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77 Cards in this Set

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1. Navigation
Piloting of ship and vessels
2. Northwest Passage
Sea route in the North allowing for transportation between Asia and America.
3. Enlightenment
Also know as the Age of Reason when people began to think for themselves instead of relying on the church.
4. Mayflower Compact
First document to ensure self-government to the early colonist, Pilgrims.
5. Great Awakening
A wave or increase of religious interest during the 1730's - 1740's.
6. Iroquois Nation
Native American league of 6 tribes in the Northeast.
7. Confederacy
League of Friendship formed on common interest or goal.
8. Jamestown
First permanent English colony.
9. Roanoke Island
Lost colony which did not receive promised assistance.
10. Indentured Servant
Person who exchanges the cost of passage to America for 7 year service.
11. Subsistence Farming
Farming which supplied just enough food for family to survive.
12. Colony
Settlement in America established for the benefit of the mother country.
13. Immigrant
A person who moves to a new country.
14. The House of Burgesses
Law making body formed during early colonization in Virginia.
15. The Triangle Trade
A common trade route between the West Indies, America, and Africa.
16. The Writs of Assistance
Allowed British officials to conduct searches without warrants.
17. Boycott
Refusing to buy goods or deal with a given country.
18. Embargo
Government prohibition on trade.
19. The Proclamation Line of 1763
Western Boundary established for the colonist after the revolutionary war.
20. The Stamp Act
Tax on newspapers and documents by the British Parliament.
21. Quartering Act
Forced Colonist to house and feed British Soldiers.
22. The Boston Massacre
An exchange of gunfire between the British soldiers and the American colonist during a protest by the colonist.
23. The Boston Tea Party
Colonist dump a shipment of tea sent by the British.
24. Intolerable Acts
Passed in 1774 to punish colonist because of the Boston Tea Party.
25. First Continental Congress
Meeting of delegates to discuss common concerns or problems with the British Government.
26. Militia
Group of common men who volunteered to fight in the name of independence.
27. Common Sense
Pamphlet written by Thomas Pain persuading the colonist to become an independent nation.
28. The Declaration of Independence
A document claiming America's Independence from Britain.
29. Yorktown
Location of the last battle of the American Revolution war where Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington.
A. Loyalist

B. Patriot
A. Person who was faithful to mother country

B. Person who supported the idea of a separate new nation.
31. Treaty of Paris
Treaty signed, ending American Revolution
32. Articles of Confederation
Americans first Constitution, written by First Continental Congress; established a league of friendship between the colonies
33. Virginia Plan
Called for representation based on population
34. New Jersey Plan
Called for on representative for each state.
35. 3/5 Compromise
Counted only 3/5 of the states enslaved population.
36. Great Compromise
Called for two house on Congress; one based on population (Representatives) and one sending two representatives from each state (Senators).
37. Anti-Federalist
Group of Individuals who opposed the Constitution.
38. Ratify
To approve by vote.
39. Preamble
The Introduction which states the 6 goals of the Constitution of the United States.
40. Philadelphia
City where the Constitutional Convention was held.
41. Amendment
A change to a document.
42. Republic
Government that has elected representatives to represent the people.
43. Constitution
Document creating a plan to form a government.
44. System of Check and Balances
Gives authority to each branch of government over the other to maintain an equal balance.
45. Legislative Branch
Makes and passes laws
46. Executive Branch
Carries out the laws made by the Legislative Branch.
47. Judicial Branch
Interprets the fairness of the laws made by the Legislative Branch.
48. Magna Carta
An English document limiting the power of the king.
49. Bill of Rights
First 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
50. Sovereignty
Means to power or rule.
51. Congress
Name given to the House of Representatives and Senate.
52. House of Representatives
Number is based state populations.
53. Senate
Each state sends 2 representatives
54. A. Sectionalism

B. Nationalism
A. Having great pride in one's region.

B. Having great pride in one's country.
55. The Alamo
Battle fought between Texans and Mexicans over Texas.
56. Monroe Doctrine
Closed the Western Hemisphere to further European Colonization.
57. War of 1812
America fought England on American soil and at sea over trade and sea power.
58. Explorers sent by Thomas Jefferson to map the land west of the Mississippi River (Louisiana Purchase)
Lewis and Clark
59. Land Route to the Oregon Territory
Oregon Trail
60. Why did South Carolina decide to secede or leave the Union?
President Lincoln was elected.
61. What was the name of the war where states in the North fought with states in the South?
The American Civil War.
62. An agreement where California joins th e American Union, New Mexico and Utah gain Popular Sovereignty, Fugitive laws are passed, and slave trade in Washington D.C. is Banned.
The Compromise of 1850
63. Bloodiest battle of the Civil War: Was the turning point in the war
The Battle of Gettysburg
64. Act issued by President Lincoln declaring slavery illegal
The Emancipation Proclamation
65. Homes and tunnels used as hiding places for runaway slaves escaping to freedom
The Underground Railroad
66. Abolished Slavery (ended Slavery)
The 13th Amendment
67. When goods are produced in mass quantity in a small amount of time
Mass Production
68. Era (time) when factories and machines were used in mass production.
The Industrial Revolution
69. The man fro England who memorized and brought the plans to create a mill.
Samuel Slater
70. The explosion of an American Ship was the immediate cause of the Spanish-American War.
U.S.S. Maine
71. Islands occupied by the United States forcing the Spanish out.
Philippines Islands
72. The U.S. added the territory of Hawaii
Annexed (to add)
73. Yellow Journalism played a key role in public opinion
74. Who are the nativist who resist U.S. occupation of their islands
75. Who Starts the "gunboat diplomacy"
Theodore Roosevelt
76. What is the name of the canal completed in 1905 in Central America .
The Panama Canal
77. Taking Control of another country's economic and political affairs is called...