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42 Cards in this Set

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Preload = The degree of stretching experience by the V msks during Vdiastole (after atrial contraction). Proportional to EDV; affects ability to produce tension.
Afterload = The pressure that a chamber of the heart must generate in order to eject blood. big AL = longer isovolm contraction = shorter ventricular ejection = larger ESV = small SV
During diastole, a small change in ventricular pressure will have a large effect on what?
In diastole, a small change in ventricular pressure will have a large effect on ventricular volume (small increase in Ped = large increase in Ved)
What determines the pressure of a ventricle during diastole? When is this not true?
During diastole the pressure of a ventricle is determined by the venous pressure, except when there is stenosis.
Pvein = PRELOAD = major determinant of Ved
What does the body do in response to a decrease in cardiac compliance? What effect (long & short) does this have?
if cardiac compliance falls then the body will increase venous pressure to ensure that the heart still fills (ie an increase in venous P = increase in Ved). This rise in venous pressure will cause congestion and eventually remodeling of the ventricles.
What 6 factors affect venous return?
1. blood volume
2. compliance of veins (controlled by sympathetics)
3. Axial muscle activity
4. venous contractions and valves
5. gravity
6. negative thoracic pressure
with regards to cardiac ouput, two factors are kept relatively fixed while a third factor is varied (to determine CO). What are these factors?
P aorta and Pveins are kept relatively fixed, Total Periph Resistance varies and in doing so determines CO.
When/why are some pt's given diuretics? Why do you need to be careful when diuresing these pts?
If the renin-angio-aldost system detects a fall in Bp (d/t less compliant vent) it can respond by increasing the blood volume, which in turn increase the ED pressure. This is often treated with diuretics but you must be careful not to drop venous pressure too low b/c elevated venous pressures are required to fill the less compliant ventricles.
How does compliance affect P-V relationships?
High compliance (in arteries): need a BIG change in P to affect Volume
Low compliance (in veins): need a little change in P = BIG change in Volume
What keeps blood moving when the heart is in diastole?
The stored pressure energy that's in the walls of the arteries.
Resistance is inversely proportional to ________ and directly proportional to ______. (xtics of b.vessels)
Therefore a small change in _____ will cause a big change in ________.
Resistance inversely P to radius^4
directly proportional to length.
A small change in diameter will cause a big change in resistance
What affect does increasing radius have on resistance and flow?
Increasing radius will decrease resistance and increase flow by the same factor.
What happens to flow,resistance and pressure as you add b.vessels in parallel?
As you add pipes in parallel the total flow increases, the resistance falls, and the pressure difference across the pipes doesn't change too much.
E.g add 3 pipes = 3Q, R/3
What causes local control of TPR? ie what triggers dilation, constriction and both?
dilation: adenosine, CO2, low pH
constriction: high O2, high pH
Temp: both
What two mechanisms provide upstream, intrinsic regulation of arterioles?
1. Myogenic dilation: low Bp = dilation (increases radius, less resistance, more flow and more pressure)
2. Sheer stress response: blood flowing past causes release of NO = vasodilation
For a fixed CO, if TPR falls, what will happen to Part?
A drop in TPR means that several collateral vessels have opened and thus blood will flow too quickly from A --> V. The heart must compensate by increasing CO to shift blood back into the arteries (until it does so, there is a transient drop in Part!)
What are the 3 intrinsic responses to a drop in TPR? (ie how does body compensate?)
1. The Pveins goes up from blood shifting A --> V
2. The increased Pveins = higher preload = higher Ved = bigger SV / CO
3. Low Part = low afterload = bigger SV and CO

** These changes can only compensate so much!! P art will still be at least a little low!!
What happens when you eat a big meal? What are the intrinsic and extrinsic responses of the body? (2 intrinsic/innate and 3 extrinsic)
TPR falls b/c splanchnic bed opens up!
-P veins rises = preload goes up = Ved bigger
- Part falls = lower afterload = lower Ves

Extrinsice: Symp activation
- increase in TPR
- decrease in venous compliance = raises P veins
- increased HR (also d/t loss of psymp), shifts ESPVR leftward
When you exersize, you get the same hemodynamic effects as when you eat, except what?
Increased motor neuron activity causes stimulates the symp system and resets the baroreceptors to higher threshold
What is the formula to calculate MAP?

MAP - P veins =
MAP = 2/3Dbp + 1/3Sbp

MAP - Pveins = CO x TPR = HR x SV x TPR
What are the 3 cardiac determinants of MAP?
1. HR: when high CO goes up and so does MAP
2. Ved: high when heart has high compliance and this increases SV/CO thus raising MAP
3. Ves: is ESPVR shifts Left, Ves falls and CO/SV go up, raising MAP
What are the 2 vascular determinants of MAP
1. TPR: both the # and the size of the arterioles. When TRP is high MAP is high.
2. P veins: when the compliance of the veins falls, their pressure rises and this increases CO/SV = higher MAP
What are the 4 short term sources of MAP control?
1. Baroreceptors - when stimulated they activate the symps = Increased HR, [Ca], Bvolume, and TPR. Decreased Venous compliance, ejection time, parasymp activity. If chronic stimulation, the Breceptors will think high Bp is normal and raise their threshold
2. Stretch receptors - in veins and atria. If Bvolume goes up, symps get activated to transfer blood from V --> A
3. Metabolites - if the MAP goes up, the tissue get better perfused, [metabolites] go down, vessels contract and TPR goes up
4. Myogenic response: increased MAP causes constriction of the Resist arteries, causing an increase in TPR.
** 3 & 4 can contribute to hypertension!
Why is the blood supply to the kidneys comparable to a portal system?
B/c blood goes from afferent arteriole, to the glomerulus capillaries, to the efferent arteriole, to the peritubular capillaries (loop of Henle comes off this) to the vein.
how/where is pressure controlled in the nephron?
the efferent arteriole can constrict/dilate to adjust the amount of pressure in the peritubular capillaries, where the hydrostatic pressure is usually low and the oncotic pressure is high.
What regulates pressure in the aff & eff arterioles of the nephron? (3)
1. myogenic response
2. JGM aparaturs
3. Angiotensinogen II and sympathetics
How do the beta receptors of the heart respond to chronic stimulation by the sympathetic system?
They phosphorylate B1 receptors and this inactivates them . Protective mechanism but interferes with regulation of CO.
What are 4 causes of L ventricular failure?
1. CAD leading to an MI
2. Valvular heart disease (mitral)
3. Chronic HTN
4. Diseased heart muscle (e.g. myocarditis)
What's the difference between stable and unstable angina?
Stable - atherosclerosis causing ischemic pain that is relieved with rest.
Unstable - when pain occurs even at rest (clot gets superimposed on plaque)
What type of disfunction is caused by cardiac hypertrophy? What causes this condition? How does the body respond?
What are the 3 main symptoms/treatment?
Diastolic dysfunction w/o afterload demand.
Genetic defect in proteins, collagen, etc, such that cardiac muscles can't generate enought force. Body responds by stimulating hypertrphy. This lowers Ved (low complnc & chamber size) and obstructs blood ejection.
-angina; effort induced syncope; SOB d/t poor diastolic compliance of L vent.
Give B-blockers, and Ca-chnl blockers.
What is responsible fore the decrease in SV in pt's with heart failure?
1. Weakness of muscle (d/t MI or genetics)
2. Ineffective contraction of myocytes, d/t fibrotic tissue
3. Dilation of ventricle will increase radius and decrease the pressure in the ventricle.
What happens to the diastolic functioning of pt's with heart failure?
diastolic impairment (curve shifts upward) b/c fibrotic and hypertrophied tissue is non-compliant, results in a lower Ved.
Why do heart failure pt's have reduced exercise tolerance?
B/c they are using their cardiac reserve at rest. If they increase their HR this will actually lower their CO b/c of their diastolic/filling failures.
What causes vascular remodeling and what is the consequence to the local tissues?
Persistent and chronic sympathetic stimulation and AgII activation leads to vconst which a decrease in perfusion to the tissues.
Class I : Na chnl blockers & Na/K blockers
Used for what?
Potential danger?
Arrythmias, especially those caused by ischemia (tachy/triggered)
Use-dependance - will bind to the channels in cells that are firing more frequently and inactivate the Na channels = reduced excitability = antiarrhythmic.
** can prolong AP duration and this increases the risk of a re-entry or circus arrythmia.
What type of arrythmia are B-blockers used for? How does this arrhythmia develop?
For triggered arrhythmias that occur as a result of excessive [Ca]. When the level of [Ca] gets too high you can have spontaneous release, into the cell and the Ca pumped out in xchange for a 3Na (=net +1) leading to cell depol and AP firing and propagation.
Also cause a suppression of symp response.
Class III: K+ channel blockers
Used for what?
Used for A-fib, and other tachycardias.
Prolong cellular repolarization by inactivating the K+ channels, thus slowing the eflux of K+ from the cell. They can prevent circus/re-entry arrhythmias b/c by the time the depol signal arrives back at the originating cell, that cell will still be depolarizing (inexcitable).
Dangerous in that they can promote triggered arrhythmias - the longer the time between AP's the greater the chance that enough spontaneous events will happen to trigger an AP.
Class IV: Ca++ channel blockers
Use? why?
Primarily for HTN and angina b/c vdilate the resistance arterioles and the heart vessels. Only used for nodal arrythmias b/c they preferentially bind to Ca channels there.
What is the difference between flutter and atrial fibrilation?
Fibrillation occure where there are migrating, random areas of depolarization in the heart. It is so random and uncoordinated that no pressure is generated and people die.
Flutter - regularly irregular arrhythmia, is a triggered arrhythmia. Ventricular flutter is survivable.
What is digitalis used for? What does it do?
DIgoxin blocks Na/Ca channels thus causing a build-up of Ca in SER. This promotes relaxation and increases the strength of the contraction. It also slows the HR by increasing vagal tone (reduces the rate of electrical signals through the AV node thus making it useful in supravent tachy!)
When would you use adrenergic agonists? Why?
These are used when the heart is very weak, ie in emergencies (used to keep person alive) and post cardiac transplant Sx. Will increase strength of contraction
Most diuretics work by blocking what 2 things?
What are the physiological effects of this
Diuretics block Na+ retention and inhibit aldosterone. This reduces fluid volume = lower mean filling pressure = reduced venous pressure = reduced tissue edema.
How do vasodilators increase CO?
What are some examples of these drugs?
CCB effects on ESPVR curve? why?
They decrease TPR and this reduces afterload and BP = increase cardiac output.
ACE inhibitors will block the vcon effects of Ang II
CCB: preferentially block Ca entry into vascular smooth muscles = prevent constriction. Also bind to nodal cells and slow their rate of firing. ** will shift the ESPVR curve R b/c some effect on heart myocytes**