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38 Cards in this Set

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Sociology is the science or discipline that studies what?

Societies, social groups, relationships between people

What is sociology NOT focused on?

The individual (this is what psychology is focused on)

What is the humanistic approach to sociology?

Using sociology as a means to advance human welfare

Seeking self-realization, the full development of a cultivated personality, or improvement of the social condition is considered what approach to sociology?


What is the scientific perspective of sociology?

Acquiring objective empirical knowledge (experiences or observations that can be measured or counted)

Belief that one must be concerned with "what is" and not with "What should be" is what approach to sociology?


Is it possible to integrate both humanistic and scientific perspectives in sociology?

Yes - or at least some sociologists attempt to

What is known as the quality of mind required to understand ourselves in relation to society?

Sociological imagination

Expanding the role of freedom, choice, and conscious decision in history, is the aim of what?

The quality of mind known as the "sociological imagination"

The sociological imagination expresses which aspect of the sociological perspective?

Humanistic aspect

Who do we attribute the idea of the "sociological imagination" to?

C. Wright Mills

What is one of the main differences between sociology and the other natural sciences?

Its explanations cannot be precise enough to express universal laws that are applicable to any thing or event under all circumstances

What is the defining difference between sociology and the other social sciences?

The "social"

Who coined the term sociology? In what year?

Auguste Comte


What did Auguste Comte say are the three stages of every science?

Theological stage

Metaphysical stage

Positive stage

In what stage of development do scientists look to the supernatural realm for explanations of what they observed?

Theological stage

In what stage of development do scientists look to the real world for explanations of what they have observed?

Metaphysical stage

In what stage of development do scientists search for general ideas or laws?

Positive stage

What can be said about Comte and his ideas about a science of society?

He was ahead of his time

What influence did Lester War and William Graham have on the general interest of American sociology?

Began to concentrate on narrower and more specific social problems

Where did George Herbert Mead originate the field of social psychology?

University of Chicago

What areas did Robert Park and Ernest Burgess focus on in the 20th century?

The city, and social problems such as crime, drug addiction, prostitution, and juvenile delinquency

Who was the first to advocate grand theory?

Talcott Parsons

What concept of society does grand theory form?

As a stable system of interrelated parts

Which viewpoint/concern has dominated the thinking of sociologists since the 1970s?


What theory proceeds from concrete observations to the inference of general conclusions?

Inductive theory

What theory proceeds from general ideas, knowledge, or understanding to specific hypotheses?

Deductive theory

What approach includes the perspectives of symbolic interaction, dramaturgy, and ethnomethodology?


Which approach studies the process where humans attach meaning to their lives?


The work of Mead and Blumer gave rise to what approach?


What is the notion that humans shape their world and are shaped by social interaction called?

The social construction of reality

What is Ervin Goffman's dramaturgical approach?

Social interaction is a series of episodes or human dramas in which we are "actors" playing roles

What approach is concerned with questions such as (1) whose interests are expressed within social arrangements? and (2) who benefits or suffers from such arrangements?

Conflict theory/the conflict paradigm

What approach/theory are Coser, Dahrendorf, and Mills associated with?

Conflict theory

Who said that conflict may have positive as well as disturbing effects?


Emile Drukheim and Herbert Spencer inspired what?

Functionalism (structural functionalism)

What approach views society as being analogous to a living organism where each part helps to stabilize the whole?

Structural functionalism

When did Robert Park and Ernest Burgess focus on social problems in cities?

Early 20th century (1900s)