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25 Cards in this Set

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A major extinction that included all dinosaurs except birds occur at____1____ end of the ___2___
1. K-T boundary
2. Mesozoic
Major Current theories for extinction of Dinosaurs, (2)
1. World Wide Cooling of Climates
2. Impact of a large meteorite whose dust may have caused sudden cooling and lack of sunlight.
Evidence for meteorite impact in K-T boundary rocks: (4)
A. High iridium spike in boundary clays
B. Possible impact site Yucatan Mexico
C. Mircrotektites
D. Shocked Quartz
High iridium spike in boundary clays is :
important because iridium is otherwise rare on Earth, but concentration of it is found at the clay boundry
Possible impact site:
Yucatan, Mexico
Shocked Quartz is
crystal matrix deformed under pressure
hardened blobs of molten meteorite thrown into atmosphere
Extinction and opportunity

The evolution of synapsids has been strongly affected by major extinctionsey:
1. At the end of the Paleozoic (Permian-Triassic boundary)
2. The K-T boundary. When all dinosaurs except birds went extinct at the K-T boundary,
mammals had the opportunity to begin an adaptive radiation that continues today.

the only snapsids to survive the triassic were mammals
Major defining feature is the presence of a single pair of positioned temporal fenestrae (openings) on the skull behind the eye
Early synapsids
The best known of these included several groups of "sail backs", with a membrane covering elongated vertebral spines
Early synapsids

Probable function of "sail backs" structure:
increased their body surface area for picking up and getting rid of heat by this membrane-covered structure.

This more mammal-like group included:
1. numerous herbivores
2. several groups of carnivores

The temporal fenestrae are typically__1__ in therapsids
1. larger
Mammals - evolved from carnivorous therapsids called __1__ in the late Triassic
Important Mammal Characters (9)
1. Hair for insulation and mammary glands for nutrition of young.
2. Differentiated teeth for complex chewing
3. Limited tooth replacement.
4. A single bone in the lower jaw, the dentary.
5. Three bones in the middle ear to improve hearing
6. Secondary Plate
8. Posture less sprawled and increasingly upright
9. Enlarged brain
Important Mammal Characters

1. Hair for insulation and mammary glands for nutrition of young

in refernce of fossils
Neither structure is usually preserved in fossils, though fossil hair has been found in a few special cases.
Important Mammal Characters

2. Differentiated teeth for complex chewing: (4)
1. Incisors
2. Canines
3. Premolars
4. Molars
Important Mammal Characters

4. A single bone in the lower jaw, the dentary.
This bone articulates with the squamosal on the skull to form the mammalian jaw joint.
Important Mammal Characters

5. Three bones in the middle ear to improve hearing
1. malleus and incus, hammer?

2. The transition of the articular and quadrate to malleus and incus is well documented through both fossils and embryological development of modern mammals
A classic case of evolutionary change in homologous structure:Diarthrognathus
a fossil theraspid close to mammals with two jaw joints
Important Mammal Characters

6. Secondary Plate
1. separates the air passage from food during chewing, thus allowing mammals to eat and breathe at the same time

2. helpful for the higher food and oxygen requirements necessitated by endothermy (metabolically controlled constant temperature)
Important Mammal Characters

7. Diaphragm
1. makes breathing more efficient

(a shortened ribcage indicates this in fossils)
Important Mammal Characters

8. Posture less sprawled and increasingly uprightng
walking, able to use forearms for other purposes
Important Mammal Characters

9. Enlarged brain
1. Neocortex: the anterior region
2. greater intelligence
Mesozoic Mammals
1. Most remained small
2. probably nocturnal insectivores to the end of the Cretaceous
3. developed unusual adaptations respectively for digging, gliding, beaver-like swimming, and rodent-like feeding