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8 Cards in this Set

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1. Background, where and why?

-4 mile strip that separates Northern and Southern Greece

-Ships would be lugged across that part of land, saves 200 miles from the trip

-City was filled with immorality

-Corinthiazesthai - to behave like a corinthian, it was a degrading term to be called that

-it's a manual for believers, what happens when the world gets in the church

-Written approx. A.D. 35

2. List the four types of Unity and their definition
a. Union –when you have affiliation withsomeone but not a bond that creates an oneness of heart.

b. Uniformity – when things look/said/donethe same but there isn’t necessarily an inward agreement with their outwardactions.

c. Unanimity – this is agreement rightacross the board, inward and outward. Robotic

d. Unity – emphasis an oneness of heart,and agreement of purpose. They may still disagree on things or have debate butthey have a common vision and purpose.

3. Know the three roles of the Spirit.
a. Revelation – God to man

b. Inspiration – Man to paper

c. Illumination – Paper to heart

4. Know the 6 different “meats”
a. Atonement – to change, go from enmity tofellowship (Romans 5:11)

b. Redemption – to release on payment(Romans 3:24)

c. Regeneration – personal new birth(Matthew 19:28)

d. Justification – Acquitted of the charges(Romans 4:25)

e. Substitution – His life for ours (2Corinthians 5:21)

f. Propitiation – Appeased the wrath of God(1 John 2:2)

5. Paraphrase 1 Corinthians 4:1+2
a. People should see believers andknow they are servants of Christ who are working hard for Him. It is a mandatethat they can be trusted by people and are faithful in all that they say anddo.
6. Know the four steps of discipline and explain them.
a. "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ…”: God wants us to give correction and do it Biblically, doing it inHis name and not in our own anger, pride, spite, revenge, etc.…

b. “When ye are gathered together…”: whensin is public it warrants public discipline within the body of the church. Whenwe come together it’s a reminder of our unity of thought and purpose.

c. “With the power or our Lord Jesus Christ.”: What we do for God must be done in His name but then also in Hispower as well.

d. “To deliver such a one unto Satan”: deliveringone unto Satan doesn’t mean sending them to hell or kicking them out of thechurch but not to have intimate fellowship with them, not to in any way besupporting their sin that they aren’t correcting. These people should be talkedto an encouraged to do right though.

7. Know the four disputes and references.
a. It discredits the wisdom of God’s people: (6:5)

b. It discredits the testimony of God’s people: (6:6)

c. It destroys the fellowship between God’s people: (6:7)

d. It discredits the work of God within us. (6:8-11)

8. Know the three things that God has done for us upon salvation.
a. Washed: Speaks of our purity.b. Sanctified: Speaks of our practice.c. Justified: speaks of our position.