

capital-intensive agricultural initiatives (eg. increased seed yields) that WB embarked upon in 1960s-70s during its war on poverty, intended to increase well being of ppl in developing countries by increasing ag profits, ending food shortages

Urban bias of Green Revolution

aid going to rural countryside effectively transferred to urbanites in terms of subsidies of modern development - cheaper food, health, education, electricity for cities

Atinga Cult*

appears in 1950s, group of diviners that hunts witches, seizes on ritual icons that represented women's reproductive power

vernacular phenomenologies of value

different forms of perceiving profit, how this is understood at local level and the set of terms/images/concepts deployed to understand it

economic growth as zero sum game

one person's profit is bc of someone else's loss

eg. negative value of witchcraft (conversion of blood into money)

fertility vs. witchcraft

human reproduction, what makes women more powerful than men, should maximize this


human consumption, should minimize this

lineage fission*

violent rupture of lineage often preceded by intensification of witchcraft accusations, lineage splits into 2 or more separate but structurally similar lineages (possible bc of mechanical solidarity and lack of functional differentiation in these societies)


son a wealthy woman can opt out of his father's descent group into mother's, perhaps bc there's chieftaincy attached to it, one way in which Yoruba market women could challenge the authority of their husbands

deficit production*

production at a loss, profit not reabsorbed into productive capital, but rather squandered on luxury consumption or siphoned off thru corruption, by which political elites turn economic capital into political capital

need to import everything, price of imports goes up, puts local producers out of biz