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24 Cards in this Set

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TIA's five-year goal is the
"total reinvention of technologies for storing and accessing information ... although database size will no longer be measured in the traditional sense, the amounts of data that will need to be stored and accessed will be unprecedented, measured in petabytes."
Total Information Awareness
It's a system which will ferret out terrorists' information signatures -- clues available before an attack, but usually not correctly interpreted until afterwards.
Undersecretary of Defense Pete Aldridge has publicly stated that TIA will involve discovery of connections between __________ and ______.
"discovery of connections between TRANSACTIONS -- such as passports; visas; work permits; driver's license; credit card; airline tickets; rental cars; gun purchases; chemical purchases -- and EVENTS-- such as arrest or suspicious activities and so forth."
TIA's "Bio-Surveillance" program will
collect data from grocery store sales, pharmacy databases, school absentee databases, animal surveillance networks, and veterinarian and health care records
What invests heavily in the development of biometric surveillance technologies like facial, iris, expression, and gait recognition.

a. datamining
b. datveillance
c. dataservation
d. both A and B
e. both A and C
d. both Data mining and dataveillance
The primary distinction in Perl is not between data types (e.g. string, integer, real) but rather between _______ and ______ data.
“singular” and “plural” data.
Singular (scalar):
strings and numbers

Plural (array):
lists of strings or numbers

T/F: Perl variables do need to be predefined
False, perl variables Do Not need to be predefined
the $ tells Perl that this is a(n)
a. array
b. scalar
c. hash
d. subroutine
e. typeglob
b. scalar

@ tells Perl that this is a
a. array
b. scalar
c. hash
d. subroutine
e. typeglob
a. array
% tells Perl that this is a(n)
a. array
b. scalar
c. hash
d. subroutine
e. typeglob
c. hash
& tells Perl that this is a(n)
a. array
b. scalar
c. hash
d. subroutine
e. typeglob
d. subroutine
* tells Perl that this is a(n)
a. array
b. scalar
c. hash
d. subroutine
e. typeglob
e. typeglob
T/F Arrays in Perl are not zero-based like C.
False, Perl arrays are Zero-Based like C
To assign a value (or list of values) to an array, simply group them together is a
An unordered set of scalars, accessed by some string value associated with each scalar is a
The Chop command does what?
The Chop command will indiscriminately remove (and return) the last character of the string.
T/F: pop (array, value-list) adds element(s) to the end of the array.
False, Push adds elements to the end of the array
T/F: push (array) removes the last element from the end of an array.
False, Pop removes the last element form the end of an array
T/F: substr(str, start-pos, length) returns a substring of the specified string, beginning at the start position for the length specified.
T/F: substr(str, start-pos, length) = string replace the specified section of the string with the assigned string.
T/F: Scripting is not a critical part of the security business
False, scripting is critical to the security business
T/F: Scripting is used in many legacy applications